The Christian Cultus

So-called Western Civilization is the Latin-Germanic Christian Cultus: Orders of Worship, The Mass, their forms, words, and hymnody.

Latin-Germanic Christianity is so-called Western Civilization. Greek-Russian Christianity is so-called Eastern Civilization.

The phrase Western Civilization is a term of abuse thrown against Latin-Germanic Christians by soi-disant social scientists and positivist philosophers charging down one corridor of an ancient and generalized Semitic attack against Christianity per se.

The Orders of Worship, The Mass, their forms, words, and hymnody are the fundament of so-called Western Civilization. Their observance, performance, recitation summon refreshment from the eternal fountain of youth and happiness, the fountain Who runs pure and sacred inside one’s heart.

The Orders of Worship, The Mass, their forms, words, and hymnody are the actual El Dorado legends regarding which fire the imaginations of Priests, Supplicants, and Conquistadors.

The forms are the bank. The words are the money inside the bank, an endless supply of money, always in stable value. The hymns are deposit and withdraw slips. Anyone with an account registered with the banks’s Owner can deposit and withdraw money for personal use and / or investment.

You are sad and want to restore so-called Western Civilization with its beauties and pleasures? Then restore The Orders of Worship, The Mass, the forms, words, and hymnody of Latin-Germanic Christianity.

That means: classical forms, classical words, and classical hymnody. Mess around with forms, words, and hymnody as classically received, make them what you think they should be rather than accept them as they are, and you remove yourself from the bank, you are unable to make deposits and withdraws. Its liturgical forms, words, and hymnody are the wealth, power, and prestige of Latin-Germanic Christianity and so-called Western Civilization.

Latin-Germanic Christianity is the bank wherein is kept all the investment funding required to rebuild so-called Western Civilization and its follow-ups.

Rebuild without women or queers in clerical orders. Use The Jerusalem Bible. Build for the prevailing local climate, and do not mimic an existing style of architecture, current or historic. Let a central space be a prayer hall for all believers and peripheral spaces be dedicated to Orders of Worship typical of Latin-Germanic Christianity.

There are three such Orders of Worship: Episcopal, Calvinist, and Moravian. These correspond to the three basic acts of Christian piety or spiritual practice: praying, learning, feeding, or, invocation, supplication, intercession.

Lutherans, Anglicans / Methodists, and Catholics use variants of Episcopal Orders of Worship. Presbyterians, Congregationalists, Reformed, and Baptists use variants of Calvinist Orders of Worship. Moravians use variants of their own Orders of Worship dating from a century ahead of Calvin and Luther. In America, these types cross-breed without losing their historical or spiritual singularity.

Rebuild to accommodate all three types at each location where rebuilding occurs. While there are countless tastes for this and that, each valuable at least to its practitioner, there are basic attitudes and activities essential for success in spiritual exercise, such as a religion. These include the three mentioned here: invocation, supplication, intercession; praying, learning, feeding.

The technical names for these
indispensible activities are:

Moravians have particularly heart-warming customs regarding the latter, feeding. They call Eucharist Love Feast. The quintessential act of love is feeding. Their motto: In essentials, unity; in non-essentials, liberty; in all things, love.

Latin-Germanic Christianity includes these three essential spiritual activities, and each of the three Orders of Worship includes the three, albeit with characteristic emphases. Episcopal Orders of Worship emphasize Convocation and Eucharist. Calvinist Orders of Worship emphasize Preaching. Moravian Orders of Worship emphasize Eucharist.

Rebuilt Latin-Germanic Christianity comprises all of those plus recognition and acknowledgement of the Sai Avatars and what they imply and portend. Neither Latin-Germanic Christianity nor Greek-Russian Christianity will be rebuilt apart from recognition and acknowledgement of the Sai Avatars. The health and wealth of so-called Western Civilization is tied irrevocably to India and the Sai Avatars.

Buddha taught that everyone was endowed with the same principle of Divinity. Truth is one, but wise refer to it by various names (Ekam Sat viprah bahudha vadanti). This message was conveyed by Lord Krishna in the Bhagavad Gita when He said that all beings were His own reflection, and none was different from Him. Buddha underwent great hardships to realise this truth. Many noble souls who were contemporaries of Buddha acknowledged Buddha’s greatness. They said Buddha experienced the truth they were unable to realise. As Buddha gave up all desires, he became an epitome of total renunciation. There was nothing in him except love. He considered love as his very life-breath. Remember, when you offer your salutations to someone, understand that you are saluting your own self. That someone is none other than your own reflection. See others just as you see your own reflection in the mirror. This is the message conveyed by the profound MahavakyaAham Brahmasmi.

Donald Trump won the 2020 election for POTUS going away. He is POTUS until 20 January 2025 and presently in exile. That is the truth. Just stick to it and all will be well.

“Just realize they took the two most pathetic candidates in the history of the Democratic Party: a vice president who didn’t even win a primary in her own state; and a demented pervert, among other things, who can’t even tie his own shoelaces or know where he is. And they crammed them up our nose with a fork of fraud so blatant that it is visible around the world.” Sidney Powell, April 2021

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