American Conservatives, Liberals, and Libertarians are stuck in the same life-destroying pretension: that USA is a light to the nations, a city on a hill, exceptional, ergo, we’re better than you other nations, who in consequence are obliged to do as we say you must. It’s called fascism.
Most people learn and learn and never understand.
Which of you has just an inkling of an idea of how USA should behave in a multipolar order of nations, an order without, for example, the US dollar as global reserve currency?
Which of you has just an inkling of an idea of ideal US military force structure in the context of abundant, inexpensive stand-off, high-explosive, high-precision, hypersonic artillery. (Artillery is The King of Battle. Infantry is The Queen of Battle.) And then there is the drone swarm.
Which of you has just an inkling of an idea on how to clean up Minneapolis, San Francisco, Los Angeles? How about Harvard, Dartmouth, Princeton, etc?
Which of you has just an inkling of an idea of what the concepts of multivariance and indivisible security mean inside and outside a great power, of which the earth hosts now four at least, three of whom — USA, Russia, India — are linguistic, cultural, racial, and religious brothers?
Which of you is able to construct a bilateral or multilateral, mutually beneficial inter-nation treaty, agreement, or organization architecture? One to which your successor will adhere? One that does not favor one nation over another?
How can a nation conduct foreign policy in the context of a fresh jerk being installed to executive power extra-ordinarily every so often? Why should other nations respect a nation who allows that to happen to her own governance systems?
Which of you condemns USG officials for confiscating other nations’ foreign currency and commodity reserves that reside physically in USA? Which of you believes that that is not OK, is theft that breaks the word once given, the most heinous of all crimes?
Which of you has not been deluding yourself regarding the momentum of events in so-called Ukraine, and why it is as it is, as well as about the massive, earth-wide tectonic shifts in geo-political dynamics said events are triggering? Are you even aware that Russia is pounding sense back into immoral man and unhappy societies?
It doesn’t matter whether one is Conservative, Liberal, or Libertarian. These are variant labels on cans of the same rancid spam produced at the same putrid factory. Judeo-Christian culture indeed! I tell you, God hates it. The very concept is an abomination.
When you live with others without thinking of yourself as exceptional, as an exceptional nation, as a really cool person everyone should like and admire, someone special, then you are worthy of respect. This side of that humble realism is all ego in multi-hued costumes of the same manufacture: rubbish.
Let Conservatives, Liberals, and Libertarians — and their GO/NGO chaos-and-assassination battalions — behold the authorities of Genesis 11:1-9, Amos 1-2, 5:21-24, and The Army of Titus at Jerusalem and Masada. Mark the fate of such ancestors of modern American Conservatives, Liberals, and Libertarians — and their GO/NGO chaos-and-assassination battalions — and the reason for it: . . . nec desistent a cogitationibus suis donec eas opere conpleant.