Interview With POTUS Douglas MacArthur

Scimus autem quoniam diligentibus Deum omnia cooperantur in bonum, iis qui secundum propositum vocati sunt sancti. And we know that to them that love God, all things work together unto good, to such as, according to his purpose, are called to be saints.

The problem is spiritual, not electoral. 2010 did not tame the beast. 2020, the beast roared and nearly everyone cowered in fear, not wanting to state the obvious. Who wants a CIA assassin in their evening tea? The beast will submit to a bigger force, but not without a Götterdämmerung of their own provoking.

Dateline The White House
20 January 2025
Theodore Slutz, Chief Field Correspondent, The Srinivasa Sentinel
Karlheinz Klopweisser, Opinion Editor, The Vladivostok Validator
Sir Nigel Twitt-Thornwaite, Managing Editor, The Minot Messenger
[with gentle prostrations to Glenn Gould]

THEODORE SLUTZ: Mr. President, General MacArthur, you have been elected POTUS without cheating and on a platform of cleaning USG’s Executive Branch. You have undergone inauguration without being assassinated. You have entered the Oval Office as POTUS without being compromised. What are your first acts?

POTUS MACARTHUR: I was elected to abolish the pretense of US-centric unipolarity in inter-national and intra-national affairs and to demolish US federal organizations and structures designed or co-opted to enforce that pretense here and abroad. Americans elected me to help them restore their prestige as a trusted colleague among God’s sovereign nations. US-centric unipolarity doctrine has destroyed everything that once made America greatly admired. One might say we are shaping a National Simplicity State.

My first act is to speak with you so that you can inform your media colleagues that my second and following acts are to accomplish the mission my fellow Americans elected me to undertake.

As background for this interview, I invite your attention to an array of experiments / studies by an American Theologian, David Graham, as follows:

KARLHEINZ KLOPWEISSER: Very well. And your second and following acts?

POTUS MACARTHUR: As per the actions I promised and which Americans approved with their votes:

First, we are discarding eighty-odd years of US strategic, national sovereignty, and international relations doctrine and statecraft. We are conducting restoration of The United States of America to our natural posture as a non-aligned nation owning diplomatic, financial, and military assets sufficient to convince all but lunatics not to harm us.

We seek no systems of alliance, no alignments which separate the world into with us or against us. We seek only agreements, multilateral and bilateral, which conduce to the orderly development of nations guided by their own aspirations, which we respect.

Nations must get along with structures built for specific and mutually beneficial purposes rather than for maintenance of power by hegemons, which is Cold War mindset and deadfall now for thirty plus years. Multilateral and bilateral agreements define purposeful frameworks for cooperation in finance, communications, logistics, trade, public health, and other fields of ordinary human endeavor.

  • I am asking Congress to clear out Act-made deadfall — US federal organizations built to conduct the Cold War — to make way for US federal organizations built to remove obstacles faced by American citizens today, here and abroad.
    • There is no reforming what was built to face facts that no longer exist. Deadwood is dead. It is good for making heat, topsoil, sandboxes, arbors, kitchen cabinets, and monuments. Cold War-era deadfall of US federal organizations menace today the careers of American citizens. A fulsome but still partial Act-repeal list is here.
  • As fabricators and warehouses for the assets of US statecraft — Diplomacy, Finance, and War-Fighting — I am prioritizing federal budgeting to cultivate in-country US citizens who accomplish for themselves and their country grand achievements creating objective structures in Theology, Industry, and STEM.
  • Among other Acts, I am asking Congress to repeal the National Security Act of 1947, which constructed organizations to conduct The Cold War, and its follow-ons. I want those organizations disbanded. They are obsolete deadfall obstructing American vitality. These include but are not limited to CIA, USAID, NSC, NED, and DOD’s Joint Chiefs of Staff.
  • I am disbanding the National Security Council (NSC) and forming The Defense Council of The United States of America (DCUSA). There will be no DCUSA staff. Each member of the DCUSA has their own staff. DCUSA is a table of sixteen persons chaired by POTUS:
    • POTUS
    • Secretary of State
    • Secretary of Defense
    • Secretary of The Treasury
    • Secretary of Energy
    • Secretary of Homeland Security — which I want renamed to Homeland Defense
    • Chief of Staff, Joint Arms Force, U.S. Armed Forces
    • Nine COCOM Commanders
  • I am directing each member of the DCUSA to produce for my review within three months from today their observation of the strategic interests of The United States of America, COCOM AO by COCOM AO, and the general, essential role of The USA among the order of nations.

Second, I am redeploying stateside US Armed Forces and civilian personnel — to include COCOM HQs — foreign aid offices, intelligence operations, medical operations, and equipment and documentation associated with those operations.

  • We protect our homeland and go not abroad in search of monsters to destroy (John Quincy Adams). The internal affairs of other nations do not affect our national defense and are not our business unless those affairs contemplate harming us. We expect other nations to have the same attitude towards us and our internal affairs.
    • For fifty years at least, until today, advisors and operators of US foreign policy — especially CIA-USAID and their host of professors and think tank-NGOs — intentionally engineered harm to the internal affairs of other countries on a pretext of helping them and us.
  • Our national mission is to get along and trade happily with other sovereign nations, each and all of them who say they are such. Other nations are who they say they are, not who we say they are. We accept them as they are. We keep our word and accept the word of other nations so long as they keep their word.

Third, I am informing my counterparts around the world that they stop at transshipment nodes in their countries drugs that harm US citizens — including marijuana — or are illegal in the US, or, I will blow those transshipment nodes to bits and mew up or assassinate such of their personnel and enablers as I can reach.

  • In addition, I am directing federal law enforcement organizations to investigate and, if genuine evidence emerges — as distinct from planted evidence discovered — arrest and maximally charge every lawyer, medical doctor, psychologist, therapist, politician, law enforcement officer, and judge in every US jurisdiction where there is traffic in drugs that harm US citizens — including marijuana — or are illegal in the US.
  • And I will fire, fine, and probably indict federal law enforcement officers, lawyers, and managers who or whose employees obstruct, dilute, or deflect this order.

Fourth, I am directing officers and employees of:

  • The Department of Education
  • The Department of Housing and Urban Development
  • The Department of Labor
  • The Department of Health and Human Services
  • The Department of Justice
  • The Central Intelligence Agency
  • The Federal Bureau of Investigation
  • The Office of the Director of National Intelligence
  • The United States Agency for International Development
  • The Environmental Protection Agency
  • The Bureau of Land Management
  • The Bureau of Indian Affairs

to cease work altogether except for disbursing regular employee salaries and benefits, the which disbursing ends in three months.

In addition, I am removing immediately from their tables of authority the top five management layers of those organizations and each of their subordinate units, even while pursuing permanent closure of the entire lot of them within a year from today’s date.

If I or Congress find one or more activity formerly conducted by one of those departments or agencies needful — such as ensuring cleanliness in food and pharmaceutical production and distribution — we will discuss and bring forth de novo organizations who accomplish those missions.

Fifth, I am informing oligarchs residing or owning assets in USA — anyone owning net worth over $50M in today’s value — that within three months of today’s date they will consign to The US Treasury an amount equal to three quarters of the current market value of all their assets directly or indirect held in USA or abroad as of today’s date, or, receive investigation, prosecution, fine, and imprisonment for harms and crimes they have caused and committed during their careers amassing pelf.

Sixth, I am contacting Congress to begin the process of abolishing The Federal Reserve Bank, and directing the Department of The Treasury to plan and execute as necessary to that end.

Seventh, regarding the five US national service academies:

  • I am dismissing from federal service altogether the Superintendent, Commandant, and Dean of each academy, along with their staffs civilian and military. O-6s through O-10s among them I want reduced two steps in rank as part of their dismissal.
  • Gay Pride, Transgender Pride, Critical Race Theory, Modern Monetary Theory, Political Science, Sociology, Psychology, Race and Gender Studies, and Diversity Inclusion Equity programs, goals, events, and studies are banned from US national service academies.
  • Teachers, instructors, professors, and their staffs, who have no uniformed military experience are dismissed and banned from teaching at US national service academies.
  • National service academies train for (1) TSTEM academics, (2) physical fitness, (3) military knowledge, skill, and bearing, (4) geography, and (5) theology. Candidates for admission will embody, for their age, the highest possible achievements in those specific fields because those fields measure the viability of a Cadet or Midshipman at a national service academy as well as their worth as a warrior Officer.
    • In addition, etiquette, diplomacy, charity, and comportment in social gatherings — including ballroom dancing, dress and bearing, terms of respect, table manners, and making and receiving introductions — will be taught and practiced during each academic year at each academy.
  • Sports (entertainment) — as contrasted with athletics (warrior development) — are banned from US national service academies. Television networks are not allowed at US service academy athletic competitions.
  • The Superintendent of a national service academy will be a rising O-8 in a three-year billet. The Commandant will be a rising O-6 or O-7 in a two-year billet. The Dean will be a rising O-6 or O-7 in a four-year billet. A Department Head will be rising O-6 in a five-year billet.
    • No Officer or NCO will occupy an academy billet for longer than five years.
    • No Officer or NCO may occupy a billet at a US national service academy while in a terminal phase of their career.
    • All commanders, teachers, instructors, professors, and NCOs at a US national service academy are rising (promotable) in their military careers.

Eighth, for disgracing themselves, the uniform, and their country as Staff and/or Commanding Officers, I am seeking reduction in rank by two steps of every Officer, retired or active, who served in O-9 or O-10 rank in Iraq or Afghanistan, at The Joint Chiefs of Staff, or at a COCOM between the years 2001 and 2025 and did not retire or resign in protest over lack of rational strategic objective anywhere in US foreign policy during those years.

  • Files of retired Officers matching that description will be flagged for having brought disgrace on themselves, the uniform, and their country for, as applies, (1) not discovering US strategic interest in Middle Eastern affairs and elsewhere and vocalizing them for Americans to scrutinize, (2) not achieving rapid and inexpensive victory for American arms in operations OEF, OIF, and their successors, and (3) not resigning their commissions when ordered to pass from punitive war to nation building (Iraq, Afghanistan) or from static-kinetic occupation to abandonment of American citizens, Afghan assistants, and American materiel (Iraq, Afghanistan).
    • Flag and General Officer ranks are for serious stewards of the national welfare. One does not just fill time in grade, ignore reality, and shuffle off to preening comfort.

Ninth, I dismiss from federal service altogether the Joint Chiefs of Staff, with their Chairman, down to and including the rank of O-6. Additionally, I want each of them reduced in rank by two grades and the files of Flag and General Officers among them tagged for having brought disgrace on themselves, the uniform, and their country. From cowardice, Flag and General Officers at JCS lie repeatedly to POTUS and American citizens at large. I am not replacing JCS. Other uses will be found for their offices, equipment, and staffs.

  • From today, POTUS’ national defense advisors are:
    • Secretary of State
    • Secretary of Defense
    • Secretary of The Treasury
    • Secretary of Energy
    • Secretary of Homeland Security — which I want renamed to Homeland Defense
    • Chief of Staff, Joint Arms Force, U.S. Armed Forces
    • Nine COCOM Commanders

Tenth: I am contacting Congress to begin the process of creating a military officer corps — O-1 to O-10 — and a US federal government service corps — GS-7 to SES Levels 1&2 — comprising entirely persons with an undergraduate degree in engineering — or equivalent, credibly vouched-for learning plus experience — preferably hard engineering such as military, mechanical, electrical, chemical, hydrological, biological, theological, geological, structural, industrial, etc. Persons with humanities degrees I want disallowed in US federal military or civilian service above the rank of E-9 and GS-6.

Eleventh: I am instructing US federal department and agency personnel to — on their own, just themselves — conceive and spec out personnel, equipment, and doctrines they need to execute their duties and report those findings — after they are completely formed — up their chain of command for decision to issue, or not, a Request For Proposal.

  • The US federal government does not work for civilian contractors. They work for us. We are the contractor. They are contractees.
    • For example, it is corrupt practice for retired Flag and General Officers and SES Officials to sell, through colleagues still in active US federal service, products made to boost the estate value of civilian contractees who hired those Officers and Officials for that very purpose.
      • Americans recognize this activity as a corrupt practice. They are demoralized by it. This activity, therefore, materially destroys US national defense.
      • What mother or father encourages their offspring to join armed forces commanded by Admirals and Generals who, they know, already or soon will participate in corruption?
      • Pigs at a trough cannot hide the noise they make. It is disgusting.
  • We spec out our own personnel, equipment, and doctrinal needs. We do not allow civilian contractees, whose interests are private, not national, to tell us what we need or entice us with visions of their latest wunderwaffen. We are the contractor, they are the contractees.

Twelfth: I am directing each US federal department and agency not previously mentioned as destined for closure to strip off 72% of their existing civilian tables of personnel, 90% of their existing paramilitary tables of personnel, and to sell off — in US civilian or foreign military sectors — 81% of their existing tables of equipment.

  • Total allowed US government personnel in military uniform stands at about three millions persons, all stationed stateside unless assigned as staff to a US Embassy or Ambassador.
  • Their equipment will be designed and produced stateside for facing modern conditions.
  • Modern US armed force are a single, networked Joint Arms Force capable of discouraging all but lunatics from attacking us through any or all of the five dimensions of war and battle: Space, Air, Cyber, Sea, Land.

Thirteenth: I am directing the Secretary of Defense to execute rapid and radical modernization of US military tables of personnel and organization, equipment and procurement, principles of basing, prolegomena of military philosophy, and hagiography and taxonomy of military doctrine.

  • Theology replaces Law as the stabilizing outrigger of military operations. Spiritual discipline is the fountainhead of military success.
  • To be disbanded are not only:
    • U.S. Marine Corps
    • U.S. XVIII Airborne Corps
    • USARPAC and branch commands like them in the other COCOMs
    • U.S. Army FORSCOM and their counterparts in the other branches
    • U.S. Army Special Forces (Green Berets)
    • U.S. Naval Special Warfare Development Group (DEVGRU, SEAL Team Six)
    • U.S. Army Special Operations Command and their counterparts in the other branches, such as United States Naval Special Warfare Command
    • U.S. JSOC
    • U.S. Navy Carrier Battle/Strike Groups
    • U.S. Air Force Global Strike Command’s fixed-wing and siloed missile components
  • US Armed Forces are to base entirely on US soil and pursue opportunities for inter-nation communication such as are contemplated in, but not limited to, this study. US Armed Forces are responsible for homeland defense. That is all.
    • Nothing conduces more to homeland defense than happy neighbor nations, which in our electronic environment means all nations.
  • The Joint Arms Force is to be supported by The Joint Arms Force Training and Doctrine Command (TRADOC), The Joint Arms Force Procurement Command, The Joint Arms Force R&D Command, and The Joint Arms Force IRSI Command.

Fourteenth: In 1954, India (Jawaharlal Nehru) and The PRC (Zhou Enlai) concluded a treaty containing Five Principles that came to form, in 1961, the ground of the Non-Aligned Movement, which itself developed from the Bandung Conference of 1955.

The Five Principles of Nehru and Zhou track American statecraft before the latter was hijacked by Euro-American oligarchs — hoary British Toffs and newly-minted American Ashkenazy Jewish punishers — from even before V-J Day 1945. Today these self-appointed interlopers are known as The City of London and Neocons. Their operating formations are MI6, CIA-USAID and a host of professors and think tank-NGOs.

The Five Principles are:

  • Mutual respect for territorial integrity and sovereignty
  • Mutual non-aggression.
  • Mutual non-interference.
  • Equality and mutual benefit.
  • Peaceful co-existence.

These are called Panchsheel, Five Principles of Coexistence. They contrast with war-mongering Cold War Doctrine: to wit, we have to make sure, by hook or by crook, that every nation goes the way that is good for us Euro-American oligarchs, which is to say, our private estate accounts.

Modern counterparts of the Panchsheel include the concepts of indivisible security and multivariance. These concepts describe our US national and inter-nation policies. We want everyone to be happy and are prepared, and will be happy, to wallop anyone who acts on a want to not want the same for us. Beyond that, girl, and unless we, India, and/or Russia elect to intervene in troubles you have brought on yourself, you’re on your own.

Fifteenth: I am directing departments and agencies of the US Executive Branch to up-push hard TSTEM continuing education for their personnel, operations research for their self-examination, and all-of-government net-centric operations for their mission. I want the silos blown down and blown up.

Operations research started in 1914/1915 with M. Osipov’s and Frederick Lanchester’s mathematical modeling of military operations.

  • I am directing DOD to produce modern-war-winning personnel tables and inexpensive, dependable equipment and training to include:
    • standoff sub-and hyper-sonic artillery
    • air-supremacy air-defense artillery
    • total-field electronic warfare ISRI (Intelligence, Surveillance, Reconnaissance, Interdiction)
    • Battalion Task Forces configured for full-spectrum, net-centric Joint Arms Force operations
    • service-dedicated operators for all
  • Land component focus is artillery, infantry, and strategic, operational, and tactical awareness and planning for US territorial supremacy. The mission of land force governs operations of the Joint Arms Force.
  • Sea component focus is all-seas sub-surface ISRI, massed mini-vessel coastal and territorial defense supremacy (surface and sub-surface). at-sea artillery for territorial space, air, and water supremacy, and heavy sea-lift supremacy for two divisions of U.S. Army equipment and personnel.
  • Cyber component focus is OPSEC/COMSEC supremacy for the Joint Arms Force, U.S. Armed Forces, and all-of-planet electronic warfare supremacy against lunatics who essay to harm us.
  • Air component focus is close-in and forward artillery support for land-and sea-force supremacy operations, strategic artillery and strategic artillery defense supremacy, multi-domain battlespace air supremacy, and perimeter defense supremacy for Space Force.
  • Space component focus is over-all ISRI for and force protection of the networked supremacy of the Joint Arms Force, U.S. Armed Forces.

Sixteen: Summarizing: Just as WWII was ending, someone(s) alien put themselves between Americans and their traditional and natural preference for inter-national non-alignment and intra-national acceptance of one another. The City of London and Hans Morgenthau come to mind.

Very many who should know better have imbibed the theme of American exceptionalism and its dancing partner, American hegemony. They allowed themselves to be separated from their American nature. The likes of Zbigniew Brzezinski, Mike Pompeo, John Bolton, and Nikki Haley come to mind, along with, apparently, almost all US think tankers, US Senators and Representatives, US Flag and General Officers — active and retired — US SES Officials, senior layers of the D-R UniParty, and of course the entire cohort of CIA-USAID.

Structures generated to address Cold War conditions cruised right past natural American postures without even touching the brakes. Currency was unhooked from commodities to become fiat. And now all of that is dreadful deadfall obstructing Americans’ aspirations as Americans, who are live-and-let-live people at heart, as are Russians.

I shouldn’t think what D-R UniParty do is of much importance anymore. They are deadfall, as they prove again in this, yet another monster Act. I should think any American politically inclined is up forming a second party, which we are in fact.

The Neocon mindset — not America First but rather America Only — spans both US political parties, making them one party in practice. Many despair of removing those hands from the levers of USG. But God does not.

SIR NIGEL TWITT-THORNWAITE: This is a compendious list, a lot of heavy lifting.

POTUS MACARTHUR: It is what I was elected to do. I talked about all of it. None of it is a surprise.

THEODORE SLUTZ: Anything else you wish to mention?

POTUS MACARTHUR: Yes, thank you for asking. I want to mention activities I want to encourage among my fellow Americans so that over time they can consistently offer up for government and industry service more people who want to help them than who want to harm by looting them. We’ve had a lot of people in government and industry who want to harm Americans and others, such as Russians, by looting them. We do not want that. We will not do that.

Incidentally, I blame not those harmful government and industry employee looters but rather their mothers, fathers, and teachers, especially their mothers. I want to emphasize that about the mothers. They are closest to the child.

There are things Americans must do to make their country viably sovereign in the years ahead. These things also I mentioned during the campaign so they are known to Americans and approved by them in their vote for POTUS.

First, reestablish the spiritual interest — love, grandeur, God — as the purpose and goal of the nation’s system of education and strategic teleological objective. This is the prius of defense and protection of The Constitution of The United States of America.

Reestablishing the spiritual interest nation-wide, through family life, churches, and the nation’s system of education — starting in the homeschool — is the prius of national sovereignty. Guns, rockets, ships, soldiers, and atheists ain’t gonna keep us sovereign and free.

The spiritual interest is what does that. The thought of God, the repetition of God’s Name, the cultivation of selfless service, this is the genius of Americans and every other truly great nation, such as India and Russia. Their spiritual interest is what protects their sovereignty as a nation, large or small.

Who relies on guns and rockets is going down. Who relies on sodomy is going to hell. Who relies on God stands strong, gentle, and happy. This is no novel observation.

Second, let young Americans foregather to share and discuss ideas they have for living happily in this now multipolar order of nations. Americans are no longer calling the shots, so to speak. The sovereignty of other nations is just as important as the sovereignty of Americans. We must learn to live in this context, which is not the one our parents and teachers taught us. They said we Americans rule the roost. Well, that was a lie or at least an ignorance even though it appeared to be true for a time. It was never true. Our parents, teachers, and siblings along with us have made a lot of bad will among the nations by thinking, acting as if we rule the world’s roost. That is imperialism and irrational.

We can stop generating that bad will by being kind, polite, and considerate neighbors instead of bullies, imperialists. We — our diplomats, financiers, and warriors — must be gentle and polite. This we can do and will do. Thus I commend young people to come together to discuss ideas for living as free-born and sovereign American citizens in this order of equally sovereign nations comprising their own free-born and sovereign citizens with their own honored aspirations.

We will not tolerate being pushed around. But additionally, we renounce pushing around others.

Third, abandon to self-destruction Ivy League and other private and state-sponsored primary, secondary, post-secondary, graduate, and post-graduate schools. Build out homeschooling, shared schooling, charter schooling, voucher schooling, apprenticeships, and a concept or mindset of poly-local University Of The Professional Guilds. Americans themselves are their own best teachers and students. Encourage self-confidence in one and all and they will make their own way to grandeur by way of their inherent spiritual interest.

Fourth, abandon GDP or GNP as measures of Americans’ success. The measure of Americans’ success is the number of American women who grip their lives in the palms of their hands. The fewer who do that, the more Americans are succeeding. America succeeds when American women do not fear for their lives or the lives of their children. Only that is the measure of a nation’s success. Only the peace of mind of her women guarantees a nation’s sovereignty.

The duty of American men is to make that happen. It cannot be done without their continuous resort to God. Not to preachers. Not to points of view. Not to political parties. Not to ministries. Not to businesses, industries, clubs, social or fraternal organizations. Not to professional guilds. Not to religious meetings or congregations. Not to an inspiring leadership guru or worship leader. Not to a religion. To God, Who has no second. Duty is God. Work is Worship.

Fifth, be strong, be gentle, be happy, love God, and do what you want.

Patrick Lawrence: 21st Century Order

Cynthia Chung: Part I: ‘The Special Relationship’: How the British Reconquered the United States and Established an Anglo-American Empire

Cynthia Chung: Part II: The Real Global Agenda Pushing for War with China

Batiushka: The End of Castle Europe and the First Day of Freedom

Russia to build military bases in the Red Sea and Indian Ocean

Putin approved the Naval Doctrine of the Russian Federation and the Ship Charter of the Navy

Eduard Lozansky, RIA: Is there a way to overcome the crisis in US-Russian relations?

PATTON SYNDROME / Battle of Kursk: Andrei Martyanov: Where, Let Me Ask, Where…

Principle I

The United States have no authority in the domestic affairs of other countries and expect other countries to reciprocate by not feigning authority in our domestic affairs. The United States have interest in the lines of communication running between The United States and all other countries and expect all other countries to bear fairly the burden of keeping those lines open, safe, reliable, fair, and clean.

Principle II

The United States welcome alliance with our brother nations India and Russia for enforcement, from their perspectives, of the ground of statecraft set forth in Principle I and urge Japan and Egypt to join us for that endeavor and commitment.

Principle III

An order to deploy which lacks or frustrates intent to compel a target to sign a declaration of unconditional surrender is an unlawful order by the Rules of Just War, the Conventions of War, Common Sense, and the Spirit of America. An order to deploy conveys this intent to the Commanding Officer: win this war / battle in a timely manner at the lowest possible cost to yourself and your enemy or do not come back alive.

Bhagavan Sri Shirdi Sai Baba
By Artists M and F Graham
Sathya Sai Baba
Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba
At Puttaparthi, Andhra Pradesh, India

Donald Trump won the 2020 election for POTUS going away. He is POTUS until 20 January 2025 and presently in exile. That is the truth. Just stick to it and all will be well.

“Just realize they took the two most pathetic candidates in the history of the Democratic Party: a vice president who didn’t even win a primary in her own state; and a demented pervert, among other things, who can’t even tie his own shoelaces or know where he is. And they crammed them up our nose with a fork of fraud so blatant that it is visible around the world.” Sidney Powell, April 2021

Marilyn Monroe

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