To The D-R UniParty:

One God – One World
One Race – One Caste

How do you expect to stand against the large majority of voters and even larger majority of citizens who do not want you standing against them?

MAGA: Protect The Mother Country

Alba gu bràth!

President Trump won the 2020 election for POTUS. Unless he renounce that win, President Trump remains POTUS until 20 January 2025.

If anyone other than Donald John Trump is inaugurated POTUS on 20 January 2021, that person would be a usurper, and the ceremony by which they were inaugurated would be a lie. There would be no truth there in either person or ceremony.

Donald John Trump is POTUS until 20 January 2025, at which time I would be pleased were his daughter Ivanka to follow him in discharging the duties of that role in this beloved land of goodness, beauty, and ancient descent, America.

On whose authority is the Constitution disbanded?

On whose authority is the Bible rewritten?

If you do not have authority to do it, the Constitution is not disbanded and the Bible is not rewritten.

Life is fleeting, but Dharma abides.

It’s your ship to sail.

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With respect, Sundance, I believe your logic is incomplete. You know Ds and Rs are a UniParty, yet you speak of another party as a would-be third party. It would be a second party. Cheney is showing that there is at the moment only one party, the one party you yourself have identified now for many years, and rightly so.

SCOTUS demonstrated the same fact of D-R UniParty, as do the heads and sub-heads of Executive Branch agencies. USA has been under one-party governance rule for two decades at least, save four years when POTUS Trump was in office instead of, as now, in exile. I do not understand why you do not understand this, that another party would be a second party, not a third party. It begs to me as such simple logic.

Related: a few days ago you wrote of POTUS Trump losing the 2020 election for POTUS. But he did not lose it, he won it. Again, I do not understand why you do not understand that and stick by saying the truth. Is your strength to bind your consciousness to the truth so weak? I want not to believe that it is.

My friend, it is time to think to solutions, look for opportunities. We do not need more redundant rehearsal of problems. We know what they are. Rehearsing them now is outrage porn. For example: we need a generation or five of children reared and wanting to have good character. To make that happen, mothers and fathers — especially mothers — must, among other things, revere the homeschool and respect the five professional guilds: Theology, Medicine, Military Arts, Law, Pedagogy.

You keep comms open. This is a wonderful service. I urge their use for adducing solutions, not repeating known problems.

Peace is essential for man at all the three levels: body, mind, and spirit. This is the reason we chant shanti (peace) three times. You can attain peace at these three levels only by developing love for God. The one without love for God will never be peaceful. All worldly pleasures are fleeting and momentary. The same sentiment was echoed by Sankaracharya: Ma kuru dhana jana yauvana garvam, Harathi nimeshath kalah sarvam – ‘Do not be proud of your wealth, progeny and youth. The tide of time may destroy them in a moment.’ What is happiness? Is it sitting in an air-conditioned room or partaking of delicious food? These confer happiness only at the physical and mental levels, not at the level of the Atma. True happiness is that which is related to the Atma. You should not be afraid of difficulties; they are passing clouds. Do not waver. Follow the heart, which is steady and unwavering.

Βασιλεία του Θεού

Donald Trump won the election going away. He is POTUS until 20 January 2025. Joe Biden will never be POTUS, nor will Kamala Harris. They did not win this election and Kamala will not win an election for POTUS. Stealing an election is not winning an election. What is stolen never belongs to the one who stole it.

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