Victory Over VUCA

One God – One World
One Race – One Caste

People today, and especially young people, are desperate to rid themselves of VUCA (Volatility Uncertainty Complexity Ambiguity). It should be embraced. VUCA is God. VUCA is Opportunity.

Emotive soups of sloganeering — Diversity Inclusion Equality (DIE) Affirmative Action Black Lives Matter Conservative Liberal Evangelical Anti-Fascist Woke Culture Born Again Cancel Culture — and hyperbole — Smash Eviscerate Demolish Stab Take Down Destroy National Security Defeat Blast Strip Threaten Humiliate Woke Offensive Choke Dash Bomb Get In The Face — slosh around through the country’s comms and her officials’ and residents’ minds and hearts as a genuine bedlam.

For what? For an effort to gain freedom from VUCA, mainly by offloading it onto someone else. This way cannot succeed in removing VUCA, but it does succeed — and always does — in creating more VUCA, which is to say, more bedlam.

There is one way only to rid oneself and one’s country of VUCA: cultivate in oneself equal love for all. Bind back together that which has come loose — mind intellect emotion — and is flopping about piteously and ignorantly wanting calm, certainty, simplicity, clarity.

Return to religion. Take God and see God as all in all. God is love and loves all equally. Start your career fresh at a quiet place where daily duties matter most. Begin chanting a Name of God repetitiously and quietly to yourself. Keep at it and a godly career will spin up from these efforts.

Rhetorical Bear Spray in a can, open source ingredients, available for the mere cost of living at almost any school. The only way to eliminate VUCA in life is to love all equally. Then one sees God in all and all in God. There are no surprises and no threats.

There are two ways to govern: by consent, which includes force, and by force, which does not include consent. By force without consent is actually rule, not governance. Governance is stable and sustainable because it keeps order through consent, to include with force but not by force. Rule is unstable and unsustainable because it opposes the unity principle, Who writes and enacts the whole drama.

Parents and professors must corporealize and thus teach this simple fact.

Transcend anekatwa bhava (the feeling of multiplicity) and cultivate ekatwa bhava (the feeling of oneness), that will end strife, grief, pain and pride. See all as expressions of the same God, as appearances on the same screen, and as bulbs lit by the same current, though of manifold colours and wattage. Feel that you and they are able to talk and walk, and think and act because of the God within. Differences that strike you while you cast your eyes are illusory; you have not yet developed the vision that makes you apprehend the unity which is the truth of all the seeming diversity, that is all! The fault is in you, not the world. The world is One; but, each takes it to mean what pleases one most! The world is One, but, each sees it from one’s own angle and so, it appears as if it has multiple faces.

Βασιλεία του Θεού

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