Education System Re-Design

Scimus autem quoniam diligentibus Deum omnia cooperantur in bonum, iis qui secundum propositum vocati sunt sancti. And we know that to them that love God, all things work together unto good, to such as, according to his purpose, are called to be saints.

Re-personalize, de-industrialize education.
E Pluribus Unum, not melting pot.
Increase public welfare, not private wealth.
Tier I and Tier II Professional Schools
War-Fighter Training Re-Designs.

Black students on some college campuses are demanding facilities for themselves alone. While demanding is not in a student’s writ, what they are demanding is in the human writ. Race matters. Customs developed by the several races matter. Like belongs with like and will get to that condition no matter what.

They go to college for networking. But that means they feel weak, in need of networking. Already starting off on the wrong foot. And they’ll get mauled by partisan groups, including faculties and admins.

Race matters. The black kids are right that they should have their own facilities. Races are important. US is not a melting pot. We are an e pluribus unum. Affinity is important. Integration should be between affinity groups working out their arrangements among themselves. Integration should not be throwing everyone into the same group. Do that and we see what happens: they all start shouting insults and threats at each other, because races and their customs are important.

Forcing integration to the same school/group, to include by bussing, was fascist, unnatural and counter-productive with respect to general peace and social welfare. Like belongs with like and will get to that no matter what.

For example, US Army should return to race-based units. Buffalo Soldiers, Tuskegee Airmen, 442nd RCT. Today’s SOF formations are mostly of Scots and Scandinavian descent. These were/are very successful formations, developed superb unit cohesion and morale, competed with units of other races for being best Soldiers, had affinity strength locally as a formation and national strength as part of an apex command, USA. That is e pluribus unum. As goes her Army, so goes the Nation.

Schools should re-segregated by race where that is wanted, by mixed races where that is wanted. Local neighborhood decisions, not courts. And schools should be de-industrialized, off the German industrial model, and re-personalized, on the various models of spiritual-vocational discipline.

This is a good thing.  The kids are right.  We are a nation of e pluribus unum.  Not a melting pot.  Like attracts like.  This is natural and should be applauded.  With luck, U.S. Army will return to race-based units. They have performed admirably in the past.  442nd RCT (Japanese American), is still the most decorated unit in Army history.  Buffalo Soldiers.  Tuskegee Airmen.  Great units, developed wonderful morale for their racial stock and for being unique and valuable Americans.  Russians are very good at this.  Chechens — Muslims — are doing the work at Mariupol.  We are not a melting pot and neither are the nations.  We are richer and happier for our marvelous multivariance inside our common humanity.

It appears to at least some extent Russian Armed Forces operate in ethnic units, perhaps also religious units. I think this makes sense. US Army at least used to operate somewhat that way. Blacks had their units — Mac Arthur said Black troops performed well in Korea: Buffalo Soldiers, Tuskegee Airmen; Japanese 442nd RCT; Navaho Code Talkers. There may have been some Polish units, also Italian units. Brits had Polish Airmen. Irish were a class across the US Army, the brawlers and their NCOs, Chechens of the USA. Today, US SOF personnel tend to be Scots and Scandinavians, who are related across the centuries.

Scots of the Appalachians, fighting pretty much as units comprising their own background, as I understand it, contributed mightily to the Revolutionary War being won by American-French-Polish commanders. I don’t know the details there, but the point is racial-ethnic cohesion in the fighting unit was critical to its success and to the self-confidence of the nation after the war. British Army practiced this, still does to some extent, at least in naming their units, especially the historic Scottish units.

I think this would help today with recruiting and probably retention as well. It would vastly help with unit cohesion. And since all are in the same Army, and recognized for their unique qualities and ways of living, it would vastly improve allegiance to the mother country. The units would compete with one another for best soldiers awards.

The Melting Pot idea has harmed the country. There is real uniqueness, really unique qualities to this day as between and even among the races and national backgrounds of Americans. If the Army really reflects America as a whole, then its units should as well, at least through O-3 and the comparable NCO grades. Ethnic/religious units.

The Melting Pot idea has caused Americans who can to go into gated communities. They would be much better off, feel much safer, in un-gated neighborhoods comprising their mostly own ethnicities with each self-confidently working with others. This has to be bottom up at least through O-3 in the Army.

Morale would raise high and quickly throughout the Army and the nation’s civilians. Brits won peace in Great Britain by forming Scots-only units. The US Army doing the same would go far for calming jangled nerves in USA today. The US Army should be integrated alright, but as between units, not within units. The units should be ethnic and/or religious. This way the Army really would reflect the country. And this noxious, toxic quota of this race and that race, this gender and that gender, in each unit and command would be mooted.

Insanities such as DIE (Diversity Inclusion Equity), Green, Climate, LGBQ, Fascism, and Communism incubate in her schools and infect a nation because her schools are not answering the needs of a nation. Schools from which come unhealthy ideas and practices are schools which are beyond their shelf-life. They are not schools.

Primary and secondary schools, especially public ones, are beyond their shelf-life. They are misery facilities. Post-secondary liberal arts schools are beyond their shelf-life. They are fornication facilities.

Today, a nation’s citizens need selfless leadership from the Tier I professional guilds — Theology, Medicine, War-Fighting, Law, Pedagogy — and from sub-Tier I professional guilds, which we will designate Tier II professional guilds — e.g., Engineering, Agriculture, Mathematics, Chemistry, Geography, etc.

The homeschool is the model for primary and secondary education. This goes by neighborhood. Parents are the teachers and/or hire teachers. Space is donated or made by the neighbors themselves.

The military academy using the Thayer Method is the model for post-secondary education in the Tier I and Tier II professional guilds. This goes by location, which goes by self-made affinity of the teachers themselves. The teachers themselves manage their school’s affairs as part of the art of teaching. Space exists or is donated. Students are paid, fed, and domiciled while studying at a professional school.

Academic, moral, and intellectual standards for schools teaching the professional guilds can be very high because masses of practitioners of the professions are not needed even by a very large nation. In fact, no nation produces or can produce masses of Tier I or Tier II professionals because these are more born than made and masses of them are not born. Quality rather than quantity is the touchstone of schools teaching the professional guilds.

Liberal arts degrees are worthless and facilities of schools which issue them can be sold to developers or donated for teaching practitioners of a Tier I or Tier II professional guild.

With respect to the Tier I professional guild of War-Fighter, here are some thoughts:

War-fighter training is inherently a national taxpayer-funded activity because protecting a nation’s taxpayers and their wealth is inherently a universal value. All are helped equally just as all are harmed equally if a nation’s war-fighters cannot protect their nation from an aggressor.

Each component of the Penta-Force — Space, Air, Cyber, Sea, Land — requires two Level Three professional academies, one to make E-7 NCOs, one to make O-1 Officers.

Each academy teaches the primacy, in every military action, of combined arms operations in the multi-domain battlespace. That is, each academy teaches to the Penta-Force model of war-fighting. All five components operate in unison together or they do not take the field.

That is the bedrock of modern military doctrine. Any formation operating without, say, just one Penta-Force component self-exposes to annihilation by attack through the gap made by the absence of that component. The success and safety of each depends on the active unity of all five components of the Penta-Force.

The course of the NCO academies can be two years in length, comprising nine months academics / athletics — not sports, athletics — and three months practicum / athletics. The nine-month periods teach NCO responsibilities and war-fighting abilities and histories for each of the nine shops of a general staff, one shop per month. The nine shops are:

S/G/J-1: Personnel
S/G/J-2: Intelligence
S/G/J-3: Operations
S/G/J-4: Logistics
S/G/J-5: Plans
S/G/J-6: Signals
S/G/J-7: Training
S/G/J-8: Finance
S/G/J-9: Civilian-Military/Ecclesial Cooperation

The first three-month practicum / athletics is with a field unit of another component / branch of the Penta-Force. The second is with a field unit of the home component / branch.

Families of the E-7s are billeted with them at the NCO academies.

The course of the Officer academies can be five years in length, comprising nine months academics / athletics — not sports, athletics — and three months practicum / athletics. Cadets / Midshipmen are single, without child care or alimony responsibilities, and less than 24 years of age when they enter the academy.

Officer academies are engineering schools. Every element of the curricula conduces to training up engineers. From a military Officer’s point of view, war-fighting is an engineering art.

Besides the Fourth Class System and traditional West Point Honor System and Code, the nine-month periods at Officer academies teach NCO and Officer responsibilities and war-fighting abilities and histories for each of the nine shops of a general staff, one shop per month. The nine shops are:

S/G/J-1: Personnel
S/G/J-2: Intelligence
S/G/J-3: Operations
S/G/J-4: Logistics
S/G/J-5: Plans
S/G/J-6: Signals
S/G/J-7: Training
S/G/J-8: Finance
S/G/J-9: Civilian-Military/Ecclesial Cooperation

During their first academic / athletic year, Cadets / Midshipmen practice the duties of NCOs in each of those shops, one per month. During their second academic / athletic year, they practice the duties of O-1s to O-3s in S shops, one per month. During their third academic / athletic year, they practice the duties of O-4s to O-6s in G shops, one per month. During their fourth academic / athletic year, they practice the duties of O-7s to O-10s in those shops, one per month. During their fifth academic / athletic year, they practice the duties COCOM Commanders, one per month for each of the nine COCOMs.

The three-month periods of practicum / athletics occur during summers before academic years.

During their first three-month period of practicum / athletics, which occurs before they are received by the Corps of Cadets / Brigade of Midshipmen, Cadet / Midshipman Candidates undergo basic training as established by their component of the Penta-Force.

During their second three-month period of practicum / athletics, Cadets / Midshipmen undergo advanced training as established by their component of the Penta-Force.

During their third three-month period of practicum / athletics, Cadets / Midshipmen undergo advanced training as established by another component of the Penta-Force.

During their fourth three-month period of practicum / athletics, Cadets / Midshipmen embed with a field unit of their or another component of the Penta-Force, or, undergo specialized training at a school available in their or another component of the Penta-Force.

During their fifth three-month period of practicum / athletics, Cadets / Midshipmen complete the course of study established by DOD’s Penta-Force Logistics School — to be established.

Graduation from an Officer academy occurs in September or October rather than in May or June.

How to Learn Anything with the Feynman Technique

Multipolar unity vice unipolar uniformity.
Pepe Escobar: Meet the New, Resource-Based Global Reserve Currency

The prestige of a woman increases with the years of loyalty to her husband and children. The prestige of a man increases with the depth of loyalty to him from his wife and children.

When ignorance, arrogance, and stupidity control the central power structure of a nation, the nation herself goes under interdict.

Refer to USA Penta-Force as USA United Net-Centric Space, Air, Cyber, Sea, Land Force. USA Joint Force is the three Departments — State, Treasury, Defense — operating through the COCOM Commanders, who answer directly to POTUS.

Every BN-TF requires ADA capability comparable to what has been thought Division ADA capability should be, and to current Russian specs at least.

Where we’re going: to comfortably belong to a self-organizing multipolar order of earth’s nations. Leading the self-organizing are India, USA, and Russia. USA systems of education and government subordinate to that geo-strategic peace structure:

multipolar unity instead of
unipolar uniformity.

Degenerates want unipolar uniformity. God wants multipolar unity. One is safer granting God His wish than degenerates theirs.

Only two things matter for a nation: (1) actual physical economy (commodities extraction, processing, and production) and (2) military power built out from that actual physical economy. The rest is derivative, nothing on which you can live safely.

Chassez le naturel et il revient au galop.

Woke just got kicked to the side of the road as reality carries on. Russia is large enough to affect world geo-politics. Understanding Russia, how she operates, has always operated, who she is, is what’s needed. Americans have taken Jewish immigrant views of Russia as evil and paid dearly for that mistake. Vindman is a Ukrainian Jew. Alexandr Solzhenitsyn fed Americans crap about Russia and Russians. The dissidents were mostly Jews. The Bosheviks were/are heavily Jewish.

Sergey Lavrov:

A new reality is being formed: the unipolar world is irrevocably becoming a thing of the past, a multipolar one is taking shape.  It’s an objective process.  It’s unstoppable.  In this reality, more than one power will “rule” – it will be necessary to negotiate between all the key states that today have a decisive influence on the world economy and politics.  At the same time, realizing their special situation, these countries ensure compliance with the basic principles of the UN Charter, including the fundamental one – the sovereign equality of states.  No one on this Earth should be seen as a minor player.  Everyone is equal and sovereign.

It seems to me from a year ago that the Biden people (UniParty Neo-Cons/Libs such as Hicks, Nuland) intend pulling the US western defense littoral east to the longitude of Hawaii or perhaps farther, to the longitude of San Francisco. This relates to UniParty’s vision that nation states are a thing of the past. Financial hegemony — dollar as world reserve currency — means more to them than territorial security or citizen welfare.

FWIW, here is a rethink of US military/foreign affairs, focus on COCOMs:

Related, and FWIW, here is a rethink of POTUS’ Foreign Affairs Cabinet:

And finally, FWIW, here is a rethink of the US Executive Branch per se:

Person wants to believe CIA/Nuland/Sullivan/Atlanticist/EU IO. I have remarked several times that this Russian SMO has shown who here is really a monopolar Neo-Con, with their head firmly avoiding gaze at actual and stated intentions and operations in Ukraine, and calling loudly for US to regime change Russia, on the premise that Russia and especially Putin are evil. Mix ignorance, arrogance, and stupidity and you get that call.

Russia has been invaded seven times. One succeeded. The first one. And he (Rurik) was invited.

Turns out almost the entire “conservative-libertarian” establishment are Neo-Con/Nuland/Atlanticist sympathizers. They side with the very people they say they abominate. Neo-Cons show in the Russian SMO’s light that they are really neo-fascists, quite willing to conduct national affairs without reference to the will and feeling of the generality of the nation’s citizens.

Humanity is more magnificent than power.
Justice is more glorious than wealth.
Truth is more sacrosanct than infotainment.

The degenerating effects of unnatural acts on individuals, groups, and nations is one of the social-psycho-spiritual phenomena under re-negotiation, as Reynolds puts it regarding other matters.

That re-negotiation will come out to something along these lines:
tolerate it so long as it is not truculent or proselytizing,
do not condone it, and under no circumstances endorse it.

Unnatural acts are a constant everywhere — thus the conceptual regime just mentioned for addressing it — but, in the absence of aggressive self-promotion, they are everywhere engaged in by few compared to the population numbers of towns, states, or countries. The phenomenon can be managed without letting it destroy social cohesion, which is its nature to do.

Leader families allowing, even encouraging partisans of unnatural acts to pressure their behavior among those not naturally given to it generated this crisis of what to do about aggressive promulgation of unnatural acts.

When 400 (!) souls comprise 60% (!) of a professional school’s student body — Yale Law School — that already, in itself, is an obscenity, an infamnia. No nation needs that many lawyers. That’s mentoring pickpockets, not training lawyers.

Principle I

The United States have no interest in the domestic affairs of other countries and expect other countries to reciprocate by having no interest in our domestic affairs. The United States have interest in the lines of communication running between The United States and all other countries and expect all other countries to bear fairly the burden of keeping those lines open, safe, reliable, fair, and clean.

Principle II

The United States welcome alliance with our brother nations India and Russia for enforcement, from their perspective, of the ground of statecraft set forth in Principle I and urge Japan and Egypt to join us for that endeavor and commitment.

Principle III

An order to deploy which lacks or frustrates intent to compel a target to sign a declaration of unconditional surrender is an unlawful order by the Rules of Just War, the Conventions of War, Common Sense, and the Spirit of America. An order to deploy conveys this intent to the Commanding Officer: win this war / battle in a timely manner or do not come back alive.

Bhagavan Sri Shirdi Sai Baba
By Artists M and F Graham
Sathya Sai Baba
Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba
At Puttaparthi, Andhra Pradesh, India

Gina Lollobrigida

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