On Charity

One God – One World
One Race – One Caste

Response To A Charity Operation Marketing Survey

1- This sounds like something a man would do because he is driven inwardly to do it, not because someone else is willing to pay for it.

2- The product on offer is nostalgia for something that does not exist. Nostalgia benefits no one.

3- A man is free to do with his time, money, and energy what he inwardly feels needful to be done. All three of those assets belong to him alone.

4- Rich men hurl charity in mere scorn at the suffering while minions collect donations in their name. And they deploy it for what? Affluent men donate to charities in hopes of receiving recognition as good guys and invitation to parties and boudoirs. As is the feeling, so is the result.

5- A gentle pat on the back, a kind word in private, a sweet smile during conversation, this is God’s charity. It works, it makes the other, whether suffering or not, feel enriched with love, as well they should be. God’s charity has neither need nor wish to raise funds. It embraces VUCA as opportunity for unannounced and anonymous charity. Charity that is pure accomplishes its purpose to broaden and deepen the presence of caritas itself. God is love.

I Kings 19

Embodiments of Love! Everyone is born in this world, by the will of God. Having taken birth as a human being, one has to realise the Divinity within. Every human being is a messenger of God. The primary duty of every individual as a messenger of God, is to practice and propagate the principles of truth, love and peace, to experience the bliss, and to share it with others. The one who propagates the worldly, fleeting and ephemeral cannot be called a messenger of God. One should not waste one’s life in merely eating, drinking and sleeping. In fact, such a life is a blot on human nature itself! One has to overcome difficulties to be successful in life. Every activity should reflect the divine message. You see many people suffering. In what way are you helping them? Give happiness to those who are suffering. Consider your every activity as God’s work.

Βασιλεία του Θεού

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