I am thinking, the brutality of the D-R UniParty USG’s lawfare, the risibility of their hypocrisies, and the infernal heat of their angers measure the extent of their fear of Americans and their laws, the which fear in turn measures the heinousness of D-R UniParty USG’s bad-deed-doing over decades, usurping the good will, the mature health, the pure consciousness, and the vast wealth of Americans.
Such a clearing is on the way, such a cleaning. It cannot be avoided. It must occur. Evil is not allowed to sit the throne of God.
It is said that fear of God is the beginning of wisdom. This is true. However, D-R UniParty USG partisans fear Americans and their citizen counterparts who make other countries, not God. If they feared God they would be getting somewhere, on a recognizable road of remorse, repentance, penance, and restoration to peace. But God is not who they fear. They fear someone they cannot avoid and something that cannot help them regain dignity: political comeuppance at the hands of Americans. What trivialities people back themselves into believing are important! No discernment, no intellect, no exercise of that one muscle God bestows on humans alone.
Normal leaders pay attention to phenomena and their dynamical interplays. Like Captain Ramius referencing Cortez, they read phenomena and interplays as force vectors and study to understand these from any time and place, by whomever was involved, without reference to ideological assumptions as to what is there and what or who should be there. Just what IS there and how it works, to what it leads, observing patterns in phased operations, these are normal leaders’ concerns.
Theologians work in the same manner, and for the same reason. Doctrines they take as summations — the pithier the better — of observations of phenomenology, reports on force vectors that recur in recognizable patterns over long durations — across generations in fact — not as rules or standards of belief or practice that must be imbibed, practiced, and inculcated. The truth in any situation, the truth of any situation, is that aspect of it which persists so long and so much as to merit, nay, demand recognition.
As I see it, we continue to face the devil, where we are, as we are able, whatever our means, large or small, fight to the end, which must come when it must come, and finish the game, trusting that how well, how intelligently and skillfully we fight is more important — in the sense of giving us more satisfaction, feeling of ennoblement — than winning the fight, which we must do in any case if our intention is clean.
A polymerization is in the making, when heat and compression spring forth a new substance, so to speak, a fresh cultural homeostasis which causes the old waste to just wash away. That’s what the fight is for, to make that polymerization happen.
The first four hundred years of church history in the Med basin illustrate the point. Some aspects of the Gospel caused enough heat and compression in Greco-Roman culture, who were causing enough heat and compression to themselves already, to cause a settling out — a polymerization — of something fresh, although related to what had been. Actually, two somethings, the Latin Church and the Greek Church, each of whom produced cultures still vigorous and eager.
The fight is afoot. It’s underway, as everyone is well aware. The fight itself is what’s important, not the product(s) of it. That latter will take care of themselves under guidance of providence, which is by way of saying, universe’s own nature of turning to one.
Oliver Cromwell, speech dismissing
the Rump Parliament,
20 April 1653, London, England.
Principle I
Principle II
Principle III
If you examine the nature of the mind, you will find that it’s very much akin to the lens of a camera. The body is the camera, the mind is the lens, the heart is the photographic plate, thought is the flash, and intelligence, the switch. Turn the lens towards the source of happiness, not to the seat of anxiety and fear; then, you will be rewarded with a fine picture imprinted on your heart. It’s difficult, nay, well near to impossible to turn the lens in the direction we are told by saints and seers; for, the mind is very truly characterised as a monkey! Why, it’s even more wayward than a monkey for it jumps from one perch to another that’s miles away in space and centuries away in time, in less time than a wink! The mind jumps from one desire to another and entangles us in its coils. Reduce desire, evict the ego, eject anger, and the mind will be your slave, instead of being your master. Love is the master key which can achieve all this.