Military Aerial Resupply History

The One Is Indivisible
The Truth Is The Whole

Tom Morgan, my long and good friend, Lieutenant Colonel, United States Army Retired, West Point Class of 1958, and military historian extraordinaire, has employed our late quarantining to compose the following history of military aerial resupply, and he has permitted me to publish it here:

Jealousy is the first bad quality that makes its entry when kshama (forbearance) makes its exit.  The Mahabharatha gives a graphic portrayal of how life that is otherwise smooth, can be totally shattered by jealousy.  The golden island Lanka was like the very heavens but Ravana’s jealousy reduced it to ruins.  Kshama will give you complete protection, its absence will plunge you into distress and disaster.  Impatience breeds selfishness and promotes jealousy, which together spur infighting and divisive tendencies of various kinds.  The troubles we often experience are largely due to the absence of this noble quality of kshama.  Impatience has ruined even very great spiritual aspirants.  Likewise, kings have been reduced to beggars.  Absence of kshama can make yogis into rogis (sick persons).  Without kshama, mankind degrades and starts declining, and cultivating this quality will help it progress in leaps and bounds!

Sathya Sai BabaSummer Showers, May 25, 2000  /  Daily Email, Sai Inspires: Subscription

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