Chaitanya Jyothi Museum Opening, 2000
In the Name of The Father, and of The Son and of The Holy Spirit, Amen.
We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, ….
A Second American Civil War commenced in earnest 20JAN09. Its aim is the same as that of its predecessor, The First American Civil War: rebel to destroy the Union of sovereign states, which means, rebel against the Constitution of The United States of America, to abrogate it. The Second American Civil War is ongoing, a second rebellion against the Union of sovereign states, which is to say, a second rebellion against the Constitution of The United States of America.
Both First and Second American Civil Wars were started by the Democratic Party, now effectively a Democratic-Republican UniParty.
The First American Civil War started — by Democrats — in the South and West and was answered by the Northeast and Midwest. The Second American Civil War started — by Democrats helped by Republicans — in the East, Upper Midwest and West Coast and is being answered by the South, Midwest and West.
The same amalgam of political partisans who initiated The First American Civil War initiated The Second: today, The Democratic-Republican UniParty. In fairness, however, be it noted that the amalgam of Southern and Western political partisans who initiated The First American Civil War were not a little pushed to it by the puritanical sanctimony and outright territorial, demographic and industrial ambitions of the Northeast (Republicans), the same engine, be it also noted, powering today’s second rebellion against the Union of sovereign states:
Do you realize that every last one of the many disasters that has befallen this nation in the last half-century can be traced right back here to the banks of the Charles River?
Although the goal of these Democratic Party civil wars against the American Union of sovereign states is the same, their methods are not. In their first rebellion against the Union, Democrats tried one method of attack and failed. In their second, they employ the opposite method of attack and will fail.
In their first rebellion, The Democratic Party tried to break the Union of sovereign states into pieces. They used secession. This may be compared to the physics of fission.
In their second rebellion, The Democratic Party tries to compress the Union of sovereign states into an undifferentiated pâté. They use compression. This may be compared to the physics of fusion, which, be it noted, requires an initiating dose of fission.
And the fission-ists, the vanguard of the revolution, are the first to be shot in the follow-on fusion. Who wants rebels hanging out at Starbucks, after all? Or pizza parlors:
For this reason, today’s vivid, patently engineered fission is meant by them to preface Democrats’ ultimate goal of engineered fusion: fundamental transformation by compression, as they tout.
Because fusion exceeds fission in yield of energy, one observes that The Second American Civil War is more capable of achieving its goal — destruction of the Union of sovereign states — than was The First American Civil War, and at greater cost in meeting it and rebuilding.
Today The Democratic Party is compressing the sovereign states of The United States of America into a single sovereignty the Party controls. Well, a single sovereignty that IS the Party. Cass Sunstein, of their intellectual core, calls their compressions nudging and choice architecting. His colleague Jonathan Gruber calls them exploiting the stupidity of American voters.
Actually, their intended crush is not only The United States, it is every nation. They dream of globe-wide submission to their Party or to individual members of it. Rules-based global order they call it. They write the rules, of course. Their primal project: a gargantuan pâté of plush for the Party to pig out on.
A competitor has a like dream, of course. The Democratic Party tries to appease that competitor while remaining apposite to it.
As before, The Democratic Party attack against the American Union of sovereign states is answered by the generality of citizens trying to represent themselves, however feebly so far, through The Republican Party, who may or may not lack a Lincoln or more. We shall see. The rebels, as before, are the Democrats. The Americans are the generality of citizens trying to attain representation, through Republicans, for their sovereign needs and wishes, their inalienable independence and personhood and their elemental and accustomed manners of living.
Americans no more want to be crushed than they do cracked.
In any case, there is now, by the same people as before, a second civil war against the American Union of sovereign states but with different methods:
then: fission, secession, pieces;
now: fusion, compression, pâté.
Then, the South wanted to break up the Union and the North wanted to preserve it. Now, the North wants to crush the Union and the South wants to preserve it. Then, the South was Democratic and the North Republican. Now, the North is Democratic and the South Republican. And Reinhold Niebuhr wrote The Irony Of American History. There is symmetry in irony.
One phenomenon is constant, however: Democrats hate the Union and Republicans love it. And since the Union is the America Union of sovereign states, that means Democrats hate America and the sovereign states comprising her and Republicans love the same. That should be simple enough to understand, American Civics 101. Democrats are rebels, Republicans are patriots. You are one or the other, there is no middle ground.
I have no doubt Democrats’ second rebellion against the American Union of sovereign states will conclude as did their first. The Union will prevail. As for their new ultimate goal of creating a global hegemony for themselves … go for it girls and boys, and watch your backs!
Reality is against this pretentious dreaming. They know that it is, yet they essay to overwhelm reality with something better, namely, themselves wrapped in a conjured and transitory fetish du jour. They are the rebels against the structure of reason and life and for that reason cannot succeed and will not. Lives can be torn apart or squashed. Reason and life cannot be either.
Reason and life always prevail. Dharma protects those who protect Dharma. Spiritually, we are — all of us — Soldiers either for or against Dharma, proper human conduct.
Now, today, sighting their affections beyond merely an internal American Civil War (which they want), and seeking to compel (by compression) globe-wide submission to their hegemony, Democrats essay to eradicate the phenomenon of nation states and constitute in its place unaccountable bureaucrats — technocrats, so-called — who work for them. This reverie of theirs obsoletes the designation of them as Democrats and requires a new designation. The word Globalists is the most accurate new designation for Democrats. Globalists seeking Globalism is how I refer now to that crowd and their affections. Full global civil war — to eliminate nation states entirely — is that crowd’s fondness, their love. They really are violent types intent on spoils of war.
Disabusing Democrats/Globalists of their puritanical sanctimony and rabid hegemonic ambition is hard, costly work that has to be done. Think of it as spiritual exercise: Americans fight for independence and agreement among sovereign entities: individuals and groups, persons and states. Fight, therefore, against reality rebels who would blow the world apart or blow it together, in either case replacing the freedom, sovereignty and independence of individuals and groups, persons and states, with grinding micro-management by, essentially, inhuman whim.
You believe in the Union of sovereign states? You are an American. You believe in the global hegemony of a Party, a cabal? You are a Globalist.
The battle line inside The United States of America is between Americans and Globalists, patriots and rebels.
The battle line outside The United States of America is between citizens of nation states and Globalists aiming to crush them. Again, patriots vice rebels.
Always the battle is between those loyal to their motherland, their mother country (modernly seen as a nation state), and those not. The struggle is all and always about protecting the mother or harming her. Patriots protect their mother country. Rebels harm her directly by attack or indirectly by dereliction of duty.
In this civil war, the ones who fight for unity — of each person, family, town, state, nation — are the ones who win the war. Get far ahead of the current action, i.e., behind the enemy’s lines, in their rear areas (school accreditation organizations, school boards, town councils, do not attend or support progressive schools, etc.). It’s a frame of reference thing. For example:
Three Brothers Doctrine
Civil Defense Battalions
National Sovereignty
E Pluribus Unum — a motto of The United States Of America — means the many deciding to act as one. Without the many there can be no one. The many bring forth from among (out of) themselves the will to act as one in specific, limited matters. The motto does not mean the many squished into one, treated as one, reduced to one, thought of as one, renouncing their many-ness or renouncing their will to act as one in specific, limited matters. The many are active subjects, not passive objects.
The will, once made, to act as one in specific, limited matters entrains perpetual obligation to maintain itself. Specifics implementing the will to act as one can and must change with circumstances, but the will itself, once made, is permanent.
The many are the basis of the one. When the many act as one, they remain many and are capable of changing their resolve as to specific, limited matters. Once their obligation to act as one is declared, however, none of the many is capable of changing that obligation. Nor are they capable of changing the requirement, implied in their obligation to act as one, to actually deliberate and decide matters which summon that obligation.
There is no one without the many. There is no many without the one. Ontologically, the many and the one are perpetual dancing partners. Sometimes they kiss. Always they create vast worlds of meaning and power as well as complete universes of structure.
On 08NOV16, the Second American Civil War was won by Americans resolved for
re-volution, re-foundation and re-formation of their beloved country.
Βασιλεία του Θεού
Kingdom of God
Update 1: Glenn Reynold in February 2014
Update 2: Time to go on the offensive: Glenn Reynolds and Kurt Schlichter (also here), also Scott Johnson. Ivy League lawyers all, screwing up their courage, lubricating their saddles and tack and professional tools of art.
Update 3: How Maggie Thatcher handled the most slimy journalistic practice.
Update 4: Paul Mirengoff at Power Line: [The Fraud] Unwilling To Let A Serious Riot Go To Waste. I commented:
The Fraud is drugged, diseased and dangerous. The retainers are terrified to say so. The external hegemons are delirious with joy. And SCOTUS is going to subvert the remedy absolutely. Second American Civil War in progress.
Update 5: Paul A. Rahe: Political theater and coordinated disinformation are the order of the day.
Update 6: OPM Deploys Government Coaches After Hack.
Update 7: Glenn Reynolds meditates on the significance of the American Civil War Between The States, to include a stirring enunciation by Walt Whitman:
Attitude of Foreign Governments toward the U.S. during the War of 1861-’65 –
Looking over my scraps, I find I wrote the following during 1864, or the latter part of ’63: The happening to our America, abroad as well as at home, these years, is indeed most strange. The Democratic Republic has paid her to-day the terrible and resplendent compliment of the united wish of all the nations of the world that her Union should be broken, her future cut off, and that she should be compell’d to descend to the level of kingdoms and empires ordinarily great!There is certainly not one government in Europe but is now watching the war in this country, with the ardent prayer that the united States may be effectually split, crippled, and dismember’d by it. There is not one but would help toward that dismemberment, if it dared. I say such is the ardent wish to-day of England and of France, as governments, and of all the nations of Europe, as governments. I think indeed it is to-day the real, heart-felt wish of all the nations of the world, with the single exception of Mexico–Mexico, the only one to whom we have ever really done wrong, and now the only one who prays for us and for our triumph, with genuine prayer.
Is it not indeed strange? America, made up of all, cheerfully from the beginning opening her arms to all, the result and justifier of all, of Britain, Germany, France, and Spain – all here – the accepter, the friend, hope, last resource and general house of all – she who has harm’d none, but been bounteous to so many, to millions, the mother of strangers and exiles, all nations – should now I say be paid this dread compliment of general governmental fear and hatred?…….Are we indignant? alarm’d? Do we feel wrong’d? jeopardized? No; help’d, braced, concentrated, rather.
We are all too prone to wander from ourselves, to affect Europe, and watch her frowns and smiles. We need this hot lesson of general hatred, and henceforth must never forget it. Never again will we trust the moral sense nor abstract friendliness of a single government of the world.
Update 8: Daniel Greenfield: The Left Is Eating Itself. I think the Right is eating itself as well.
Glenn Reynolds notes the phenomenon via an incident at Scripps College
Update 9: Related: It’s Not Easy Going Green.
Update 10: Richard Fernandez: That Old Time Religion
Update 11: Jack Cashill on Neo-Puritans.
Update 12: Victoria
Update 13: And here’s Peggy Noonan in 2016 on Trump, Sanders and what she calls The American Rebellion.
Update 14: Pat Buchanan: Nationalism And Populism Propel Trump
Update 15: At Start Of Campaign, The Last Gasp Of Political Parties?
Update 16: The Uni-Party Related
Update 17: 6 Reasons Why Starship Troopers Is The New The Art of War
Update 18: DEMOCRATIC DIALOG (source unknown to me)
Father, must I go to work?
No, my lucky son,
We’re living now on Easy Street
On dough from Washington.
We’ve left it up to Uncle Sam,
So, don’t get exercised.
Nobody has to give a damn–
We’ve all been subsidized.
But, if Sam treats us all so well,
And feeds us milk and honey,
Please, Daddy, what the hell
He’s going to use for money?
Don’t worry bub, there’s not a hitch
In this here noble plan,
He simply soaks the Filthy Rich,
And helps the common man.
But, father, won’t there come a time
When they run out of cash
And we have left them not a dime,
when things all go to smash?
My faith in you is shrinking, son,
You nosy little brat;
You do too damn much thinking, son,
To be a Democrat.
Update 19: Angelo M. Codevilla: Replacing The Republican Party
Update 20: Globalists from patriotic states are going to be thrown out of office. If that admits a globalist from another party to office, fine. Price of war. The electorate in all states is patriotic and therefore anti-globalist and will find a way to make their patriotic wishes effective in D.C.
GOP candidates should hike up their skirts, burn their worry beads, pull shoulders back and heads up and preach what POTUS Trump did on the stump. Courage, not fretting, is indicated. And perseverance.
Do what is needful and proper and the money will be there. Dharma protects those who protect Dharma.
Update 21: Kurt Schlichter: Why Democrats Would Lose the Second Civil War, Too
Update 22: VDH: The Origins Of Our Second Civil War
Peter Savodnik: The Rise of the Republican Class Warrior
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