Contemplating Force Vectors Of American, Russian, And Indian Statecraft

Scimus autem quoniam diligentibus Deum omnia cooperantur in bonum, iis qui secundum propositum vocati sunt sancti. And we know that to them that love God, all things work together unto good, to such as, according to his purpose, are called to be saints.

These thoughts presuppose three terms of reference. First, Three Brothers Doctrine, the three brothers being India, United States, and Russia and their association with two others, Japan and Egypt. Second, Joint Force — which heretofore I have taken in its common DOD usage, namely, the branches of military service working towards a common objective — is here taken to mean the integrated Diplomatic, Financial, and War-Making assets of statecraft belonging each of the countries named. Third, Penta-Force is taken to mean the integrated five branches of the War-Making component of each of these nations’ assets of statecraft, namely, Space, Air, Word (Cyber), Sea, and Land.

The five branches of the Penta-Force correspond to the five elemental principles combinations and permutations of which are the universe (that which turns to one).

The next rational use of the US Joint Force (Diplomacy, Finance, War-Fighting) lies on a primary vector pointing from Malta to Qom / Teheran executed by the newly-created MEDCOM (also here), and a secondary vector pointing from Tampa to Caracas, executed by the newly-created CARIBCOM.

The next rational use of the Russian Joint Force (Diplomacy, Finance, War-Fighting) lies on a primary vector pointing from Volgograd to Qom / Teheran and a secondary vector pointing from Novosibirsk to Ürümchi. This secondary vector can be half a pincer, the other half being Kazakh’s movement on a vector pointing from Almaty to Ürümchi.

The next rational use of the Indian Joint Force (Diplomacy, Finance, War-Fighting) lies on a primary vector pointing from Srinagar to Qom / Teheran and a secondary vector pointing from Siliguri toward Qinghai Lake.

Jumps made by these joint forces and their allies — Israel, Jordan, Egypt, Saud, UAE, Japan, Colombia, Brazil, Italy, Greece, Mexico, Mongolia,, Argentina, Chile — along the shoulders of these vectors, will catch up Shiite and Salafi Jihad allies — Hizbollah, Hamas, Moslem Brotherhood, Taliban, Pakistani ISI, CIA, Venezuela and other Latin American drug cartels — who fund themselves and the Iranian Mullocracy.

France and Israel would usefully conduct a pincer movement against Hizbollah in Lebanon with a view to returning that country to French Republican governance. French, Iraqi, Jordanian, and Russian force could usefully return Eastern Syria and parts of Northern Iraq to Syrian-Kurdish-Yazidi and Iraqi-Kurdish-Yazidi governance, respectively, to protect the French and Russian rears and the Iraqi and Jordanian flanks.

Under no circumstances should United Kingdom officers or citizens participate in these force vectors. The British Throne and Parliament never have accepted the decision of Washington, Lafayette, Rochambeau, and Cornwallis at Yorktown, VA in 1781. They probably never will. Whenever Americans are near them, British Officers subvert Americans’ sovereignty, dissemble Americans’ prestige, and attempt to co-opt Americans’ lives and assets for service to British interests. The English do not respect Americans, will not respect Americans. They are not Americans’ friends and probably never will be.

That defeat at Yorktown and its consequent and consequential loss of British wealth and prestige just rankles the British Throne and Parliament indefinitely regardless their pretenses of gentility and friendship as occasion suits them, for their own purposes. Appreciate Americans’ accomplishments do or will the English? NEVER!!!

Domestically, the United States have a big job waiting, which is:

Get Rid Of Spooks
Spooks Are Troublemakers
They Are Trouble, Only Trouble

Regarding domestic and foreign chaos engendered by Fraudulent Team Obama and their successors — namely, themselves as Fraudulent Team Biden — there is one thing one can say with absolute certainty:

Spooks Did It

Spooks are trained to conjure chaos. Their mission is to cause VUCA. If you want all that on the dark side, then you deserve what they give you, because it’s only going to be one thing, the one thing they’re employed, trained, and know how to give you:


If the spooks have “six ways from Sunday of getting back at you” (Chuck Schumer), spooks ARE the USG, and you’re happy with that — presumably as long as they don’t touch you? And you still want respect? No one can be surprised at the success of spooks’ activities: Government By Chaos. It’s what they want, it’s all they do, and they’ve convinced persons otherwise answerable for high government responsibility to play along and let them do it? And Americans should accept that as just the way things are?

Every domestic force vector in USA should point directly at Langley until the land there is returned to nature park conditions, with children’s playground equipment, and a beautiful outdoor shooting range thrown into it for everyone’s fun.

Whom I reference here as The Global Oligarch Clerisy think of themselves as oligarchs, big shots, but really they are credentialed base personalities wrapping themselves in an appearance of legality and fronting, to protect themselves, phalanxes of armed mercenaries operating under color of security or government (law making / law enforcement).

Such are the oligarchs who promote The Great Reset: Klaus Schwab and his catamites, Davos attendees, CCP, CIA, assorted prestigious universities and professors, WEF, several bio-weapons labs, the Englishman Charles Prince of Wales, assorted billionaires, technocrats galore, etc. They simulated this globe-wide disease and vaccine event twice before 2019, when they launched it for real.

The Global Oligarch Clerisy are determined to drive down the general (which is what they mean by “Great”) population numbers by driving up the general misery index (which is what they mean by “Reset”) and driving down the general population’s disease immunity (which also is what they mean by “Reset”). The “vaccines” answer the last intention.

Essentially, The Global Oligarch Clerisy are murderers — and Fascists — on a grand scale, whose angry shouts — TAKE THE DAMN SHOTS OR ELSE, WE’LL STRAP YOU DOWN AND KILL YOU RIGHT OFF THEN AND THERE — signal their determination to drive down the population numbers by huge margins, tolerating no opposition, which of course they are getting in heaps and bushels.

As a general rule, people usually don’t agree to be murdered. Thus The Global Oligarch Clerisy’s hot anger, facing frustration of their fantasies, and by the very people they want gone anyhow! It’s just so MADDENING! The shots facilitate the de-population Reset! Why don’t the little people get that?!?!

The Global Oligarch Clerisy have radically shorted normal human beings, happy nations, loving, educated societies, and wealthy cultures. Their bets, their puts — all shorts– quite literally, are placed on universal wealth extraction and mass human die off. They have bet on permanent ignorance among those they allow to live or permit to be engineered into existence, permanent subsidy of their corporations and agencies by picked bureaucrats technocrats fleecing designedly ignorant taxpayers at gunpoint, as well as on transnational and transhuman constructs springing from their own imaginations.

Out with the old 4 billions, in with the new one or two millions. That’s where these lovelies have placed their bets, literally, huge sums of money. They are absolutely unwilling to lose, won’t allow it, and would calmly kill anyone, anything threatening loss on their bets.

That said, and all being true, I assess that Americans, Russians, Indians, Japanese, and Egyptians need pay no more attention to these self-styled perverts than say to them, Shut up and behave yourself!, while getting on with their lives in execution of the force vectors indicated in the foregoing expositions.


I am happy to see Navy moving, apparently, towards many smaller combatant platforms rather than a few larger ones. Like others here, I applaud the urging to build the damn things, get the “ship of development” underway so steering-way may be obtained. Course adjustments, as Sal says, may be made down-range. Building DDGs is the important thing.

I am unhappy that the “ship of development” — and its implied necessity, budgeting — is thought of as proceeding to sea, so to speak, separated from “development” (and budgeting) of Space, Air, Cyber, and Land forces. What’s the strategic purpose of that?

It impresses me, for example, that a ship with no safe and properly equipped port to make (i.e., Land) is bio-chemical garbage. Ditto an airplane with no safe and properly equipped flight deck/runway. Also, the idea that Land Force (Army) matters only as perimeter for air and naval bases — an idea dominating DOD at this time, no thanks to think tankers, defense contractors, and some tech-obsessed idiot savants — makes those bases fixed positions, than which nothing is more indefensible. (Marines are a land-assault force, Naval Infantry plus supports, not a land-holding force, Army Infantry plus supports.)

I’d be happy to see Joint Force, Joint Mission thinking that is actually joint. That DOD components of “The Interagency” are uninterested in the same at this time — despite occasional yet perfunctory senior military rhetoric that they are — preferring hoary habits of traditional jurisdiction, budget bickering, branch-rotating COCOM and JCS billets — except INDO-PACOM! — and preening prestige rivalries, does not preclude, although it does retard, the victory of common sense with respect to the war-fighting potential and preparedness of Americans’ Joint Armed Forces:

we fight to win, not to fight,
and all of us together do this,
as five sinews of One Force.

Anyone here remember Operation Northwoods? Regret to say, it appears that particular false flag — which would have been quite deliberately deadly — originated in the Pentagon, although it would be more characteristic of these matters if it originated at CIA. JCS, led then by a West Pointer, Lemnitzer, who should have known better, agreed to go along!?!? POTUS Kennedy stopped it, no doubt fortifying CIA resolve to get rid of him.

Anyhow, USG — especially CIA –conducting false flag ops against Americans in their own country is by way of being SOP over many decades. 06JAN21 and this one belong to a long list of the same. Ditto Russian Collusion against a POTUS. FBI are players but CIA direct False Flag Philharmonic Orchestra.

Makes one wonder if there isn’t something to suspicions USG elements had something to do with 11SEP01. Maybe I’m wrong, but it seems to me USG false flags against Americans at home have gotten more frequent during the last, say, 20 years. And internet has made it less likely for these to go unnoticed.

Every time Twitter et al suspend or delete a user for “bad conduct,” it draws attention to their “bad conduct” as being very likely loaded with truth and helpfulness. To really censor the webs, Twitter et al would have to close themselves down. For, as long as they stay in business, ironically, the web being what it is, those “services” provide exposure of truths no matter how those services decide to treat them.

It’s kind of like Christ and the Cross. Lawyers and Priests wanted Him dead, but making Him that way makes hearts soft and summons sympathy for His plight and interest in what He had been doing. (Think Dorothy Kilgallen for John Kennedy and Jack Ruby.) That sympathy is the at-one-ment theologians describe as the core of the Gospel, the Good News of God.

The many USG (CIA mostly, then FBI) false flag ops, when recognized as such, inform the public what those officials are thinking, what’s on their minds, and what matters to them. Were an itemization to be made, on time lines correlating false flag ops around the country with concurrent major events in D.C., even if only interagency squabbles, we would see that in most cases, those officials have on their minds nothing remotely matching the thoughts and concerns inside the hearts of Americans. They live in a world of their own and see Americans as a herd of bozos to be hounded this way and that by events and information feeds concocted by said officials. What a way to live, I mean for those officials as well as for Americans!

Look for another crisis, that only further empowering the federal government can save us from, to materialize.

Yeah, well, such efforts have diminishing returns, as is seen even now. Whoever announces the next “crisis” is going to hear a globe-wide Bronx Cheer. And a bigger one next time, and the next, etc.

This is leading to re-founding governments altogether, all levels, as these impossibly corrupt personalities and agencies are thrown off like empty pizza boxes.

Media merely pass along CIA-made IO themes and phrases. Media are fronts merely. CIA are the masterminds. I’m not saying CIA are bright, merely that they mastermind what we see happening through media. What we see happening out of these Fascists is patently stupid, but it’s also being masterminded, by stupidos and stupidas yes, but masterminded. That’s my point.

What we hear from media is coming, ultimately, from one source and practically on an hourly basis, apparently able to respond to a development “in the news” with new IO almost instantaneously. It’s that masterminding aspect, and by whom, to which I wish to invite attention. The media, as Hyman Roth might say, are small potatoes. Media are flies. Their breeding grounds — so-called Intelligence Community / Foreign Policy Establishment — are the valuable target of serious scrubbing when that gets underway.

Reynolds keeps saying “abolish the Ivy League.” Probably the easiest way to do that is through the instrumentality of Congress and Oval Office defunding and abolishing CIA. CIA are Fascism Central in the USA, stone cold total chaos punks.

Ds and Rs both are out of gas and beyond repair, hooked together just to have some capacity to stay on the road. They are old bodies at (Ds) or near (Rs) the end of their service life and belong, both of them, in the scrap yard. A measure of their joint and irreversible decrepitude are the NEA and AFT.

That fact should be the start of an intelligent day’s news aggregation, assumed, not worth mentioning, while actual news — what Americans are doing to content and protect themselves — is discovered and presented as daily intellectual content.

There are fresh Americans with fresh politics and culture, and fresh artistic, social, and economic forms, including political parties, expanding their native fighting spirit, preparing now in thought what is needed in action as the old cars — The D-R UniParty Tango — are hauled or limped off to choppers. A competent hedge funder would recognize that parts of the D-R UniParty are worth more than their wholes, buy them out, consume such of their vitals as operate satisfactorily, then melt down the rest for reuse.

The beating heart of fresh Americans is a kind of old news: Taxed Enough Already. But in new skins. There is no stopping or even delaying that. War is under way already, war to improve politics, the only way politics can be improved. At this time, that war is the news: getting The D-R UniParty Tango to the choppers as quickly, cheaply, and painlessly as possible.

Principle I

The United States have no interest in the domestic affairs of other countries and expect other countries to reciprocate by having no interest in our domestic affairs. The United States have interest in the lines of communication running between The United States and all other countries and expect all other countries to bear fairly the burden of keeping those lines open, safe, reliable, fair, and clean.

Principle II

The United States welcome alliance with our brother nations India and Russia for enforcement, from their perspective, of the ground of statecraft set forth in Principle I and urge Japan and Egypt to join us for that endeavor and commitment.

Principle III

An order to deploy which lacks or frustrates intent to compel a target to sign a declaration of unconditional surrender is an unlawful order by the Rules of Just War, the Conventions of War, Common Sense, and the Spirit of America. An order to deploy conveys this intent to the Commanding Officer: win this war / battle in a timely manner or do not come back alive.

Man has to pay attention to three basic duties in his quest for happiness: (1) He should forget what he has to forget, namely, the world around him and its tantalising pleasures. (2) He has to reach where he has to reach, namely, the goal of the Divine, the Presence of the Almighty and (3) He has to give up what he has to give up, namely, material desires and pursuits. The Vedic prayer Asato ma sat gamaya, Tamaso ma jyotir gamaya, Mrutyor ma amritam gamaya (Lead me from untruth to truth, lead me from darkness to light, lead me from death to immortality) summarizes these aspirations very nicely. Strive to move away from untruth towards truth; attempt to acquire knowledge of yourself and of the origin of all Selves and thus shed your fundamental ignorance. Move away from thoughts and anxieties about this body which is subject to decay and death, and become aware of the Immortal Soul, which you really are!

Donald Trump won the 2020 election for POTUS going away. He is POTUS until 20 January 2025 and presently in exile. That is the truth. Just stick to it and all will be well.

“Just realize they took the two most pathetic candidates in the history of the Democratic Party: a vice president who didn’t even win a primary in her own state; and a demented pervert, among other things, who can’t even tie his own shoelaces or know where he is. And they crammed them up our nose with a fork of fraud so blatant that it is visible around the world.” Sidney Powell, April 2021

Jane Russell

Jane Russell

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