PRC’s Plans, And The Other Guy’s

As Is The Feeling,
So Is The Result.

Bhajana Bina Sukha Santhi Nahi

In formal classical philosophical discourse, this type of reasoning is known as sophistry and also as arguing from non-givens, in this case that so-called human rights law is plenary and neither arguable nor appealable. Human rights law is an artifact compiled by Communists / Progressives from gleanings of labors by clerics and academics eisegeting Christian Scripture, specifically, betrayal of the Parable of the Good Samaritan.

Neither Christianity nor sovereign nations construct so-called human rights law because human rights inhere inalienably in human creatures as well as the universe they inhabit. It is called Dharma. Humans embody it. Law cannot touch human rights one way or another. Human rights are the prius of law. This was the great discovery — lying in plain view all along as Christian Scripture — of the several nation-specific Enlightenments of the 18th Century, the very Enlightenments al Wahhab resolved to eradicate.

Law is a tool of human manufacture. It can be used by men to help or to harm each other — and more. Law has no aseity. As a tool, law can be used to protect inherent and inalienable human rights or to persecute them. A political party who operate lawlessly are not a political party. They are a street gang who deserve observation and treatment as such.

This type of argument — from human rights law — is what PRC — through the UN, D-R UniParty, and US IC-FPE, each of whom PRC now owns — are in train of making here (The American Red Army) with intent to confiscate Americans’ personal property / wealth altogether, not just to mandate vaccinations . . . for our own good, of course. . . . and to conduct some appropriate (Very Large Scale) genocide die-off euthanasia alongside the tracks . . . also for our own good, of course.

Mental Health Law. Yup, Communists’ favorite presupposition. Never let eggheads — clergy / professors — near the levers of government. They can only misuse them, to everyone’s sorrow, including their own. Communists fail ultimately because they invite eggheads to their exercises. Soldiers have the proper constitution for governing. There are women Soldiers. Their numbers are small but their stewardship of the nation’s sovereign freedom is effective.

Madhava Murahaa Madhura

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I have often told you that My Life is My Message. Avatars proclaim so and demonstrate their Divinity that way. They are children among children, men among men, and women among women, so that they may respond to their joy and sorrow and console them, and infuse confidence and courage into their drooping hearts. The Avatars appear among humans since birds, beasts, trees and the like have not slid into the unnatural and the strange. It is only humans who, pursuing the mirage of worldly happiness and sensual pleasure, have forgotten the task for which they have come to earth. Since God assumes human form in order to restore Dharma and lead man back into the path of virtue and wisdom, nothing can please God more than rigorous adherence to Dharma. One can stick to the path of Dharma if one is conscious of the Divine in everything that one sees or hears, touches or tastes. That will fill every moment of one’s life with the thrill of self-realisation.

Βασιλεία του Θεού

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