Election Fraud

As Is The Feeling,
So Is The Result.

St. Jerome By El Greco
Seal Of The Moravian Church

President Trump Responds
on Pennsylvania’s 2020 Election

Vote Reference

Elections Expert Seth Keshel Releases National Fraud Numbers: Finds 8.1 Million Excess Votes in US Election, Affirms Trump Won PA, MI, WI, NV, AZ, GA and MN

Seth Keshel Releases Analysis on Five Pennsylvania Counties with Enough Fraudulent Ballots to Flip the State to Trump

Cyber Symposium Video – Seth Keshel Presents Ten Statistical Anomalies Highlighting 2020 Election Vote Fraud and Manipulation (also here, also transcript)

Each of us carries around irritations, pains, or worse. Call them dis-eases. Treating the same requires us to use time, energy, and often money, all three, we think, in limited supply. Sometimes, the irritations, pains, or worse — the dis-eases — become debilitating or so aggravating as to force us to treat them, to remove the inconvenience, the bother.

Thus it is with election fraud. We tolerate it through iterations over the years because spending time, energy, and money to treat it, to eliminate it and prevent its return, requires interrupting our routines and doing something different, generating activities de novo. This is all work and we trend to laziness, or at least, habit.

So with election fraud. It occurs and is accepted in the USA for decades. Whole states — including CA, OR, WA, MA, NY, PA, etc. — do not vote one party for decades on end. A Representative or Senator is not voted into office for decades on end. Families do not install descendants in offices of public trust for decades on end. Not without fraud.

Everybody knows, consciously or unconsciously, that election fraud is underway in the USA, for decades. The two major parties, Democratic and Republican, developed a system of ignoring the dis-eases caused by the other’s election fraud, some of it mild, some severe, all chronic. That mutual back-rubbing system — logrolling it is called — has been in place for decades on end. Thus the term, D-R UniParty: One party of two parts sharing access to public wealth — taxes collected at a gun’s muzzle — to benefit themselves and their contributors.

POTUS is the only public office

voted upon

by the entire electorate.

Phileas Hugo Fassbender

US election fraud reached its zenith in 2008, when the Democratic part of the D-R UniParty resolved to kick the supports out from under their legacy logrolling system and go for The Big Loot, on their own this time and going forward. To do this, they knew they had to go all-in with election fraud and did so, to get a POTUS and Congress beholden to them. Logrolling be hanged. They were so over that system. They moved on. They wanted it all. They got greedy and were convinced by their own and foreign wormwoods to drive for disjuncture with the Republican part of the D-R UniParty.

The presence in their ranks of the Moslem Brotherhood and the People’s Republic of China helped drive Democrats to The Big Loot. CAIR and CCP convinced, seduced, cajoled, and terrified Democrats into trying to take everything all at once, every ounce of American wealth, power, and prestige. They said, “You can do it, Chief Democrats, you can have it all!” To CAIR and CCP, however, Democrats’ greed was — and remains — simply a tool for hammering home their own hegemony over Americans’ sovereign freedom.

Now, in 2009, Americans had to face and treat the irritations, pains, and worse of election fraud they had tolerated for decades on end while it was on a low heat. Here it was on high heat, in 2008, and Americans’ reaction was immediate and direct while lacking thoroughness. Lack of thoroughness in treating dis-ease often occurs when, at last, a patient turns to face and treat a dis-ease they experience. One wants to throw something at it and be done with it, then quickly get back to routine. Treat the symptoms and, hopefully, that is the only step required.

But having gone all-in on election fraud in 2008, the Democratic part of the D-R UniParty could not just accept the consequences of being caught out. Especially not with two masters of fraud, voter and otherwise, firing their imaginations and whetting their appetites for more loot: CAIR and CCP. Comes 2012 and to election fraud Democrats add lawfare and information operations conducted by minions of domestic and foreign intelligence agencies. But they fail to reach the zenith they achieved in 2008. Americans are on to them.

Moreover, some from the Republican part of the D-R UniParty, and also some Democrats, noticed that supports of their legacy logrolling system had been kicked out from under them in 2008, the system being now in disjuncture, and resolved to resist the intended power and wealth grab comprising this Democratic Party / CAIR / CCP lunge against Americans’ — and really every nation’s — sovereign freedom.

Democratic Party / CAIR / CCP rampancy was subsided in 2012 while realization emerged among Americans that a new political party system, sans election fraud and logrolling, is indicated.

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Democrats in 2012 succeeded in convincing Americans that long-standing election fraud, which they tolerated for decades, and from which, starting in 2009, they at long last sought at minimum symptomatic relief, required thorough address through their careful and diligent attention. It was a big bother, but it had to be done. The dis-ease had to be faced: what is causing this irritation, pain, or worse, our dis-ease and how can we get rid of it? Let’s get down to it and get this dis-ease out of here. It is more than we want to tolerate.

An American stood for election to do just that. He was believed, he was elected, and he did what he said he would do, many times over in fact. Americans were pleased. CAIR and CCP were not pleased. The Democratic part of the D-R UniParty was now so thoroughly compromised by their augmented election fraud of 2008 and 2012 — and so thoroughly well-known for it — and so thoroughly owned by CAIR and CCP, that in 2020 they had to manufacture election fraud on a scale so colossal that it destroyed their own as well as CAIR’s and CCP’s abilities to incite terror in the hearts of Americans.

They self-exposed. They had to in order to seize the election for themselves. Having reached their zenith of effective fraud in 2008, they had nowhere to go but down, and that by hyper-exposing their own nefarious activities, their own election fraud, to condemnation and raillery.

The American who stood for election to clean out election fraud won re-election in 2020 because he had been doing that and much more good for the nation. Americans are intolerant, at the moment at least, of election fraud. They want the irritation, pain, and worse gone. They are not tolerating this dis-ease called election fraud.

Now, even Democratic members of the D-R UniParty look with horror at the generalized lawlessness conjured by their own election fraud. They cannot stand to that lawlessness, that dismissal of the Equal Protection Clause of the 14th Amendment. This is ironic on their part, but true. What they hate is what preserves them, allows them to go about their routines in life safely. They are going to claw back their fealty to law-abiding after contracting vertigo from look-sees into the abyss of darkness.

The real and lasting bad guys in this business are CAIR, CCP (aka US IC-FPE), and obdurate Republicans, the so-called NeverTrumpers.

Americans have decided to remove election fraud from their midst, or at least to simmer it down to local, manageable proportions where it is away from the one office whose holder answers to the entire electorate. CAIR, CCP (aka US IC-FPE), and their enthusiasts in church, synagogue, and academe spent their credibility playing dirty tricks. We know their tactics. We know their game. We know their objectives. We are on to them. Time it is to maintain equanimity and live for the truth.

Remember Kipling’s IF–. And if they manage to put two harridans and a senile housemate of one of them to the Oval Office, remember Richard III, if not also Jeconiah and what Jeremiah pronounces on that louse and his offspring.

Tim Kowal: In a Blind Test, California Votes for Trump: Ballot Results Show Californians Conservative on Issues
Ben Weingarten: Trump’s Greatest Achievement: The president has exposed the rot and corruption of our ruling class
Robert Shibley: That voting machine software in America is not open source and auditable is such a preposterously obvious security and hacking risk that the only reasonable conclusion is that it’s meant to be insecure and hackable.
Roger Kimball: Reality and the Narrative
Andrea Widburg: The ‘smartest man in the room’ has joined Sidney Powell’s team
Andrea Widburg: Nine useful articles and data points showcasing 2020’s election theft
L. Todd Wood: Obama And Pelosi Didn’t Win Elections In The Last Decade, It Was Dominion
Healthranger: Gen. Michael Flynn, Gen. Thomas McInerney with Brannon Howse – Identity of KRAKEN revealed
The Editors, The American Mind: Stop The Coup

California and other jurisdictions have one-party conditions because they fraud the vote.  That also is why there is a UniParty.  True the vote and suddenly there are two parties and diversity governance.  The defrauders cry for diversity, inclusion, and equality because they have squeezed those virtues out of the political system.

Occam’s Razor has a simpler explanation: What Powell is investigating—complicated trans-national computer fraud, involving multiple countries, not just the United States, with immense implications for the democratic system worldwide—takes considerably longer to explicate and prove than the time available to question a presidential election before votes are certified and the Electoral College meets.

Notes on Powell interviews (above):

  • Dominion software used to steal the vote was made for Chavez in Venezuela with participation of Cubans and CCP. Also CIA?
  • The Software has been used all over the world to steal elections.
  • Fingers CIA for using it — implies all over the world, including USA — and FBI and DHS for not investigating and stopping it here.
  • Seems to imply CIA helped design the software as well as foster its use.
  • Governors and Secretaries of State — and their family members — took bribes to have the Dominion — aptly named — software installed as their states’ election system.
  • The software allows real-time vote manipulation of any kind as well as real-time vote surveillance, from anywhere in the world.
  • Some Democrats have complained about this software for years: Warren, Klobuchar.
  • Trump won in a huge landslide.
  • Silicon Valley in on the fraud.

Thoughts on Powell’s interview:

  • This would explain why they would put a dementia patient and a hateful harridan on a national ticket, a counter-intuitive, counter-intelligent move: because they knew they could get them nominated — Georgia did it, IIRC, and today stands to get them triumphed — would triumph at the election, and could control both candidates as well as select the successor to the demented one or the harridan, or both.
  • IIRC, it was Georgia where the tide for Sanders swung over to Biden, remarkably, suspiciously. No doubt because of this software.
  • This also explains how Venezuela keeps voting for Maduro and other countries keep voting for candidates almost everyone hates.
  • Who made the decisions in real time about who to make triumph during the primary elections and where to make the vote pile up for the preferred candidate in the general election? Who watched in real time and made choice about how the vote would be tabulated and so announced. Where was their cubicle, where did their network terminal sit?
  • And this is only the electronic vote. There is also the paper vote, also fraudulent. There was no election.
  • Again, the Trump landslide coming was so immense that the thieves’ election fraud had to be immense to stop it, and that immensity exposed them as frauds and the fruits of their labors as fraudulent. There was no election. It was all fraud, no election.
  • They were too sure their information operations in 2016 were sufficient. They do not understand Americans. They are TWANLOCs doing this thing. All they have is information operations, black side gun muzzles, and fraudulent votes.
  • The press and the intyelligyentsiya approve the fraud, want Americans to accept a condition of helplessness while they, press and intyelligyentsiya, take Americans’ wealth in return for giving Americans drivel.
  • The Dominion software is part of an arsenal of weapons for information operations, making it US IC-FPE (aka CCP) domain. No wonder Powell fingers CIA and FBI.
  • Who has enough cash and political (black side gun muzzle) force to pay off governors and secretaries of state to use the Dominion software, especially since it is long-known as nefarious.
  • How can lawyers who deserve RICO charges press RICO charges against lawyers who deserve RICO charges?

Today we are having the Akhanda Bhajan (24-hour bhajan by Sai devotees all over the world). This is being done not for the sake of one individual, one nation or community. It is for the welfare of humanity as a whole. The bhajans that are sung permeate the ether in the form of sound waves and fill the entire atmosphere. Thereby the whole environment gets purified. Breathing in this purified atmosphere, our hearts get sanctified. Reciting the Lord’s name is a process of give and take. Singing the Lord’s name should become an exercise in mutual sharing of joy and holiness. It should be remembered that the sounds we produce reverberate in the atmosphere. They remain permanently in the ether as waves and outlast the individual uttering the sounds. Today the atmosphere is polluted by unholy and vicious sounds. This results in the growth of evil thoughts and feelings, which lead to evil deeds. If the atmosphere has to be purified, it has to be filled with pure and sacred sounds.

Βασιλεία του Θεού

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