Slaughter And The Great Leveling

Seattle, Early 1990s
1960s City Girl

Scimus autem quoniam diligentibus Deum omnia cooperantur in bonum, iis qui secundum propositum vocati sunt sancti. And we know that to them that love God, all things work together unto good, to such as, according to his purpose, are called to be saints.


Related: Diveyevo, The Hidden Capital Of Holy Russia

Russians had it figured out long before I did.
I feel like a dolt.

Left out of rational commentary and prognostication these days is the possibility that Americans themselves may throw off the layer of Jewish-Anglican-Vatican bastards and degenerates who install themselves as officialdom at major American institutions, such as governments, schools, corporations, courts, military commands. Codevilla years ago mentioned this possibility as if it is a certainty given long enough for R&D.

I was thinking today that Americans who accomplish this — and face it, many are trying or thinking of trying, and along numerous approaches to the goal — might be thought of as Ur-Americans, those who “[Go] Not Abroad In Search Of Monsters To Destroy” (John Quincy Adams). The truth is in us as much as in Russians, or anyone, or any creature. Only God, after all, is real.

There is nobility and justice in the American soul. Jewish-Anglican-Vatican Fascists hiding the strength and happiness of the American soul can be scraped off and put in a compost heap where they belong. The scraping hurts but is necessary, and the hurt does not exceed Americans’ ability to tolerate it. Russians threw off the Communists who ground them under. Americans can throw off the Fascists who grind them under. Then, by golly, we’ll have at least two great peoples united in their love for God and aversion to both Communists and Fascists.

Examples of labor to conceive and produce an architecture of indivisible security for the multipolar, post-hegemonic order of nations:

Traitors and Patriots

Three Brothers Doctrine

World War 3 For Dummies

The Very Special Operation

The Hinges of History Creak

The Great Ukrainian Blame Game

Military Power123456

There Will Be No Peace Agreement

How Blaming Putin Is Helping Putin

What is coming to replace American ‘unipolarity’?

Moscow’s [Pseudo] Intellectual Parnassus Gets A Clue

Warsaw Does Not Intend To Tolerate Ukrainian Nationalism

Why George Soros and Francis Fukuyama are ‘Putin’s useful idiots’

When you defeat a proxy, you defeat their owner. Ukraine is a proxy of NATO. NATO is a proxy of the layer of Jewish-Anglican-Vatican bastards and degenerates who install themselves as officialdom at major American institutions, such as governments, schools, corporations, courts, military commands.

When a proxy’s owner is defeated, the proxy and their owner get unstuck and the connections inside each also get unstuck. The proxy-owner system disintegrates to its outside and on its inside. In defeating Ukraine, Russia has defeated NATO and their owner.

Unwisely, Donald Trump did not carry through on disbanding NATO. Russians have set the process in motion, at last. Americans are stuck in a shit-show until they throw off the layer of Jewish-Anglican-Vatican bastards and degenerates who claim to be their officials. There can be no continuity of government for these fascist bastards and degenerates.

Ur-Americans must convene and construct a leader cadre who are knowledgeable, skilled, and strong. Principally, engineers and theologians, such as are not seen in seminal or salient numbers in USA for now going on three generations. Nearly all extant Americans worthy of the name are autodidacts. Such was the case also with the generation of our Founders, who were knowledgeable and capable in extremis. This is the challenge, the vocation for Americans who care about their country: expand the number of strong and happy countrymen, especially engineers and theologians.

The next Ur-American POTUS early will call to The White House Chairmen and CEOs of large corporations and small businesses. Tell them he will:

Ladies and Gentlemen, Colleagues,

From now on, here is the priority of things about which you care:

1- your employees, their families, and the families of the town where you have an office or plant;

2- towns where you have an office or plant;

3- counties where you have an office or plant;

4- states where you have an office or plant;

5- countries where you have an office or plant;

6- shareholder ROI;

7- your compensation.

Take care of your people and they will take care of you.

In addition, and as symbol of loyalty to your countrymen and shareholders, I want you to press your BODs to declare that the total compensation package for any position in your company will not exceed $300K/annum, to be adjusted for inflation at the start of each decade.

Rama Greets The Ogres

Only God is real. Whatever happens is His drama, usually and rightly taken to be meant by Him as punitive, salvic, didactic, and/or hortatory for certain and/or many creatures experiencing and observing the drama. God Himself is the only reality of the drama. The drama is He.

What can we make today of God’s intentions playing out in so many guises as a drama among the nations? First, the fulness and specificity of the same are known — and knowable — only to Him. Second, while punitive, salvic, didactic, and/or hortatory intentions are present, we can see or surmise a fraction only of their motivations and objectives, and most of those most dimly.

Christian Scripture, however, provides a somewhat consistent topography of the intentionality of the dramas God enacts specifically for the benefit of human kind. These, usually, are of the salvic, didactic, and hortatory kind. Punitive intentionality God enacts, usually, for the benefit of ogres and ogresses of demonic kind, a cohort of creatures so-called scientists are at pains to refuse recognition for now better than two centuries.

Scripture takes note of God’s actions to level pretensions to more than humanhood and to slaughter pretensions to universal supremacy. Genesis 11:1-9 treats of the first type of divine action. 1 Kings 18 treats of the second. Scripture also takes note of God’s actions to save someone or something in danger. An example is at Luke 7:1-10.

The enormous seriousness of straying from loyalty to God, of forgetting or denying one’s creature-hood in God’s universe, or of abjuring reliance on Him is given in Amos 1-2. Chassez le naturel et il revient au galop.

In control of mechanisms of governance today in USA, UK, and EU are a self-installed junta — Jewish-Anglican-Vatican — of demonic personalities typologically identical with 9th Century BC Priests of Baal and 1st Century AD Sicarii. Their fate is as that of these their predecessors: slaughter.

Not in control of mechanisms of governance today in USA, UK, and EU are human personalities in various stages of decrepitude from self-inflicted laziness. Their fate is leveling of their pretense to being exceptional, envied by everyone, the best one at everything. As febrile humans, they do not deserve slaughter. But as insubordinate, insolent, and stupid pretenders, they do deserve crucification of their egos, that being a redemption.


I feel the core feeling of my career regarding my country (USA) in this embodiment is expressed by William Shakespeare through Marc Antony in the Senate over Caesar’s dead body:

C R Y H A V O C!

The target is these demonic personalities just mentioned: Jewish-Anglican-Vatican Fascists.

Descendants of the ones who relieved GOA Douglas MacArthur from command in Korea.

The ones renaming US Army bases long-named after Confederate States Army officers.

The ones removing a portrait of LTG Robert E. Lee, CSA, from display at West Point, where he was both Cadet and Superintendent.

The ones promoting the concept of Euro-American Supremacy, aka Fascism.

The ones supplying money, weapons, training, and diplomatic, logistical, and intelligence support to formally Nazified civilian and military formations in so-called Ukraine.

The ones selling drugs to cause diseases so they can sell drugs to treat those diseases. (The Priests of Baal did this.)

The ones pushing psychotropic chemicals, so-called social media, and so-called psychotherapy into American children and adults in order that chaos may abound and a few from it profit.

I admit to locating a mixture of salvic, didactic, hortatory, and punitive impulses, the punitive and salvic ones being really impressive while the didactic and hortatory ones are more public.

His Will Be Done!

Bhagavan Sri Shirdi Sai Baba
By Artists M and F Graham
Sathya Sai Baba
Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba
At Puttaparthi, Andhra Pradesh, India

Donald Trump won the 2020 election for POTUS going away. He is POTUS until 20 January 2025 and presently in exile. That is the truth. Just stick to it and all will be well.

“Just realize they took the two most pathetic candidates in the history of the Democratic Party: a vice president who didn’t even win a primary in her own state; and a demented pervert, among other things, who can’t even tie his own shoelaces or know where he is. And they crammed them up our nose with a fork of fraud so blatant that it is visible around the world.” Sidney Powell, April 2021

Maria Zakharova

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