Looking Ahead

Scimus autem quoniam diligentibus Deum omnia cooperantur in bonum, iis qui secundum propositum vocati sunt sancti. And we know that to them that love God, all things work together unto good, to such as, according to his purpose, are called to be saints.

The Russian SMO in Novorossiya and Malorossiya — aka a Combined Forces Police Operation — has struck and smashed the global hegemony of Jewish-Anglican-Vatican Atheist Tyranny — aka Global Fascism.

Homosexuals are obsessive sadomasochistic tyrants. They are holes in the hull of a society. Do holes have a right to exist in the hull of a society? Certainly, if you want your life and society to sink. If you want your boat to float, you do not allow holes in your hull. You do not allow them on your deck either, or in your rigging. Homosexuals and successful journeys from port to port across the sea of life are incompatible, an oxymoron.

Pepe Escobar on the same SPIEF Conference I

Pepe Escobar on the same SPIEF Conference II

English Transcript of SPIEF speech by
President of Russian Federation Vladimir Putin

A thought on military escalation from the Russian SMO, including the probability of suicidal military escalation. I consider this probability very high and for a reason little if ever mentioned: the weight of homosexual and drug-addicted personalities inside the US Foreign Policy Establishment and indeed the whole MICIMATT. These personalities are not inclined to clear thinking and emotional quiet. Only God is real, so fear is counter-indicated.

World War 3 For Dummies

The Hinges of History Creak

The Russian SMO has driven Jewish-Anglican-Vatican Atheist Tyrants into panic and desperation. They are control freaks unaccustomed and unwilling to considering the wishes, values, or plans of others. They may use weapons and/or deploy military force that resolves Russia, as she has warned, to strike decision-making centers of the combined West.

  • The combined West is a phrase in use by The Russian Ministry Of Foreign Affairs to indicate Euro-American Fascists (Jewish-Anglican-Vatican Atheist Tyrants) and their proxies here and there on the face of the planet.

Maria Zakharova,, Official Spokesperson, Russian Ministry Of Foreign Affairs

In USA, what might those decision-making centers be? Let’s observe a list of possibles.

Tier I Decision-Making Centers

Langley, VA

Executive Office Buildings, D.C.

Justice Department, D.C.

Cupertino-Mountain View, CA

Cambridge, MA

State Department, D.C.

Senate Office Buildings, D.C.

National Cathedral, D.C

Seattle, WA

Princeton, NJ

White House, D.C.

House Office Buildings, D.C.

Redmond, WA

New York, NY

New Haven, CT

Tier II Decision-Making Centers

Brookings Institution

Institute For The Study Of War

Ford Foundations

Atlantic Council

Cato Institute

German Marshall Fund

Quincy Institute

Council On American-Islamic Relations

Middle East Institute

Center For A New American Security

American Enterprise Institute

Rand Corporation

Carnegie Foundations

Council on Foreign Relations

Competitive Enterprise Institute

Institute For Humanist Studies

American Israel Public Affairs Committee

The Scowcroft Group

Center For Strategic & International Studies

US Chamber of Commerce

Rockefeller Foundations

MacArthur Foundations

Aspen Institute

National Defense Industrial Organization

Pew Research Center

National Council Of Churches

U.S. Council on Competitiveness

Center For Economic And Policy Research

Tier III Decision-Making Centers

Lockheed Martin

Northrop Grumman

Huntington Ingalls

Booz Allen Hamilton


Oshkosh Corporation


Raytheon Technologies

General Dynamics


General Electric


Jacobs Engineering Group





CACI International

General Atomics

Black & Veatch


Tier IV Decision-Making Centers

Colorado Springs, CO

JB Lewis-McChord, WA

JB Elmendorf-Richardson, AK

MacDill Air Force Base, FL

Bluffdale, UT

Hampton Roads, VA

JB Bremerton-Bangor, WA

JB Pearl Harbor–Hickam, HI

Fort Meade, MD

Doral, FL

The Pentagon, VA

Fort Bragg, NC

Naval Base Coronado, CA

Quantico, VA

Jacksonville, FL

Tier V Decision-Making Centers

Los Angeles, CA

Omaha, NB

Chicago, IL

New Orleans, LA

San Francisco, CA

Los Alamos, NM

Provo, UT

Boise, ID

Denver, CO

Kansas City, MO

Houston, TX

St. Louis, MO

Oak Ridge, TN

Santa Fe, NM

Dallas-Fort Worth, TX

Twin Cities, MN

Atlanta, GA

Memphis, TN

Billings, MT

Lemont, IL

Charlotte, NC

Note: Russian leadership have warned that, if provoked, they will strike decision-making centers. They did not say that they will strike civilian populations — something so-called Ukrainian Armed Forces undertake assiduously as grade one policy — or civilian infrastructure — water, power, internet. Russians have avoided as best they can striking civilian populations and infrastructure in so-called Ukraine.

Were Russians to strike strategic military targets in USA, as they have done in so-called Ukraine, their ISR reports would include something like this:

Examination of records will show that, overall, Sephardic Jews supported the American Revolution whereas, overall, Ashkenazy Jews opposed it. The reason: Sephardic Jews, overall, and in common with the key component of Americans’ victory in their Revolutionary War — Scots and Scots-Irish warriors — support personal and social freedoms whereas Ashkenazy Jews, overall, do not, at least not for non-Ashkenazy Jews.

The oldest synagogue in New York City is Sephardic, not Ashkenazy. Between 80% and 95% of original Bolsheviks in Russia and the Soviet Union were Ashkenazy Jews. Nearly the entire upper echelon of the NKVD, predecessor to the KGB and the guys who assassinated GEN George S. Patton, were Ashkenazy Jews.

Today, Ashkenazy Jews focus their control of US Media, Hollywood, Wall Street, and Government Departments and Agencies on trying to flood out and wash away Americans of European descent because such people, especially Scots/Scots-Irish, know how to fight and defeat hegemonic intentions — e.g., Fascism and Communism — such as those nursed among themselves quite often and assiduously by Ashkenazy Jews.

Today also, Anglican, Vatican, Wahhabi, and Shiite clerics — all Atheists — second hegemonic intentions because they too nurse planetary, universal hegemonic ambitions. Atheists know no restraint in self-aggrandizement, nor want one. Being Jewish and Fascist is as easy as being Jewish and Communist. Atheism is the common thread stringing along all these so-called religious leaders, and Atheism is partisan in extremis.

Undesirable are not Ashkenazy Jews or Judaism per se but the factionalism, the partisanship to which in large numbers Ashkenazy Jews demonstrate addiction because of their Atheism. They carry factionalism in two forms, as for a double envelopment of everyone else: ethnic partisanship and ideational partisanship. Both forms of faction go very surely and very quickly to tyranny — “We/I know what’s best for you!” — and to shifting legalism — “[Our/My] rules-based international order, which we/I can change at any time and you have no choice but to obey all the time.” Partisanship itself, the spirit of faction, is the culprit, not Ashkenazy Jews or Judaism per se.

Atheism and partisanship are names for the same phenomenon.

New York City is

Verrazzano 1524

Gomez 1526

Dutch 1608

Dutch settle Governor’s Island 1624

Dutch buy Manhattan 1626

Stuyvesant takes over on Manhattan 1647

New Amsterdam incorporated 1653

First North American synagogue, Sephardic, New Amsterdam 1654

Duke of York sorties warships, takes over, renames New Amsterdam to New York 1664

Huguenots settle New Rochelle 1687-8

A government loses by not winning.
An insurgency wins by not losing.

Henry Kissinger

The world were better off looking where Holy Russia looks, to God. Only God knows the size, depth, breadth, needs, and past of this situation. Our responsibility is to practice self-less-ness, empty of ego, love God, and in that condition do what we want.

North Rose, Notre Dame de Paris

North Rose, Notre Dame de Paris

How does one enlighten someone who is stupid to the fact that they are stupid? It can’t be done, because they are stupid, right? Maybe by a spiritual route. Certainly not by a discursive or logical route, because by definition, a stupid person cannot discuss or do logic.

The university today is patently a holding tank for stupid people. Who would go to such a place other than stupid people? The hopeful?

So why do we say the university is a place for reasoned discussion? When has that ever been the case except minimally and rarely in a very few times and climes?

Vast winds blow out small flames. Wild animals eat sprouts before they can become great trees. Do Americans protect the few sprouts, the few small flames present amongst them?

Stonewall Jackson observed that the best way to increase morale is to increase discipline. Fair, consistent across all persons, and not abusive, but discipline. It builds single-pointedness, which is a spiritual virtue of very great power.

We always appreciate hearing from any of our alumni . . . .”

  • That language is genitive, setting the tone of the missive as from an owner to a vassal.

“our vast variety of dynamic programming”

  • More genitive, mixed with hyperbolic self-aggrandizement.

“educating the next generation of lawyer-leaders”

  • How about protecting the next generation of the unfairly treated?

“in which all are welcome and all can learn”

  • To include Taliban, ISIS members, normal young men of European descent, American descent?

“the ideological spectrum”

  • Which is what?

“their expertise

  • A weasel word extraordinaire.

“our faculty, our talented and hard-working students”

  • There’s that genitive again: “our.” He doesn’t mean Minnesotans, who pay his salary.

“the ideologically conservative space”

  • What is that? Really, what is an ideologically conservative space? One square yard of school property adjacent the trash bin for medical waste?

“For generations, our students have left these halls with the skills necessary to lead at every level and in every facet of society. We are proud that no matter their concentration or career path, they will continue to do so successfully with all types of perspectives and world-views.”

  • What about protecting the downtrodden, the widow, the orphaned, the maimed, the desolated? Furthermore, as you can clearly see, there are no American tanks behind me rolling through Baghdad.

“Thank you again for taking the time to express your views. We appreciate your passion and concern for this important issue.” [Trans: You rat, you just made me spend my budget to hire a PR firm to write you this FO letter that you had no business writing in the first place because you’re old and worthless and not part of what we’re doing at MLS. Go count your coupons, sail your boat, and leave the modern world to experts.]

  • Well, another so-called law school to strike off the list of possibilities. Sounds more like a training camp for IO gladiators than a law school.
North Rose, Notre Dame De Chartres, The Rose Of France

North Rose,
Notre Dame De Chartres,
The Rose Of France

North Rose, Notre Dame De Chartres, The Rose Of France

North Rose,
Notre Dame De Chartres,
The Rose Of France

North Rose, Notre Dame De Chartres, The Rose Of France

North Rose,
Notre Dame De Chartres,
The Rose Of France

The meme says, “We asked them nicely not to expand eastward.”
The headgear is of Teutonic Knights, Poles, Napoleon, and Germans.
An empty box is available for filling in The Current Thing.

US military recruiting and retention approaches nil for all branches. Who do these America-hating Jewish-Anglican-Vatican Atheist Neocon tyrants comprising the US Foreign Policy Establishment and nearly all MICIMATT think is going to go out there and fight for them their endless wars of self-aggrandizement painted as patriotism?

Who’s going to do that? They know they will not win but will be told by their own civilian so-called leaders that they are terrorists for even trying. Who wants to put their head in that noose?

Less than a third of US residents are even qualified for military service. Does Vicky Nudelman Nuland intend to learn how to shoot a rifle, command a battalion, plan operations, conceive strategics, organize logistics? Who’s going to drive her submarines? Who are CIA going to get to assassinate or kidnap this person and that around the world? The criminal classes, that’s who. And a nation can be a great power relying on such as those?

First Century Jewish Sicarii and Twelfth-Fourteenth Century Albigensians/Cathars are the closest parallel I see to modern American Jewish-Anglican-Vatican Atheist Neocon tyrants: crazy-mind, jacked-up fanatics who met a violent end yet still manage to set peoples’ teeth on edge through bitter memories of them.

US military services would improve retention and recruiting by whetting appetites and training up potential members from an early age by their counties and states. For example:

  • 1- JROTC (Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps) and JRNCOTC (Junior Reserve NCO Training Corps) academies and programs
    • a- for homeschoolers,
    • b- at public and private junior high and high schools,
    • c- attached to county sheriffs’ Civil Defense Battalions,
    • d- attached to churches, synagogues, temples, and mosques,
    • e- attached to schools corporations establish to train employees, as included among the corporations’ civic duties.
  • 2- These learning opportunities would emphasize difficult and fun things such as:
    • a- Civilian Marksmanship Program (lots of 1STGs-CSMs/Branch Equivalents as trainers, admins),
    • b- personal fitness, self-confidence, and expertise,
    • c- small unit drill and tactics,
    • d- exposure to rigorous math, chemistry, physics, biology, and engineering arts, using the Thayer Method (more fully here), demonstrated regularly by testing,
    • e- introduction to tactical, operational, and strategic arts.
  • 3- States would be helped to stand up Militias from county sheriffs’ Civil Defense Battalions.
  • 4- Intention and talk would be of homeland defense rather than foreign involvement. US’ fanatics’ days of going abroad in search of monsters to destroy — and to demand obeisance and tribute build democracies — have come to a screeching halt. They will not restart.
  • 5- Public discourse would present military service as a hard but fun way to build character for a life that feels good deep down.

Principle I

The United States have no interest in the domestic affairs of other countries and expect other countries to reciprocate by having no interest in our domestic affairs. The United States have interest in the lines of communication running between The United States and all other countries and expect all other countries to bear fairly the burden of keeping those lines open, safe, reliable, fair, and clean.

Principle II

The United States welcome alliance with our brother nations India and Russia for enforcement, from their perspective, of the ground of statecraft set forth in Principle I and urge Japan and Egypt to join us for that endeavor and commitment.

Principle III

An order to deploy which lacks or frustrates intent to compel a target to sign a declaration of unconditional surrender is an unlawful order by the Rules of Just War, the Conventions of War, Common Sense, and the Spirit of America. An order to deploy conveys this intent to the Commanding Officer: win this war / battle in a timely manner or do not come back alive.

Bhagavan Sri Shirdi Sai Baba
By Artists M and F Graham
Sathya Sai Baba
Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba
At Puttaparthi, Andhra Pradesh, India

Donald Trump won the 2020 election for POTUS going away. He is POTUS until 20 January 2025 and presently in exile. That is the truth. Just stick to it and all will be well.

“Just realize they took the two most pathetic candidates in the history of the Democratic Party: a vice president who didn’t even win a primary in her own state; and a demented pervert, among other things, who can’t even tie his own shoelaces or know where he is. And they crammed them up our nose with a fork of fraud so blatant that it is visible around the world.” Sidney Powell, April 2021

Luciana Paluzzi +

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