Taking Apart The Alinsky Combination

Chaitanya Jyothi Museum Opening, 2000

In nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti.  Amen.



How does one break up an Alinsky/Liberation Theology (A/LT) attack — the street and building interior disruptions, the media saturations, the leadership confrontations?

How does one take apart an A/LT command and control structure?

How does one defeat an A/LT ideology?

How does one disable an A/LT strategic goal?

How does one generate a history and taxonomy — a profile — of an A/LT operation?

How does one form the battlefield for an A/LT take-down?


An A/LT operation has controlled the Democratic Party since August 1968.

That same month, a derivative A/LT operation — Black Liberation Theology (BLT) — took control of the Ivy League schools and from there the US system of education.

Now there was an operating A/LT//BLT combination, which continues operating.

By August 1968, an independent and foreign, but BLT-allied, A/LT-type organization — The Muslim Brotherhood (TMB) — also took control of the Ivy League Schools and from there the US system of education.

Now there was a Tripartite A/LT-type combination — A/LT//BLT//TMB — operating in the USA.  The elements of that combination share support penultimately while counter-sharing agendas ultimately — each is using the other for now to promote themselves.

On 11SEP01 that combination struck the Pentagon and the World Trade Center and tried to strike the White House and/or the Capitol.

In 2006 that combination took control of the Congress.

In 2009 it took control of the White House.

That is an accomplishment for what are at their root mockers and hooligans, ruthless and clever looters whose chief accomplishment is “The Messiah” from hell who deserves a bell.

Now, how shall they be broken up, taken down and taken apart?

An Answer.

Update 1: Clare M. Lopez: History Of The Muslim Brotherhood Penetration Of The U.S. Government



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