Supe Falls, Grads Call

One God – One World
One Race – One Caste

Dear General Williams,

Thank you for your letter regarding seventy-three cadets who willfully violated West Point’s Honor Code on a take-home Calculus examination.

West Point’s Honor Code has been and remains, “A cadet will not lie, cheat, steal or tolerate those who do.”

Our Honor Code has not changed.

What has changed is enforcement of a core tenet of our Honor Code, refusal to tolerate a lack of integrity, which creates this paradox:

When West Point tolerates cadets who lie or cheat or steal, then West Point — the institution — is committing an institutional Honor Code violation.

That paradox begs these questions:

First, as a refusal to tolerate liars, cheats, and thieves is no longer bedrock, why has West Point’s Honor Code not been changed to reflect that truth?

For to publicly pretend that West Point is enforcing its Honor Code as it is written implies an intent to deceive — which also is a willful Honor Code violation.

Second, why is the fact that seventy-two cadets cheated on a take-home exam in the tenth month of their time at West Point relevant?

Surely today’s cadets are capable of grasping the meaning of twelve simple words — and the consequence of violating them — during Beast Barracks. We could in my day, and today’s cadets are far smarter.

Third, why, exactly, is enforcing the Honor Code as it is written an “attritional model”?
Enforcing the Honor Code as it is written will reduce the number of cadets who are commissioned by exactly the number of cadets who are found by a committee of their peers to lack integrity. That, in my book, is a “principled leadership model.”

Finally, our military — and especially the Army — is, according to Gallup, the nation’s most respected institution.

Do you sincerely believe that lowering integrity’s standard at West Point will have no long-term impact on public trust of our military and our Army?

I believe that you are a man of deep convictions who genuinely loves West Point, and that you have role modeled dignity, respect, and resolute calm while steering the Academy through several storms.

At the same time, in this critical instance, I believe you have missed the mark on those nine critical words from the Cadet Prayer that underpin West Point’s Honor Code: “Choose the harder right instead of the easier wrong.”

Craig Jung
West Point Class of 1975


Dear General Williams,

A number of USMA 1975 graduates agree with the letter included [above], written to you by Craig Jung, USMA ’75.

We endorse Mr. Jung’s letter to you and respectfully look forward to your responses to Mr. Jung’s questions.


 [List names]

Fellow West Pointers,

One of the members of Courage & Drive — West Point’s Class of 1975 — wrote a brief note to General Williams regarding his December 30th letter to alumni.

That letter has resonated with a number of our classmates. We have decided to send an endorsement bearing the names of classmates who support the letter, along with the letter itself, to General Williams. Our brief endorsement and the original letter are provided below.

If members of your class share our concerns about Honor at West Point today, we encourage your class to endorse a similar letter to the Superintendent.

Alternatively, members of your class are welcome to modify our endorsement for your class, and send your list of classmates endorsing, along with Craig Jung’s original letter, to the Superintendent.

Emails may be addressed to the Superintendent’s Executive Officer, LTC Angelica Martinez with a request that LTC Martinez share your email with General Williams.

We suggest you also copy the Superintendent’s Executive Assistant, Ms. Gail Chiavaroli, and copy West Point’s Public Affairs Office.


Keith Self
West Point Class of 1975

USMA Class Moderators [at]: Please distribute as appropriate to your Class for awareness and discussion.

A few days ago the Superintendent, USMA sent a letter to USMA Alumni about an honor code violation by 73 current cadets. If you’ve not seen the letter, it can be found here.

This message is sent on behalf of my Classmate, Keith Self, who is coordinating the [above] response to the Superintendent’s letter. Please send any responses/input to Keith.

Courage and Drive, 

Glenn McDermott
F-2, USMA 1975 Moderator

Here’s a proposed draft letter to the Supe, General Williams, endorsing the letter from Craig Jung, ’75. 
Comments/suggestions, please.

Dear General Williams,

Members of the Class of 1955 were recently emailed a copy of a letter to you from Craig Jung, Class of 1975.  He was responding to your letter about the recent Honor Code violation by 73 cadets.

Our Class had a direct experience with the “attritional” model of the Honor Code when, as entering Plebes in 1951, we were barracked across from the “Naughty Ninety”, who were in the process of dismissal.  We lived through four Cadet years with the unquestioned belief that liars, cheaters, and stealers were never to be tolerated at West Point, regardless of the consequences to the culprits or the Academy.

We understand that times have changed in many regards but we believe there are some bedrock concepts, such as that of Honor, that do not vary.  Our concern is that we are adapting the Honor Code to the times, when we have always understood its meaning to be clear and invariable.  

Mr. Jung posits several questions to you that are reflective of our own concerns.  We, with the Class of 1975, also respectfully look forward to your response to his letter.


Dick Secord,  President, USMA 1955
Bob Wray, Vice President, USMA 1955

Critical Race Theory At West Point

It is remarkable, really, that West Point command, faculty, and staff have not said simply that an honor code is unnecessary, obsolete, creates a toxic command / learning environment, because it is easy to tell who matters and who does not, who is good and who is not, who passes and who does not, simply by the color of their skin.

Critical Race Theory is designed to go there, and I am sure West Point command, faculty, and staff know that it is and that it does.

Since 2001 or so I have been calling this melee Afro-Mohammedan Imperialism.  Its ideological and social roots are Afro-Carib, which means French Revolutionary, with the Mohammedan component imported by the likes of Frantz Fanon, a shrink, from Sub-Saharan Negritude ideology and social effects of North African marabouts. Barry Obama, The Fraud, roots in a slurry of Afro-Mohammedan Imperialism ideology and CIA governmental society.

FWIW, as US Armed Forces go Critical Race Theory, they will switch from formation combat to melee combat as fundamental doctrine.  That is because Arab and African societies — the sources and proponents of Critical Race Theory — are culturally if not also genetically favorable to melee rather than organized living.  Arab-and Afro-cultured personalities want to move to The USA to enjoy the benefits of formation living.  However, internally, their cultural habits of thought, speech, and action remain melee-favoring regardless of benefits they enjoy by living inside a formation culture who tolerates their other ways of living.

Even Americans of African descent, whose ancestors have lived in the USA for centuries, and whose genetics mix widely with that of Americans of European descent — a cohort who includes almost all Americans of African descent — retain the propensity for living with Americans of African descent and thus Africans’ propensity for melee combat.

(Evidence supporting that observation is in the streets of large US cities for the better part of this year, and so-called authorities have refused to inject formation combat into the melee — which would end the chaos almost immediately — because Critical Race Theory, which motivates said authorities, implies that Afro-Arab melee combat is the arc of history and both manner and means of living, the way of the truly good and appropriate man.)

Afro-Arab-inspired leaders will want the Army to fight as squads, platoons maybe, but not larger formations because, they will argue, larger formations, by being formations, are ipso facto racist. AF can fight with drone swarms, the smaller the better. Ditto Navy. Marines, like Army, will want to fight as squads, platoons maybe, but nothing larger because formations per se are racist.

Afro-Arab-inspired leaders will be fought on this proclivity for melee war, but as long as Critical Race Theory remains fixed in place, sanity will remain a foreigner to US Armed Forces under its impress.

Right behind Critical Race Theory is Critical Gender Theory, to wit, females, born or made, are good and capable, males bad and toxic.

This is a whole lot of volcanic ash lingering about, along with a whole lot of molten lava spreading over landscapes.  Best stay out of its areas and channels as best one can.  Ash does fall to the ground, nourishing it, and lava does cool off in water or on land. Then they show up as soil and rock for use in agriculture, roads, homes, and like delights.  Vesuvius took out Pompeii but not Italy.  Vesuvius nourished Italian lands and economies.

What should happen is happening.

The Editors, The American Mind: Stop The Coup

You must sow the seed of love in all loveless hearts. Water it with love. Let love flow in a flood and reach all. Modern man directs his love towards worldly objects and gets entangled in several complications. Love lives by giving and forgiving; Self lives by getting and forgetting. Cultivate selfless love. Love all. Let others think what they like. There is no need to fear anyone. Make your love pure. Then the whole world will become pure. Pray for the welfare of all and lead an ideal life. Human life is not gifted to you to hanker after worldly objects. Set an ideal to the whole world. What is the ideal you have to set? You must help all to your utmost capacity. The best way to love God is to love all and serve all. Adopting service and love as your ideals, start a new life from this moment – this is My blessing and benediction to you!

Βασιλεία του Θεού

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