Polytime — Many Worlds

Chaitanya Jyothi Museum Opening, 2000

In nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti.  Amen.



Glenn Reynolds today posted regarding an email he received from Frank Tipler regarding a previous post of his.  The Theological, Teilhard-related, Veda-related, and Time-related aspects of the exposure elicited my comment:

Many Worlds is Vedic.  It is observable in direct experience.  And to non-physicists.  You just have to recognize the personality who embodies it when you come across them, or better, they compel you into their presence.

Ramakrishna was in constant conversation with The Mother (Kali) while dying of throat cancer.  Devotees were adamant that he should eat to keep up strength.  He felt obliged to but asked The Mother.  She said, You eat through these billions of mouths, why worry about this one?

And the strikingly original heresy was, let me guess: a God who made everything has no grounds to condemn anything . . . ?

If I guessed correctly — and even if I did not — then I’ll guess also that you were showing antipathy to moralism.

In the early 70s I wrote a paper on Ritual, for a Wenner-Gren conference, wherein I observed that ritual is a door on what I termed Polytime.   I’d never hoid a no Many Worlds.  But as I look over the terminology and thinking now, I think Polytime is the more precise locution because the essence of Many Worlds is time fields, simultaneity of past, present, and future, coextensive operation of eras, so to speak, about which my paper on Ritual focused.  In other words, time.

There is nothing new under the sun.  Everything that can be done has been done and is being done at once, simultaneously, all the time everywhere.

Glenn responded (!):

No, you’re way, way off.

To which I responded:

On my guess, OK.  On the rest of my comment, I don’t think so.

Βασιλεία του Θεού
Kingdom of God


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