Round On And Up The Activists

Chaitanya Jyothi Museum Opening, 2000

In nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti.  Amen.



American political philosophy has been re-acquired and polished bright.  It is time to execute, to round on and up activists and their paymasters USG and NGO supports, those at war with American families, character, law, land and institutions.

Americans are rounding on foreign activists, such as Turkey, China, Salafist/Shiite Jihadis and the Kim family in northern Korea.  It is time Americans round on and up domestic activists, such as Black Lives Matter, Media Matters, Journolist, post-secondary studies departments and their paymasters USG and NGO supports.  It is time Americans undo the totalitarian alliance making war on them.

Activists name themselves with that word to indicate their continuity with the subversive activities of their progenitor and mentor, the Soviet secret service (Cheka->NKVD->KGB->FSB), who cultivated aktivni meropriyatiya (Активные мероприятия), active measures, to subvert institutions, persons and nations.  Terms of art integral with activist/active measures are lawfareaffirmative action and political correctness, also terms of origin in Soviet subversive activities.

American and European activists sometimes call themselves dissidents.  This is marching ignorance.  Any Socialist system — for example, the Soviet and its heir, modern secondary and post-secondary education — does not permit dissent and treats subversion of itself in the harshest possible terms.

Saul Alinsky’s Rules For Radicals illustrates the breadth and depth of KGB working knowledge in the devious and savage art of subversion.  15% of KGB/FSB activity is espionage.  85% is subversion.  James Bond espionage stories are not what is happening, although the back-story, such as oil pipelines, of some of them are.  Subversion should be understood as Ideological Subversion / Active Measures / Psychological Warfare and only rarely as direct action — another Soviet term of art — meaning decisive violence.

Direct action is rare, for the time being, and until such time as activists have elevation on local peace officers and citizens.  When they get elevation, activists go full Reign of Terror because they enjoy the suffering of others.  Activists are known in Vedic parlance as Rakshasas, demonic personalities in human-appearing form.  They conjure and relish chaos.

The point of pride for activists/subversives is, as they say, speaking truth to powerRules For Radicals Alinsky wrote, with KGB coaching, as a training manual for doing that, supposedly.  Actually, the volume is a wet nurse for the perpetually jejune and stupid … but brutal and brutish.  Truth and power are one and the same.  Truth has to talk to itself?

So these troublers of men have had a long enough run.  They try our patience, deform our government, harm our families, lands, institutions, infrastructure and legal system, incite us to turn on one another and make us almost as stupid and brutal as they are.  Their paymasters USG and NGO supports will not cease to support them.  They have not interest in truth, only power.  And they are uninhibited by moral or legal restraints and guidance.  It is time to undo activists and their supports.

There are personal, legal, electoral and physical ways to undo activists and their supports.

Personal: Laugh at them.

Legal: RICO them for conspiracy to interfere with civil rights.  Use such other judicial means as will discourage their rising from bed in the morning.  US DOJ, Attorneys General and County Prosecutors can prosecute activists and their paymasters USG and NGO supports for a populous array of criminal conduct, to include sedition.

Electoral: Vote into office American Party or otherwise Trump-type representatives and executives, particularly in local jurisdictions.  All politics is local.

Physical: Learn how to shoot, obtain a permit to carry a concealed firearm and form Civil Defense Battalions subordinate to precinct, municipal, county and state peace officer jurisdictions.

Activism and subversion are weapons of choice for a combatant facing a superior enemy.  The presence of activists indicates an asymmetrical war in progress.  As with any war, this one will continue until one combatant surrenders unconditionally.  Activists and their paymasters USG and NGO supports are at war with Americans and America, just as their Soviet authors were, and British and European titled families before them.

Activists cannot be tolerated because they have no toleration.  They are jejune and stupid and out-gunned ultimately (at least in USA), but they also are stupid grown ups with muscles and money they use brutally to hurt.  And they fight using America’s interior lines of communication, the same lines of communication Americans use.  Recall, marches on freeways, busy city streets?  This is a tactical problem to be solved.  Activists are not going down or ceasing work until they are forced down and compelled to cease work.  If they have not surrendered unconditionally, renounced the will to aggress, they remain at war with Americans and America and they are dangerous.

Never for an instant, Countrymen,  doubt that you are wrought of transcendent power, the Power of Being, before which the gods tremble in fear … and activists also.

Βασιλεία του Θεού
Kingdom of God

Update 1: Jon Gabriel: Chesterton showed the simple reason these new ways were destined to fail — they didn’t make a damn bit of sense.

All police are racist murderers so only they should own guns. Trump is Hitler so we should give him power to define and ban “offensive” speech. America savagely abuses immigrants from Latin America and the Middle East so we need to bring in as many as possible.

When all tradition is abandoned, so is all reason.

Update 2: Secretary Betsy DeVos on 16 January 2018 at the American Enterprise Institute:

“Every student deserves a customized, self-paced, and challenging life-long learning journey.”

“Why do we group students by age?
Why do schools close for the summer?
Why must the school day start with the rise of the sun?
Why are schools assigned by your address?
Why do students have to go to a school building in the first place?
Why is choice only available to those who can buy their way out? Or buy their way in?
Why can’t a student learn at his or her own pace?
Why isn’t technology more widely embraced in schools?
Why do we limit what a student can learn based upon the faculty and facilities available?


Basically, she wants expansion of the ancient tutorial model of education, scaled up to society-wide operability. It’s what good parents do in any case with their own children at home.  And it’s why most homeschooling parents homeschool.  She wants the same personal tutorial model to control the system of education.  That would indeed move us, finally, beyond the industrial model so long extant.

Education trains the economy makers or does not.  So if we want continued economic expansion, we need scaled-up customized tutorial education.  By strange coincidence, Robert Theobald envisioned USA education in that model.  He was, after all, a Cambridge man, both of them.

Who, after all, has not sat up at night in a panic over the thought that the likes of Lena Dunham consider themselves deserving the helm of our nation by virtue of their great learning?

Update 3: Updates to Department of Education and Department of Justice Guidance on Title VI

Update 4: NRA: Americans Spend 16.9 Billion Dollars On Target Shooting


Deborah Kerr
Deborah Kerr

One thought on “Round On And Up The Activists

  1. Agreed with Update#2. And very much enjoy the video and beautiful picture of Deborah Kerr.

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