In the Name of The Father, and of The Son and of The Holy Spirit, Amen.


Responding to this:

I would challenge the assertion here that NVA aggression was not defeated by LBJ. Too broad. NVA was defeated on the battlefield by US/Vietnamese Armed Forces, under both LBJ and RMN.

Another recent article mentioned this plus that the war was lost on the diplomatic field. Even that is too broad.

Strategically, the Soviet was prevented from turning the US’s SWPA defensive perimeter, which ran then along the east coast of Asia and may still (hopefully does).

However, the kernel of truth in the notion of loss on the diplomatic field springs from actions by President Ford, not Presidents Johnson or Nixon.

In any case, our Armed Forces, against enemies front and rear, as today, accomplished their mission with unsurpassed courage, skill, efficiency and honor. They defeated the enemy they were ordered to defeat, and on a field of battle of that enemy’s own choosing, which is a centrally important truth.

Even the enemy in the rear of our Armed Forces was defeated by modernizations and reforms instituted by our Officer Corps who fought in Vietnam and then moved into policy-making positions.

Vietnam was a success in every way I can think of except for the activities of President Ford, who as best I can understand precipitated the North’s sweep of the South by removing support for the South.

Even then, however, the internal insufficiencies of the heresy of Communism, the primal yearnings of man’s spirit and the march of multi-national events have compelled the Government of Vietnam to summon their country’s ethno-cultural resources of decency towards peaceful participation in the affairs of nations.

Our Armed Forces always sets a good example, have from the days of Washington. Our Armed Forces also always succeed in fulfilling their mission.



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