On The San Jose Rent-A-Riot Of 02MAY16

Chaitanya Jyothi Museum Opening, 2000

In the Name of The Father, and of The Son and of The Holy Spirit, Amen.



Rarely indeed do I post about a current event.  This is another of those times.  Another rent-a-riot occurred last evening, this time in San Jose, and again, it is and portends a major development in American history.  Thus this post.

The battle here is real and deep.  It is between forces who want to preserve USA national sovereignty and forces who want to dissolve it.  The D-R establishment cartel — Ivy League, Wall Street, Big Law, Big Pharma, Big Church, Big Synagogue, Big Mosque — wants to dissolve USA national sovereignty and Trump and voters want to preserve it.

For USA national sovereignty preservers, some thought might be given to, long-run, uniting Mexico to the USA.

And aligning USA, Russia and India to quiet the Middle East and get on to the real business at hand, ramping down China.  To that configuration, Europe is at best a poor choice for a friend and functionally an enemy (fascist government and all).

The Fraud did get one concept right: the Pacific is where it’s at.  USA is a westward-facing nation.  And Mexico is as well, and could be part of USA.  R. E. Lee stipulated that the boys at Washington College learn Spanish.

Update 1: IANAL.  Appears to me, especially from the chit-chat here among attorneys, that the Judicial Watch attorney(s) behaved weakly.  Also, the size and composition of Counselor Mills’ escort tell much.


Since D-R logrolling, malfeasance cannot be tried in the court of public opinion (other than online among the few literate), and the legal system is this weak, that it cannot punish pellucid perversity, and indeed practices it, where are such matters to be brought for trial and punishment?

Clergy have wrought a system that prevents peace and lawyers have wrought a system that prevents justice.  And one wonders why the generality is clinically unhappy and cynically disposed?  This will not stand.

Update 2: Salon Editors: We Should Have Let The Axis Win

Update 3: More on the San Jose rent-a-riot here and here.  Also here.  Police were stood down and set up barricades to force Trump rally attendees leaving the rally between two lines of thugs.

Update 4: Examples of the criminal conspiracy: rent-a-riots here and here.

Update 5: Glenn Reynolds: To Reduce Inequality, Abolish The Ivy League

Update 6: Glenn Reynolds: Abolish the Ivy League.  I commented:

The Ivy League is church-made. Abolish the churches to abolish the Ivy League.  Not so hard to do. Find them by law as political fronts.  The churches, I mean.

The Church is exclusive, not inclusive.  That fact will abolish the Ivy League, all on its own, not just talk about abolishing it.  “Have no God beside me.”  You do not get more exclusive than that.  Make that point, miracles will happen.



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