Brahmavid Brahmaiva Bhavati

One God – One World
One Race – One Caste

Canned Rhetorical Bear Spray, open source ingredients, available for the mere cost of living at almost any school. Ingredients are itemized here. The only way to eliminate VUCA in life is to love all equally. Then one sees God as all in all. There are no surprises and no threats.

There are two ways to govern: by consent, which includes force, and by force, which does not include consent.  By force without consent is actually rule, not governance. Governance is stable and sustainable because it keeps order through consent, to include with force but not by force. Rule is unstable and unsustainable because it opposes the unity principle, Who writes and enacts the whole drama.

Parents and professors must corporealize and thus teach this simple fact.

This is not how to do it:

Prahlada never gave up the Name of the Lord even in times of adversities. As he surrendered himself to Lord Narayana completely, he was protected. When he was thrown into the ocean, the waves assumed the form of Lord Narayana. When he was pushed from a mountain top, Lord Narayana held him in His arms, and when he was bitten by venomous snakes, the poison became nectar. Never feel depressed when you are weighed down by difficulties. God will never impose on you ordeals that you cannot bear. Test is the taste of God. Never fear any test. When you purify your heart and surrender yourself to God completely, He manifests instantly. He does not delay even one moment. This was proved in the case of Saint Ramdas too! Vedanta says, Brahmavid Brahmaiva Bhavati – the knower of the Brahman (Divine) becomes Brahman. “As you think, so you become!” If you think of God incessantly, you will assume His form.

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