The Roman Solution

As Is The Feeling,
So Is The Result.

B L U F – 1- The CCP are a malevolent force occupying West Taiwan directly and The United States by proxies: Clergy, Medical Doctors, Professors, Lawyers, Generals and Admirals, CFOs, COOs, and CEOs.

B L U F – 2- When considering where to make a purifying fire fall, go upstream, so to speak, to where pollution starts. In the case of CCP malevolence, whether in West Taiwan or The United States, that pollution starts from clergy and professors. Stop pollution at its source, so to speak, and waters downstream will clarify themselves, becoming once again healthy to drink and enchanting to watch.

B L U F – 3 – When an institution causes distress, when its leaders incite stampede, confusion, and riot, then, take it apart brick by brick and salt the earth where it stood. This is the Roman solution — also the Elijah solution. It works. Plan for it. Laying tribute on the institution’s former inhabitants is an option.

The Cosmos is controlled by God;
God is subject to Truth
That Truth is subject to the authority of
Sacred and noble beings.

Sathya Sai Baba

B L U F – 4 – When anti-Dharma grows beyond ordinary human capacity to sublimate, when a crisis of chaos threatens to overwhelm humanity, a purifying fire is imminent, and not in a span of years man knows but in a span of years God knows. That span of years can be shorter, or longer, than man’s mind measures. Ordinary humans have huge capacity to sublimate anti-Dharma before it goes wild. Moreover, ordinary humans are required, by their own Being Itself (esse ipsum), to do just that, to sublimate anti-Dharma this side of wildness — and to the absolute limit of their ability — before they legitimately can call on God for help.

Who recognizes the phenomenon of anti-Dharma when it presents, and moves with full strength to sublimate it before it goes wild, makes plans to live through fire which consumes anti-Dharma that has gone wild, to emerge clean on the other side, more than they make plans to exist through the bulge of dreary, chaotic decay that precedes and causes such fire.

B L U F – 5 – Three things to do now, today:

  • turn off the TV — gather together — speak with one another.
    • Humans need direct, in-person struggle, striving, conflict with one another in order to mature God-ward.
      • In addition, the whip and spur of persecution wonderfully concentrate the mind and general energy on truly important matters, such as proper actions, wise planning, and the definite partiality of Almighty God [for hard, courageous work in proper behavior].
      • Speak with one another. Miracles ensue.

Decades ago, fellow leaders of WA homeschooling families grew angry at me for pointing out that we, not institutional school system personnel, are the mainstream of the American system of education. They wanted to fancy themselves oh so daring and edgy, apparently.

It is the same now here. We Americans are the mainstream of American elites. Post-Americans, our precious soi disant elites, with their pedigrees and privileges, are kakistocrats merely, swindlers, chaotics, not Americans.

Think John Kerry and his current wife Teresa Heinz, who remarked insouciantly, defiantly for the cameras in 2004, to a room full of her sycophants, There are no elites here. She spoke more truthfully than she, or they, realized.

David R. Graham
Alinsky was a swindler. His disciples and descendants are swindlers. Americans tolerate swindlers, even root for them, until they do not. One reason Americans oppose bursts of overloading the USA with immigrants is that foreigners push out / offload their swindlers first, and Americans’ greed for cheap labor invites foreigners to offload their swindlers here. Brits dumped their prisoners in Australia, Castro dumped his in Florida, Spanish Mexicans and Central Americans dumped / dump theirs in CA, AZ, NM, CO, and TX, Arabs dumped theirs in Persia anciently and the British Protectorate modernly, ChiComs dump theirs up and down the west coast of The Americas. It’s not unusual for one or more neighbors to dump their garbage in other neighbors’ yards. Americans come by their less than secret admiration of swindlers honestly, being bred from so many. Hollywood, swindler central, thrives on that theme. On the other hand, our heritage of swindlers and tolerance of swindling gives us a certain refreshing and honest certitude regarding who is and who is not a swindler. We are trained to expect plain dealing and to spot deceit, both. This gives us strength. Alinsky was no more fearsome a creature than any swindler is or was.

Anthony Wayne to David R. Graham
Alinsky has been turned into some sort of Einstein-level intellect by the foolish left, but that’s no surprise, right?

David R. Graham to Anthony Wayne
Right. Everybody wants to believe in a power who or which exceeds their own and that/who will, does, or can help or hurt them somehow. When someone feels that universal wish has not succeeded with respect to their person — when they have not met up with that power — they invent a facsimile of the same, from their imaginings of what it is, and then declare to the world that that, whatever or whomever it is, is the real, true, and usually, only power everyone seeks.

From that phenomenology, numerous enlightening observations may be made. I would like to take the time to elaborate some, and probably will, later, on my own blog, when I have completed observations underway on another matter.

Thank you for triggering a useful thought.

Rheiny Commie
Rheiny Commie


McCain And Salafis

Ben Rhodes
Ben Rhodes

The Wilkerson Family
The Wilkerson Family

Everyone knows where our precious kakistocrats are taking us. They see everyone, including themselves, owned lock, stock, and barrel — the whole human race, the whole of humanity — by an oligarchy comprising themselves. They endeavor a post-national world with themselves and institutions they create for the occasion in charge of everything. Because they own everything. They are neither circumspect nor reticent about this posture of theirs.

These are not American ideas. They are foreign ideas, and foreign are those who hold such ideas. Those ideas are native to totalitarian ideologies such as socialism and globalism (and here).

You need never again do estate planning nor work for your place in life (Sitz im Leben) because you have no property, no privacy, no estate, no Sitz, no Leben, no life you can call your own, not even yourself. Body, mind, and spirit, if there is such a thing — and they say there is not; spirit, that is — belong to the non-state state post-national ruling authority, the oligarchs, who are in truth kakistocrats.

You have no destiny outside that that you are allowed to have by oligarchic kakistocrats. If you resist, you will be made to feel helpless, or, on the point of death. They are done now trying to convince you of the rightness and inevitability of their ideology, their visions. Shut up or die. Those are your choices, at least as our elite and oligarchic, our precious kakistocrats see them.

Again, these are not American ideas, and Americans do not entertain them. They are not even human, nor do humans entertain them.

Some look for ways out of the destiny oligarchic kakistocrats envision for us, loopholes whereby to avoid it (also here, Spengler). There are none. We are already in it. Kakistocrats Oligarchs were let to get away with mandating face diapers. They have moved on to constricting the availability of food and medicine. Next: restrict movement altogether. They will have their way, they are convinced and certain, because they control communications globally and can cause a stampede of hysteria here or there at any time or place they wish to cause one.

Hysteria, that is what this is.
Nothing more complicated than that.
Engineered by information operations.

Some others look for ways through that destiny, and around it. Here there are options, opportunities, two in particular: cold anger and hot anger.

Unless it is cold anger, whose memory Dr. Helen Smith Reynolds, with gifted eloquence, summons here, anger is just as stupid and destructive as fear. Helen’s exhortation does not distinguish patently between cold anger — also called righteous anger — and hot anger. But her meaning relies on the distinction. Hot anger simply charges in, essentially as a fit of rage. Helen is not exhorting this. Far from it.

She is exhorting cold, righteous anger, which is justified on occasion — as she and I believe this one is — but very rarely gotten right by us mortals because, as the book puts it, retribution is mine, says the Lord. We children of finitude just do not know enough, except occasionally, to be certain we are full of cold, righteous anger rather than hot, common anger, which hurts us more than it does our target.

The word anger, significantly, has the same root as the words angina and anxiety. Its cognate means closing in, contracting, constricting, restricting, as in walls of a room or sides of a pipe. Righteous anger effects a complete closure of the pipe carrying the target’s life, killing the target outright. Common anger closes the target’s pipe some while also closing the perp’s pipe some and sometimes completely. Common anger does not close the target’s pipe enough to extinguish the target, just enough to elicit a furious response from the target, as in, say, surgery to open the pipe back up so the target can get theirs back on the perp. This is the origin of the saying, If you try to kill the king, make sure you succeed. Breitbart accurately said, Hit me and I get up stronger.

Righteous anger is housecleaning, no karma. Common anger is murder, karma from hell to breakfast. Believe me, you do not want karma. You want to be the rock which drops into the pool without raising ripples.

The ways through and around the destiny planned for us by oligarchic kakistocrats start with knowing who starts it all. Rich guys and infotainment moguls, lawyers and union bosses do not start it.

Clergy and professors start it. Their faces, their homes, their families, their pets, their associates belong on cards in your Most Wanted Deck. Grid squares containing clergy and professors should present on the desks of your fires agents. Clerical and professorial financial transactions belong on the desks of your Plans and Operations agents.

Clergy and professors are the originating enemies of anti-American ideas. Fire on them — criminal, civil, electoral, social, legal, moral, financial — is long overdue. Their operating structures deserve to be taken apart brick by brick, the land on which they stood salted. Clergy and professors are to modern Americans as Benedict Arnold was to Colonial Americans, clergy more even than professors, despite the colossal, grinding effrontery of the latter’s reason-subduing arrogance, aka stupidity.

I realize that by this articulation
I call fire on myself.

The sin of clergy and professors to Americans was their flippancy regarding their sacred trusts. They did not take seriously their subject matter, their sacred responsibilities to cultivate learning. They failed to rehearse the generations in the modes of living which earn peace and happiness. They instilled no reverence for noble labor. They dismissed discrimination between the ephemeral and the eternal. They mocked heroic personalities and their works. They fostered confusion where confidence was wanted and warranted. They injected fear where there should be faith and cultivated doubt without experience where there should be determination justified by experience.

Clergy and professors to Americans gathered all of this post-modern de-construction under a rubric they made fashionable: progress.

Clergy and professors have been gaslighting Americans and remain in that operations mode today. Actually, they were and they are swindling Americans out of their wealth and good-deeds-based prestige, and on a grand scale, a global scale. Many politicians, lawyers, businessmen, union leaders, and petty swindlers are keen to participate in depredations opened to them by clergy and professors, and to take credit for the results as — again and always — progress. But that is another story, not for here, not for now.

The originating and chief culprits in our destiny’s drama are clergy and professors. All of them, regardless of religion, regardless of school. They and their operating structures comprise Americans’ target list.

Again, I realize that by this articulation
I call fire on myself.
Mea culpa, mea culpa,
mea maxima culpa.

The Roman Solution — also the Elijah solution — is necessary and inevitable: fire. This whether or not preceded by more dark, desperate, dreary, and deadening decay. It cannot be otherwise. When, how, where, I know not. But to prepare to live for and through it? That I am certain is today’s Counsel of Gamaliel (Acts 5:33-42): understand the fire as best you can, think ahead of the fire, and plan to prosper cheerily through it.

Michael Yon

Dispatch 46: ANTIFA in Atlanta –
Proud Boys, MAGA:

Assuming the information given is accurate and not itself an information operation — a very large presumption — should not one expect CCP to hit USA afloat (at least) at whatever is their best estimate of the bottom of the trough or valley, assuming CCP will do what they should do to acquire mainland USA, likely by way of The Golden Gate, The City of Saint Francis, where, with bitter irony, reside already so many of their friends and relations?

That would put Chinese U-boats off Sausalito, Pacific Heights, and Treasure Island in FY2027-FY2028, likely within Xi’s lifetime, if he can wait that long.

Also, the timelines involved here have that peculiar slither and stink of Foreign Policy Establishment (FPE) tapeworms projecting to justify and thus lock into federal budget funding for the third mega-mansion and fourth sailing yacht they expect to need during their dotage in The South of France. For national security, of course. What are the retirement dates of the senior FPE embeds pushing this trope? FY2027-FY2028?

FYI: The AUSA annual meat market for human and mechanical toys budgets sales is underway this week. That could not possibly have anything to do with this information operation news regarding CCP U-boats vice USA SSNs, could it?

Actually, as with all lies, some truth resides within. In this case, the truth is, POTUS Trump did tell a group of Soldiers that they are losers. It was very early on and was directed at a gathering of GOs and ADMs he had convoked. His meaning, true as always, was that they never won the wars they led. Reasoned thought would posit that Goldberg’s four anonymous sources are four of the Officers present at that dressing-down and/or their surrogates.

American GOs and ADMs in very large numbers have been derelict in their duty to the nation and their subordinates for decades now. Lining their post-command nests has mattered far more to many of them than protecting Americans’ sovereign freedom. Most American GOs and ADMs feast on the globalist goo from long ago. On their watches CCP got USA to play on a field of CCP’s choosing because that is what globalist goo prefigured for increasing private profits. Jim Mattis left his role as SecDef because he insisted on continuing that sedition of American wealth, morale, and sovereignty.

POTUS Trump told the GOs and ADMs that day that he would not go to war with them because they are losers. They do not do the work they offered, were trained — at great expense — and were commissioned to do. That translates to: Losers. When a carpenter cannot drive a nail straight, what is a carpenter? When a man cannot keep a woman happy, what is a man?

Andrew Latham: Mahan, Corbett, and China’s Maritime Grand Strategy
Paul Joseph Watson: “Great Reset” Mastermind Suggests Risk Assessment “Brain Scans” Before Allowing Travel
Seth Hancock: World Economic Forum: The Great Enslavement
Josiah Lippincott: America’s Generals Lied, Lost Wars, And Looted The People They Claimed To Serve

What man should seek today is not pleasure. Nor is his goal sorrow. Wherefrom does pleasure come? When pain is got rid of, pleasure is secured. Man should bring under his control the source of pleasure and pain. More than pleasure, it is pain that awakens wisdom in man. If you study the lives of great men, you find that it is out of trouble and pain that they derived wisdom. Without sorrow there can be no wisdom. It is pain that teaches many wise lessons to man. Not realizing this profound truth, man pursues pleasure endlessly. No doubt man needs to be happy. But how is happiness to be achieved? It is only when sorrow is overcome, man realises happiness. Hence everyone should welcome sorrow in the same spirit in which they greet happiness. Every man has his origin in Truth. He is sustained by Truth, and merges in Truth. He is the embodiment of Truth. When every individual recognises this truth, the whole world will be permeated by Truth.

Βασιλεία του Θεού

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