Taking Down The Hegemony Masters In Iran

In the Name of The Father, and of The Son and of The Holy Spirit, Amen.


This relates to why the Truman admin did not tell all of why they dropped the bomb — that the all was too secret to tell, both in itself and for what its telling would give away.

The same factor has been at play with the WMD regime in re Iraq, which was awash with WMDs that our Army found copiously.

On the Iran situation, I and others have said all along that it is the biggest problem and our son repeated many times while he was there that Iranians were the principal troublemakers all over Iraq. It continues so.

Khomeni used to tell the Iranians that the Americans were so feeble they would drown if they were spit on just once. The truth is that the invasion of Iraq was not about Saddam primarily, although secondarily it was. It was and remains, along with the liberation of Afghanistan, about Iran. Saddam was an easy hit, recognized all along, and a dangerous man, as the WMD caches found by our Army all over Iraq attest, even if their existence cannot be made public.

One thing I admire about this President is that, like MacArthur, when faced with a strategic decision he lays the vector of advance directly at the heart of the enemy — namely, its supply line. This seems such a simple thing, but few have intellectual clarity and moral strength sufficient to do it.

In his first — I think it was, may be it was the second — State of the Union message, he said the enemy is Iraq, Iran and North Korea. As is widely recognized, this was a pellucid strategic statement, but it is not widely recognized that this President has been laying the vector of advance directly at the heart of each of these elements of the enemy simultaneously and with utter consistency ever since.

I am very proud of this young man! 🙂

Historical note: MacArthur was aware of the intentions of Tojo and the war cabinet that the article you sent yesterday — and that Truman considered too secret to make public — and STILL advised against dropping the bomb.

He says that he and Nimitz both argued that Japan was on the ropes via supply and that a land invasion was likely unnecessary, that a surrender was possible if not likely, and that therefore the bomb should not be dropped so as not to incur the moral indignation of mankind and also not to give impetus to Soviet espionage to gain its secrets, both of which happened forthwith and with whose consequences we cope.

In the event, the Emperor, a sensible man, intervened and ordered the war cabinet to surrender. On this basis and others MacArthur argued successfully for the Emperor’s life, against British, Soviet and much American insistence that he be tried as a war criminal and hung.

MacArthur knew all along that he had not favored the war but was not in a position to stop it until its outcome was decisively hopeless for the war cabinet’s cause, at which point he stopped it decisively.

MacArthur is vilified in the public prints and the universities because he frustrated the left wing agenda.

The position of the left wing or liberal coterie is equivocal in that it is self-loathing and self-righteous simultaneously. This explains more deeply that the usual reasons given its weakness at the polls. Also, its strength at the polls demonstrates the wide appeal of equivocation among our fellow citizens.

I want to challenge the idea of that the Roman Empire fell. Nothing ever falls. Transforms, yes, but falls in the sense of ceases to exist? Nonsense.

Transformation is a constant of history and whenever we think something has ceased to exist, we should rather search for its [probably several] outcomes through transformation.

For example, both Calvinism and the Roman Empire are alive and kicking in the USA executive structures and common-law-derived legal system. Ditto for some European systems. Nothing disappears. Everything transcends and thus transforms itself, and variously, not just in one direction.

I also want to challenge the Masonic assertion that Masonry derives from esoteric Egyptian/Greek/etc. cult and philosophy. It derives from 16th and 17 Century lapsed Cistercians and 17th and 18th Century lapsed Jesuits. The anti-Vietnam movement of the 1960s derived from lapsed these Jesuits: the Barrigan brothers. Only monastics have power and resources to drive historical development and only lapsed monastics have power and resources to drive demonic historical development.

Finally, I want to challenge the assertion that Judaism is a religion. It is an array of attitudes, catastrophic ones.

Update 1: Former Obama Intel Chief: Administration’s Iran Policy Is Willful Ignorance

Update 2: Senator Tom Cotton on Iran.

Update 3: Scott Johnson: John Kerry’s Absolute Idiocy

Update 4: Goodnight Vienna.

Update 6: Michael J. Totten really does not get Iran, but this of his is worthy of the exercise of criticizing and useful for historical content none-the-less.

Update 7: Jim DeMint on the deadly deal with Iran.

Update 8: Charles Hill On The Iran Deal

Update 9: The Fraud’s Scheme To Pass The Iran Nuke Deal

Update 10: Michael Ledeen: How To Defeat The Grand Bargain With Iran

Update 11: Alan M. Dershowitz: Mr. [Fascist], Your Iran Deal Will Fall Apart and [The Fascist] Is An Abject Failure – By His Own Standards

Related items hereherehere and here.

Update 12: Sohrab AhmariThe 36-Year Project To Whitewash Iran

Update 13: Ayatollahs beat their chests on outwitting USA and Israel

Update 14: A side-point on this post: is it really true that Iran is the world’s largest state sponsor of terrorism, aka global Islamic hegemony by every means available? This statement is repeated again and again, seemingly everywhere, by everyone. Is it true? I do not know, but I suspect it is not true, and have no way to validate my suspicion.

I suspect al Saud is the world’s largest state sponsor of global Islamic hegemony (Caliphism), at least if large is taken to indicate monies spent and time-in-grade.

For example, who pays for the Islamic Centers, Islamic propaganda/information circulars/curricula and Islamic Studies Departments at … how many primary and secondary schools, colleges and universities around the globe? Who pays for the Islamic “prison ministries” in virtually every country not officially Islamic? Who pays for the madrassas in Pakistan, Afghanistan and elsewhere? Who is trying to bankrupt some countries while funding others as well as supposedly non-state actors?

Who fills the world’s media with continuous cascades of sanctimonious double-talk to justify global Islamic hegemony?

If my suspicion regarding the world’s largest sponsor of “terrorism” is correct, then a one-eyed laser-focus on Iran as the primary enemy of the USA in the ME flouts Von Clausewitz’ first rule of war, does it not?

Finally — and of this I am certain: in the ME, it is deeply and widely held as fundamental truth that the State of Israel birthed ISIS — which in the ME is deeply and widely hated by the generality — to cripple Arab freedom, independence and self-determination.

Update 15: Dick and Liz Cheney on Restoring American Exceptionalism

Update 16: Michael Doran on The Fraud’s strategy in re the Middle East:

You Should Really Read Michael Doran On [The Fraud] And Russia

Our Man In Moscow

[The Fraud’s] Secret Iran Strategy

Update 17: Not Just The Saudis: Iran’s Huge Role In 9/11 Also Covered Up

Update 18: John Bolton: How To Get Out Of The Iran Nuclear Deal

Update 19: Iran Charges Russia With Selling Out its Air Defense Secrets to Israel

Update 20: It would be possible and fairly easy to refute Trita Parsi on his own thesis that ME is about strategic matters rather than ideological ones.  He wants to insinuate that the mullah’s strategic interests are misunderstood, benign, and do not conflict with USA’s (… Iran’s continued difficulties in translating its strength to regional acceptance … is a gorgeous dissembling).

Had USA a grand national strategic goal matched to her actual interests in the ME, Parsi’s thesis could be taken apart point-by-point.

But USA has no grand national strategic goal matched to her actual interests anywhere in MENA.  The nearest such is POTUS Trump’s aversion to endless wars around the planet.  But that is not a grand national strategic goal, much less one that comprehensively reflects actual USA interests.

The last strategic statement POTUS Trump’s administration produced was Mattis/Tillerson/USA foreign policy establishment (aka massed morons) boilerplate dating to the 1940s.  Worse than worthless.  With friends like the USA foreign policy establishment, who needs enemies?

The needed work actually has been done, however, even circulated, just not discussed.


GOA Douglas MacArthur
GOA Douglas MacArthur

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