POTUS: Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for coming so we can talk.
OLIGARCH: Do we have a choice?
POTUS: You always have a choice.
OLIGARCH: I mean one without consequences.
POTUS: Oh, that. Never.
OLIGARCH: OK, why are we here?
POTUS: Presently. First, would you like a mint?
OLIGARCH: No. Why are we here?
POTUS: OK then. No mints. You can change your mind at any time.
OLIGARCH: Waiting!
POTUS: Are you in a rush?
OLIGARCH: Our time is valuable. We have things to do.
POTUS: Like doodling each other?
OLIGARCH: That’s not fair.
POTUS: Fair is this: each of you deposits to the United States Treasury a sum of money equal to three quarters of your total net worth, to include real estate, securities, and insurance you own directly or indirectly in USA and every other country or region on the earth.
POTUS: This includes — whether directly or indirectly owned, meaning, always available for your use — your homes, farms, resorts, and ranches, along with all auxiliary buildings and furnishings at each, your and your spouse’s, boyfriend’s, and girlfriend’s clothes, precious metals and coins, and jewelry, your conveyances — all of them, of whatever description, whether directly or indirectly owned — your private armed forces along with all things owned directly or indirectly by persons comprising them, and your animals, wherever domiciled, however owned.
OLIGARCH: You’re out of your mind!
POTUS: You’re out of your depth.
OLIGARCH: We have people who can deal with you.
POTUS: I can deal with you.
OLIGARCH: This is impossible, not happening. I’ve never heard of anything so stupid.
POTUS: You will do all of this within one month from today’s date.
OLIGARCH: No one talks to us this way. You’re stupid. You don’t know who we are!
POTUS: Are we clear?
OLIGARCH: What do we get in exchange for doing this stupid thing?
POTUS: Freedom from prosecution from a sheet of crimes and misdemeanors topped by treason. If you make me do it, my next offer will not be so generous.
OLIGARCH: You wouldn’t.
POTUS: Would you like a mint? . . . . . No? OK. You may or may not want to inform your friends and peers that they face the same regime.
POTUS Chief of Staff, sottovoce: Mais dans ce pays-ci il est bon de tuer de tems en tems un Amiral pour encourager les autres. [Quoting Voltaire from Candide, ou l’Optimisme.]
POTUS: You are dismissed.
President of The Russian Federation Vladimir Putin has conducted such an interview with his oligarchs. Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia Mohammed bin Salman has conducted such an interview with his oligarchs. Both interviews accomplished their mission. The oligarchs concerned gained awareness that loyalty to their country and caring for their countrymen is more important than amassing financial wealth and trying to rule the world by means of it. When the time is right, at the kairotic moment, POTUS will conduct such an interview with his oligarchs.
“They” are the American oligarchs and demigarchs — Jewish-Anglican-Vatican — who discuss making this or that happen in some domestic scene or foreign country — and finance proxies to make it happen — without asking themselves if they have authority to do that.
“They” are the ones who hide the truth about:
1- the assassination of POTUS Kennedy,
2- the Israeli attack on USS Liberty,
3- the collapse straight down into their basements — rather than toppling over — of World Trade Center buildings,
4- the fraudulence of the US national election of 2020, followed by installation of a head of an organized crime family as if POTUS,
5- their own bloody machinations via proxies against Russia and Russians for their having thrown off an alien ideation, a heresy of Christianity in fact — Jewish Bolshevik Communism — and restoring their traditional Christianity.
This universe of thought and action distills to the question of authority. All “issues” today are inquiries in quest of authority. Myriads of claims of authority are made which have no basis in facts. Myriads of facts are stated which have no basis in reality.
Be at the quiet place where facts and authorities are self-evident. No pendulum swinging between extremes. No equal and opposite actions and reactions. Just quiet observation from the emptiness of egolessness. God fills and permeates that vast space-time continuum with unparalleled sweetness and true safety.
James B. Angell
David Atlee Philips: The Assassin Next Door
Lee Harvey Oswald’s handler