USA SitRep And Prognosis

Chaitanya Jyothi Museum Opening, 2000

In nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti.  Amen.



1- The Red Army owns most large USA institutions.

2- The American Army owns USA land, families, and Constitution.

3- Land, families, and Constitution are stronger than institutions.

4- The Red Army’s strategic decision: attack The American Army in position, or, seduce The American Army to abandon their position to a walk-over by The Red Army.

5- The American Army’s strategic decision: await direct attack by The Red Army, an attack which will not happen because The Red Army knows its weakness vis-a-vis USA land and families and uncertain strength vis-a-vis USA Constitution, or, feint attack at a large USA institution The Red Army owns but hates, religious organizations, then, when The Red Army, thinking to pile on, also attacks religious organizations, attack The Red Army’s rear area, their command and supply operations: the system of schools and NGOs.  To wit: propose revising the tax code to deny tax exemption to religious organizations, then, with The Red Army piling on that effort, remove tax exempt status from schools and NGOs.

Guaranteed results.  And ignore the media.  They are as Reynolds identifies them: Narrative Maintenance Technicians, far from vital operators.  They can seduce with narratives but they cannot thwart much less overwhelm reality, and they stink without a script.

This approach would smoke out into clear, open air for all to marvel at the posture of sedition which defines contemporary religious organizations, schools, and NGOs, virtually all of them, all names and kinds.

The question of national interest — or as I call it rational USA grand national strategic objective — is treated by several commenters, all implicitly or explicitly, yet accurately, noting that a statement of same is not present among the so-called US foreign policy/military establishment.

Mattis himself in his resignation letter refers to something like grand national objective and identifies it as a matrix of alliances that keeps us safe and the world tolerably civilized.  In other words, USA sovereignty and security are in foreign hands and USA grand strategy is to keep it so.

What could be weaker?  USA depends on NATO and the UN, ASEAN and the WTO?

Rational USA grand national strategic objective is maintenance of USA sovereign freedom and drive to unconditional surrender of any power threatening that freedom.

Two powers today so threaten: China mainly and Salafi-Shiite Jihad plenty but not as much.

So, step one is close the USA order, including the cyber-border, to those powers except as they cultivate USA sovereign freedom.  Step two is make alliance structure with nations great and small who face the same threats and wish to maintain their sovereign freedom against those threats, by driving them to unconditional surrender.

Three sovereign nation states are positioned geographically to assume the offensive against China and Jihad individually and in concert and to lead, again in concert, smaller nations to the same end. They are India, USA, and Russia.

I call them Three Brothers and their alliance Three Brothers Doctrine.

Three Brothers Doctrine is the Monroe Doctrine in contemporary circumstances.

It may be useful to recall that progressive-ism in this country descends from Unitarianism — aka Harvard University/School of Theology — and Unitarianism never self-criticized the sententious moralism — aka puritanism — it inherited from its Cromwell-ian forebears — aka Puritans.

In that regard, it may be useful to recall that the Plimouth Rock landing party were Separatists, not Puritans, who expelled Separatists from the Colony when their numbers matched their impulses.

For a century at least, every deformity and unpleasantness that has befallen Americans can be traced right back to the banks of the Charles River.  And we give that place pride of place in our estimate of worthiness?  Harvard has achieved arguably the most successful gaslighting operation since the Cathars had their run of success, which continues today behind other names . . . such as progressive-ism.

Βασιλεία του Θεού
Kingdom of God

Update 1: What NATO really is: photo-police force to serve global governance practitioners: German Defense Chief: Unleash NATO on Opponents of World Order

Liberal international order means global governance by experts appointed by oligarchs.

Update 2: Angelo Codevilla: European Defense

NATO never was for defense of Europe and never could have been.  Time to drop the pretense and expense.

Update 3: China’s Ominous 40 Year Plan To Dominate The World

Update 4: The longer this goes, the more solid becomes my assessment that top IC professionals are intellectual nincompoops as well as moral dissolutes. Now it no longer surprises me that 9/11 got through to happen, that IC justified Iraq invasion by Saddam’s WMD rather than by the more pungent fact that he, although not the only one, was behind 90’s and 01’s attack on WTC and also 01’s Anthrax distro, which was the 2 of the WTC/Anthrax textbook mil operation 1-2 punch.

Since POTUS Reagan, and even during POTUS Reagan, USG has attracted a huge and increasing number of credentialed low life, in character and impulses effectively trailer trash.

Time to pull way back in both domestic and overseas involvements and regroup on lines of defense and commo we can actually maintain rather than extruding lines of defense and commo which get whacked because there are not enough normal — intelligent, moral — countrymen available to operate them.

With an indescribably stupid yet bumptious — say rather, dis-eased — credentialed cadre impatiently waiting to sweep away remnants of sanity from the ranks of the national stewardship, shortening front — as mil doctrine would put it — is not only desirable but mandatory.

Update 5: Jacob Nordangard: The Elite Technocrats Behind The Global ‘Great Reset’


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