Wealth And Energy Beget Repose

Chaitanya Jyothi Museum Opening, 2000

In nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti.  Amen.



We have noted that the wealth of a nation is her land (geography), families (morality) and constitution (system of law).  A nation’s wealth is the root, branch and fruit of her sovereignty.  Yet, to be enjoyed, used and useful, something inside that wealth must throw it in motion.  That something is energy.

Money can sit in a bank, and that is wealth.  But it is dormant and, if the bank is ungenerous or failing, that money is not having kittens or is losing fecundity, so to speak.

For wealth to matter, meaning, for it to be respected, it must work and, specifically, work to expand its power to expand itself.  Either the bank has to pay the customer for harboring their wealth or the customer has to invest their wealth in some project that expands its amount.  Only then does wealth matter.  Recall the Parable of the Talents.  Wealth not enjoyed and increased through its enjoyment is dead weight, garbage.

Where a nation is concerned, God is the bank, her land, families and constitution are her wealth and the nation herself is the bank’s customer.  The nation is the energy who, inside her wealth in the bank, throws that wealth in motion with a view to increasing its amount.

The amount and movements of a nation’s wealth are the measure of her prestige.  The prestige of a nation is the measure of her sovereignty.  A nation protects and expands her wealth in order to maintain her sovereign independence.  Her prestige is a nation’s best protection, her most reliable guarantor of existence.

The wealth of a nation is a masculine principle.  The nation herself is a feminine principle.  The structure and energy — or what is the same thing, the power and fecundity — these principles are naturally generate more wealth, more prestige and more sovereignty embodied as individual citizens, groups of citizens and the nation herself.

Put wealth and energy together and you get kittens, so to speak: more wealth and more energy.  This is what God sees and calls Good.  Good is Natural.  And who is against being natural, even getting back to nature?

Litters of kittens generated by the confluence of wealth and energy are what God does for a living.  In ordinary parlance, those kittens are called repose.  The purpose of life is repose in the divine gift of wealth and the divine labor of increasing it.  This is called, also, pro-creation: that which precedes a bringing-into-existence.

Some nations regard themselves as a fatherland.  Most nations regard themselves as a motherland.  Strictly speaking, the nation herself is a motherland (energy) and her wealth is a fatherland (structure).  They are a team.  The one does not exist without the other.  And they pull together to produce repose for both and a new creation as well.

When one speaks of patriotism, one references increasing the wealth of a nation.  When one speaks of nationalism, one references guarding a nation’s racial and/or religious singularity.  Americans are patriotic, they are not nationalistic because they are neither uni-racial nor uni-religious and have no hagiography or intention of being either.

Europeans, Chinese, Arabs and Africans cannot fathom Americans’ patriotism because they are nationalists, race-oriented, or, what comes to the same thing, tribe-oriented.  Americans reject migrants sweeping across their borders because most of them barge in intending to make USA uni-racial and/or uni-religious, like what they had back home … where now they want not to live!

Is a nation’s wealth entirely tangible?  Certainly not.  Her deepest and broadest wealth is the spirit of a nation’s citizens and groups of citizens: their self-confidence, their moral energy, their intellectual strength, their contentment, their repose.  A nation’s spirit reflects the depth and breadth of her wealth and the amount and movements of that wealth measure a nation’s prestige, which is the best guarantor of a nation’s sovereign independence.

A citizen can lose money, remuneration, status, family even, and live.  A citizen cannot live without moral energy or intellectual strength.  A citizen cannot live with a broken spirit, bereft of prestige.  A nation of broken citizens is someone else’s slave state, no nation at all.  Ultimately, all wealth is spirit embodied in tangibles.  The largest and most complex of those tangibles is the nation state, a people of common political philosophy not race-or religion-based.

Now, a question arises: what is to be done with increasing amounts of national wealth?  Whose is it?  Who decides to throw it in motion?  To what end, and how?

Increasing amounts of wealth belong to the individual citizens, groups of citizens or the nation herself who produced them.  An increase in wealth belongs to the one(s) who increased it, the enterprising.  An individual owns the fruits of their labors.  They can renounce those fruits but they cannot disown them.  Ditto a group of individuals, such as a corporation, an NGO, a city, a county, a state, a nation.  Whoever produces wealth owns it, and not the tangible wealth assets only.  In the same way, whoever diminishes wealth or does not throw it in motion owns the consequences.

Every person has wealth by virtue of their embodied personhood.  Every group has wealth by virtue of its being called into existence by persons.  Every person and group therefore is obliged to increase the wealth they have or suffer punishment for unnatural behavior.  Whoever has wealth is obliged to throw it in motion for the purpose of increasing its amount.  All must work.

How to do that?  By initiative.  By enterprise.  This is where moral courage and intellectual strength enter stage right and left to shape the drama of life to a happy and prestigious finale … or a mean and simpering one.  Life’s vector of travel hinges on initiative, on boldness.

Tremendous risk is irreducible because, with few exceptions, individuals and especially groups learn little from the past, confront little of the present and see little of the future.  Man’s cognitive and volitional assets — his emotions, his intellect and his freedom of will — exceed in power those of any animal, but they are tied to a staked rope, so to speak, a longer, more forgiving and more complex staked rope than restricts animals, but a staked rope nonetheless.

Recall Job’s tirade against and capitulation to the terms of his finitude.  No creature is grander than man, not even angels.  However, no creature, including man, is more than a creature.

Now, regarding a nation’s wealth, to what end should it be put in motion?  In principle we answered that question: to the end of increasing its amount.  In practice this means maintaining and strengthening the nation’s sovereignty.

Does a wealthy nation owe sustainment to other nations or sub-groups of or within other nations?  Certainly not.  Nor does a nation, qua nation, owe sustainment to her own citizens or groups thereof.  Such sustainments would disperse a nation’s wealth rather than increase it and would thereby diminish a nation’s prestige and, ipso facto, sovereignty.

A nation’s wealth is thrown in motion, properly, to protect and increase her wealth.  Which is to say, to maintain and strengthen her independent sovereignty.  There is no other reason to throw a nation’s wealth in motion than that one.  And there is no rational reason not to throw a nation’s wealth in motion for the purpose of increasing it.

A nation is not The Church.

If a nation’s wealth is thrown in motion for a purpose other than maintaining and strengthening her independent sovereignty, the nation is committing diplomatic, financial and military suicide.  Such a nation has ceased the dance of life, abandoned the drama of existence.  Her reason has gone back, indicating that her end is near.

Americans are coping with the fact that a sizable number of their fellow Americans-in-name, a large cohort of their neighborhoods’ residents — legal and not — and a super majority of their academic, corporate, federal, state, county and municipal soi-disant leader cadre are infected with oikophobia: they hate their motherland.  Rather than loving her, they are looting her.

Now, making one’s mother an enemy rather than an ally gives one a lot of problems.  One’s mother does not make herself one’s enemy, one does, though she very well might do to an oikophobe.  In fact, she will do, and, in the cases of oikophobia in the USA, she is doing.  In addition,  one’s father — aka one’s wealth — and God — aka one’s banker — also are not amused by oikophobics, who make an unnatural, irrational choice of act, not a natural, rational one.

No creature can withstand the prejudice of those
combined arms: motherland and fatherland.

So, let the touchstone of decision-making in all aspects of a nation’s endeavor be increasing the wealth of her citizens, groups of citizens and  nation herself in order to maintain and strengthen the independent sovereignty of those individuals and groups and nation as a whole.  In this way, a nation and her citizens foster their authority.

The truth is the whole, Hegel observed, famously and accurately.  The truth is both terms of a dialectic.  This way is repose.

During the late 1960s and early 1970s, many young people, mostly early Boomers — who, for the most part, were fixed to classical academic standards and subject matter — conducted a movement for being natural or, as they also put it, realhip.  Today,  many Boomers are joined by many young people to conduct a revolution for being unnatural, unreal.  They pimp multiculturalism, Arab/Pan-African Imperialism, racial supremacy and segregation, no borders/national sovereignty, critical theory, gender confusion, omni-directional promiscuity, anti-Christianity, anti-US Constitution and the rest.

Christianity throws itself in motion with au naturel, with realReal is hip.  Christianity is for that.

Christian theology describes the phenomenology of direct experience (hip), of existential realities (real) inside the soteriological enterprise, the economy of salvation as Theologians put it.  (Greek economos means building out, cultivating, expanding, increasing.)

Christian Doctrine is nature up close and personal.  In fact, it can be said that Christianity epitomizes the Prophetic Summons to natural behavior, to natural government and to the natural grandeur of life and reality, especially — but not only — human life and reality.

Βασιλεία του Θεού
Kingdom of God

Update 1: Angelo Codevilla: Living With Politics As War

Update 2: Roger Kimball: Robert Mueller’s Excellent Adventure

Update 3: Sean McDowell: Which book has changed more governments than any other?

Update 4: Michael Anton: Michael Anton Addresses His Critics, Affirms Support For Trump


Deborah Kerr
Deborah Kerr

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