Natural And Unnatural Government

Chaitanya Jyothi Museum Opening, 2000

In nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti.  Amen.



The natural is divine.  The unnatural is devilish.  The world and all of and in it, to include government, is a mixture of both, but not evenly so.  The natural is constantly more than the unnatural and the unnatural is constantly less than the natural.  These constants are demonstrable and reliable.

A nation’s strength is her wealth.  A nation’s wealth is her land, families, and constitution.  The single, unified currency of a nation’s wealth is her energy, which is her prowess in chemical, physical, intellectual, moral, and spiritual elegance.

A nation’s prowess in chemical, physical, intellectual, moral, and spiritual elegance is her currency, which should be uninhibited and in constant increase.  Elegance is a lion.  It does not need protection, as dollars do.  Just turn it loose and it will take care of itself, to everyone’s satisfaction and even delectation.

Chemical, physical, intellectual, moral, and spiritual elegance — the single, unified currency of a nation’s wealth — is both ineluctable and indestructible.  This is why nations owning natural government cultivate elegance and nations groaning under unnatural government grind in agony for it.

Natural government evinces solicitude for the wealth of the nation — land, families, and constitution — in its stewardship.  Unnatural government evinces solicitude for itself.

The mission of natural government is to protect the wealth of a nation, which is to say her land, families, and constitution. The mission of unnatural government is to suck out the wealth of a nation — her land, families, and constitution — for itself and its cronies foreign and domestic.

A nation groaning in privation is a nation being pummeled with unnatural acts by unnatural government.

Natural government tests action, constantly, whether contemplated, initiating, or underway, against these questions:

1- Is the action necessary to protect the nation’s wealth: land, families, and constitution?

2- Is the sole intent driving the action to protect the nation’s wealth: land, families, and constitution?

3- Will the action protect or is it protecting the nation’s wealth: land, families, and constitution?

4- What carry-on effects — opportunities for and threats to the nation’s wealth — can follow or are following the action, and, what are their relative weights in a risk-benefit matrix?

5- Is the action necessary to liberate the nation’s energy currency: the nation’s prowess in chemical, physical, intellectual, moral, and spiritual elegance.

If any kind of No answers questions 1, 2, 3 and 5, the action contemplated, initiating, or underway will squander or is squandering national wealth and must stop immediately.

If answers to question 4 show the action contemplated, initiating, or underway conjuring more threats to national wealth than opening opportunities for it, the action must stop immediately.

Essentially, a natural government has no responsibility besides that expressed in these five questions: protect the wealth of the nation — her land, families, and constitution — and remove obstacles inhibiting the currency, the energy of her wealth — her prowess in chemical, physical, intellectual, moral, and spiritual elegance.

Βασιλεία του Θεού
Kingdom of God


Deborah Kerr
Deborah Kerr — Happy Easter!

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