Truth Has Logic Logic Knows Not Of

The One Is Indivisible
The Truth Is The Whole

The Old Man Receives Darshan Of Our Lord

The heart has its reasons reason knows not of . . . .
We grasp the truth not by reason only but by heart as well.

Blaise Pascal

The gist of this famous statement is that man cognizes reality (truth) both directly (heart) and indirectly (reason); we might also say: by way of direct experience and indirect experience; or this: by way of induction and deduction; or this: by way of ecstasy and empirics; or this: by way of intuition and ratiocination; or this: by way of ontos and cosmos; or this: by way of quietude and caring; or this: by way of compassion and confession.

Swami makes the point in this language:

On the other hand, one who goes on arguing
for the sake of mere scholarship, learning, and disputation
will know only the weight of logic and will miss the scent of truth!

Do not change the name and form that you loved, cherished and selected for remembrance (smarana).  Changing the name and form is not a fault if done in ignorance, but after continuing the repetition of the name and meditation on the one name and form faithfully, and after knowing that changing is wrong and harmful, to still change is certainly incorrect.  Concentration is impossible if you change the name very often.  Your mind won’t attain one-pointedness.  The goal of spiritual discipline is this one-pointedness.  Hence avoid constant adoption and rejection of different names of the Lord.  Select a single name to repeat for japa and meditation.  Be strongly and fully convinced that all the Lord’s names and forms are but the same name and form that you pray to.  Your chosen name and form must not give you the slightest feeling of dislike or disaffection.  Whatever inconveniences you may encounter, continue spiritual practices without any break or modification in your discipline.

Sathya Sai BabaPrema Vahini, Chapter 64  /  Daily Email, Sai Inspires: Subscription

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