Redesign Of USA Political Party Dialectics

Chaitanya Jyothi Museum Opening, 2000

RAMANAM In nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti.  Amen. Countrymen,


My take on this is that Ds and Rs both, but especially Ds, are undergoing redesign of their nature and therefore alliances and policies.  I think it will be years for them sorting out who they are and what they intend.

Hussein Obama and his acolytes belong to the senescence of an ideology and its corresponding political structures, not to an emergence of them.  Correlatively, universities mauled by lowlife administrators and fetid faculties indicate the death of an education system, not the birth of one.  Again, attorneys diminishing one profession to blood-sucking and clergy mangling another into marketing are endings of things, not beginnings.

Hussein Obama perfectly represented and still represents very many facets of a political order, domestic and global, that is passing away, its utility exhausted.  He could not operate in a healthy country with strong politics.

Americans are in process of finding-making a fresh political dialectic to represent their interests.  That means fresh political parties.  Pelosi and McConnell and their teams I am sure sense if not even see this phenomenon, or some of it, and are hoping, Lord, let it be me, one last time, please.

Meanwhile, younger Americans — and not a few military veterans — with willingness to reconnoiter in force and close with an enemy are entering both parties, and these, over years, will bury the Hussein Obama era’s spent names and lifeless forms to make new ones.

I should think someone with the welfare of the nation at heart would want to help them, in whatever party name they choose to wear, think through who the nation is, what the nature of nature is, and what the founders actually got right regarding both.

Popcorn — i.e., speculating a blood-sport — at a time like this strikes me as wasting time and irresponsible.  As does schadenfreude.

Previously I have treated of a second political party and the so-called D-R UniParty:

The D-R UniParty

The Republican Party

A USA Second Political Party

The Media Are A Political Party

A Great Day For Patriotism And Political Philosophy

The American Party: Announcement Of Identity — DRAFT

Taxonomy Of US Political Parties: Sociopaths In The White House And Congress

With respect, Sundance, I believe your logic is incomplete. You know Ds and Rs are a UniParty, yet you speak of another party as a would-be third party. It would be a second party. Cheney is showing that there is at the moment only one party, the one party you yourself have identified now for many years, and rightly so.

SCOTUS demonstrated the same fact of D-R UniParty, as do the heads and sub-heads of Executive Branch agencies. USA has been under one-party governance rule for two decades at least, save four years when POTUS Trump was in office instead of, as now, in exile. I do not understand why you do not understand this, that another party would be a second party, not a third party. It begs to me as such simple logic.

Related: a few days ago you wrote of POTUS Trump losing the 2020 election for POTUS. But he did not lose it, he won it. Again, I do not understand why you do not understand that and stick by saying the truth. Is your strength to bind your consciousness to the truth so weak? I want not to believe that it is.

My friend, it is time to think to solutions, look for opportunities. We do not need more redundant rehearsal of problems. We know what they are. Rehearsing them now is outrage porn. For example: we need a generation or five of children reared and wanting to have good character. To make that happen, mothers and fathers — especially mothers — must, among other things, revere the homeschool and respect the five professional guilds: Theology, Medicine, Military Arts, Law, Pedagogy.

You keep comms open. This is a wonderful service. I urge their use for adducing solutions, not repeating known problems.

Peter Savodnik: The Rise of the Republican Class Warrior

Βασιλεία του Θεού Kingdom of God


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