It’s The Drugs – II

Last month, I made the first post on this topic: It’s The Drugs.  I would like to develop that theme.

Religion and politics have the same goal.  It is a universal goal.  Freedom.  Politics is the rough rind protecting the interior fruit.  Religion is the fruit.  Freedom is the juice in the fruit.  The sweetness of that juice is God.

Socialist, Marxist, Leftist, Neo-Marxist, etc., ideas and ideologies have attractiveness.  Their history of practice (praxis) is unattractive, and everyone — including Socialists, etc. — knows that it is.  Through the 1970s everyone grew accustomed to treating of Socialists, etc., as persons with attractive ideas and ideologies and unattractive actions.

Yet, something else was afoot.  Legal and illegal psychotropic drugs were underway pretty much everywhere.  Man as animal merely was treated as brain, bone, organ, and chemistry only.  By the 1980s, psychotropics were supplanting Socialist ideas and ideologies as opiates for the weak and lazy.  Psychotropics, long present but not widely used, answered a nearly country-wide desire to postpone facing the needs, realities, and difficulties of spiritual exercise in the midst of daily living.

Keep man as animal, avoid man as spiritual creature . . . this was the thought. Shrinks were happy for the business and prescribed psychotropics to ever more very eager customers.  Then there was the illegal stuff, torrents of it.

Stoners, crackheads, and Adderall and anti-depressant addicts found their way into positions of authority in government, business, media/entertainment (where long they were at home), and industry.  Disorder followed close behind this ascendancy of drug addicts.

To ascribe, today, that disorder as related to political parties, ideas, or ideologies is not correct. This is long and widely done — I have done it for long — but it is incorrect, an inaccurate ascription. Political parties and their ideas and ideologies have nothing to do with this disorder be observe today especially in schools and cities. It’s the drugs.

Socialists — Communists and Fascists — do not allow disorder in countries or cities they control. Stalin would never allow encampments rising around much less inside the Kremlin. Himmler would kill anyone asking to defund police. No, these rioters today running schools, cities, industries, and bureaucracies in every government are neither Communist nor Fascist. They are drug addicts.

Stoners and crackheads should not be taken seriously beyond pointing out that they are stoners and crackheads. Whatever they say or do, the only thing important about them is that they are stoners and crackheads. If their schools, cities, and towns look like hell and exhibit rampant crime, there is only one reason for that: they are stoners and crackheads.

Socialism has nothing to do with Americans’ problems. Drugs, promiscuity, and step-parents have everything to do with those problems, especially drugs, which inure so many to living in filth.

To Ed Driscoll at PJMedia: Media persons are stoners, crackheads, and Adderall junkies. Expecting anything true or useful from them is the real bottom-feeding. They are what they are. Why belabor the point by taking time to highlight their weaknesses? There is cruelty as well as stupidity in doing that.

There is some soul of goodness in things evil,
Would men observingly distill it out.

― William Shakespeare, Henry V

This is a blank paper. If you pack vegetables in it, it will acquire the smell of vegetables. If you pack fruits like plantain in it, it will acquire the smell of plantain. If you pack dry fish in it, it will emit the smell of dry fish. The paper has no smell of its own; it absorbs the smell of the substance that you pack in it. Man by nature is pure and sacred. But he acquires evil qualities by associating himself with bad company. It is said, “Tell me your company, I shall tell you what you are”. If you tell what type of people you are associated with, I can tell you the type of person you are. It is therefore necessary that you associate yourself with good people in all your activities. It is the company that makes you good or bad. Therefore, keep away from bad company. Join the company of those who have a pure heart and sacred feelings.

Donald Trump won the 2020 election for POTUS going away. He is POTUS until 20 January 2025 and presently in exile. That is the truth. Just stick to it and all will be well.

“Just realize they took the two most pathetic candidates in the history of the Democratic Party: a vice president who didn’t even win a primary in her own state; and a demented pervert, among other things, who can’t even tie his own shoelaces or know where he is. And they crammed them up our nose with a fork of fraud so blatant that it is visible around the world.” Sidney Powell, April 2021

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