
As Is The Feeling,
So Is The Result.

Russia has moved on Turkey, actually, Constantinople, at least its European side. I have written before about the importance of Nagorno-Karabakh. Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov is on record that Russia and Turkey are partners but not strategic allies.

The land-bridge between the Black and Caspian Seas, say, between Chechnya, Russia and Tabriz, Iran, is critically important to Russian strategic (border) security. Militarily and economically (energy), it is a must-control-comms hot spot for Russia. The land bridge comprises Russia, Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, and Iran. Nagorno-Karabakh (its Moslem name) is a parcel sitting between Armenia and Azerbaijan.

The strategic position of Nagorno-Karabakh is estimated by its relevance to this:

Just in recent years, Russia has moved to control her comms with Armenia, a sister nation of The Greek Church, through Chechnya and Georgia. It is said Russia today keeps a Corps-strength military presence in Armenia. I do not know its order of battle. The cream of the Russian Navy is stationed in the Caspian Sea. Russia has comms by ship between the Caspian and Black Seas via the Volga-Don Canal.

Key to assessing developments under way in Nagorno-Karabakh is Russia’s strategic objective on her Black and Caspian Sea flank. That objective is ownership of at least the European side of Constantinople. The 1999 Bond film The World Is Not Enough dealt with matters intrinsic to precisely these areas, Nagorno-Karabakh and Constantinople.

Note Erdogan’s one nation, two states foreign policy formulation. The one nation is Islam (Ummah). The two [multiple] states are race/geography-specific entities governed by Moslem families, in this case Turkey and Azerbaijan. Erdogan, who belongs to the MB, is espousing Moslem Brotherhood doctrine. He styles himself Caliph of Islam and then, the whole world.

Nagorno-Karbakh In Situ

For the nonce, developing here are links to news of these developments.

BBC: Armenia and Azerbaijan fight over disputed Nagorno-Karabakh region
ArmenPress: Azerbaijan becoming hostage of Erdogan’s aggressive regional aspirations
Tsarizm: Moscow ‘Concerned’ Turkey Moving Islamic Militia From Libya, Syria To Fight Christians In Nagorno-Karabakh
— Note Erdogan’s “one nation, two states” concept. The one nation is Islam (Ummah). The two [multiple] states are race/geography-specific entities governed by Moslem families. This is Moslem Brotherhood doctrine espoused by Erdogan, who belongs to the MB.
Just The News: Pompeo implores Armenia and Azerbaijan to stop escalating violence as death toll climbs
ArmenPress: Turkish F-16 shoots down Armenia jet in Armenian airspace
L. Todd Wood: WWIII Anyone? The Crusades Are Returning To Caucasus As Violence Rages In Nagorno-Karabakh
CDMedia: Is The Southern Caucuses Succumbing to Russian Influence?
MSN: US eyes Greek island as alternative to Turkish base due to ‘disturbing’ Erdogan actions, senior senator claims
RT News (Official Russian): How did the Nagorno-Karabakh feud reach boiling point?

Arab News: Armenia’s parliament condemns ‘full-scale military attack’ by Azerbaijan
BBC: Armenia-Azerbaijan: Both sides defy Nagorno-Karabakh ceasefire calls
APA: Azerbaijan’s MoD: Up to 200 tanks, 228 artillery cannons, 300 units of air defense systems of Armenia destroyed
ahramonline: France warns against ‘internationalisation’ of Karabakh conflict
Just The News: Truce between Armenia and Azerbaijan immediately fails upon start
APA: President of Azerbaijan: “One of targets of Armenia’s July provocation was to take under control TANAP pipeline”
AMN: Armenian PM reveals Turkey’s goal in the Karabakh war
Alison Meuse: Azerbaijan appears to be pivoting to throw all its might at the symbolic target of Shushi, rather than the logical military target of the Lachin corridor.

Human life is highly sacred and mysterious. Only God can unravel its mystery. Visweswara (the Lord of the universe) permeates the entire universe. He transcends all descriptions. He is present in you in the form of atma. There is only one path for the realisation of atma. Give up the feeling of ‘mine’. You say ‘this is mine and that is mine’. Once you get rid of such worldly attachment, you will develop purity, steadiness and selflessness. You will be free from suffering, worries and anxiety. Ultimately, you will attain moksha (liberation). Having attained manavatwa (humanness), you should make efforts to rise to the level of Madhavatwa (Divinity). That is your goal. What is the use if you remain in manavatwa forever? You should develop sanmati (pure mind) to rise to the level of the Divine. Unity confers purity which will in turn lead to Divinity. Hence, all of you must stand united. You belong to the human race. You belong to one family.

Βασιλεία του Θεού

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