To Grave And To Launch A Ship Of State

The One Is Indivisible
The Truth Is The Whole

The Old Man Receives Darshan Of Our Lord

I do not know how to put this, and this book review sort of reinforces the feeling — premonition, over-the-horizon radar contacts, whatever it is/they are — I seem to be experiencing . . . but: an entire species of American personal and institutional fabrication is being measured for consignment to the graving dock, partly perhaps because it just would not do its job, respond to facts, and partly perhaps because it was just time to freshen up the nation.

I do not know.  And probably that is not the best way to put it.  But I have lived long enough to trust there to be an objective referent to what my feminine intuition senses directly, even if my expression of its lineaments is garbled, confusing.

This is more than 1968.  That was a crew change.  This is a decommissioning and graving while a different crew builds and anticipates launching and commissioning a new ship altogether, yet American to the core, meaning, self-organized, seaworthy, and fair.  Otherwise why would a Lawfare minion (!) even approach a confessional much less enter one to engage in its raison d’être, however motivated?

The humble of this earth are owed so much wealth by the proud of this earth — who also are its perverts — as would transport them near or into heart failure should it ever be delivered to them in bulk.  Truly, only the humble are qualified and know how to handle the dangerous power of wealth.

Mind you, I did not write poor.  I wrote humble.  Neighbors around the country are offering help to one another.  Low and behold!


The backbone of the Globalist argument, that the world is just markets and China is just a friendly competitor, is broken.

Of the various types of devotion, remembrance of the name (namasmarana) is best.  In the Kali yuga, the name is the path for saving oneself.  Jayadeva, Gouranga, Thyagaraja, Tukaram, Kabir, Ramdas — all these great devotees attained the Lord through just this one practice.  Why speak of a thousand things?  Even Prahlada and Dhruva were able to enjoy the sight, touch, and conversation (darshan, sparshan and sambhashana) of the Lord only through repetition of the name, right?  There can be no better path to liberation (mukti) than considering the name of the Lord as the very breath of life and, with complete faith in good deeds and thoughts, developing the spirit of service and equal love for all.  Instead of this, if one sits in some solitary nook holding the breath, how can one master the innate qualities?  How is one to know that one has mastered them?

Sathya Sai BabaPrema Vahini, Chapter 62  /  Daily Email, Sai Inspires: Subscription

Βασιλεία του Θεού

Update 1: VDH: China Boomeranging

China will rue what it begat.

That is, it will come to appreciate fully that the supposed efficiency, ruthlessness, and autocracy of the Communist Party — what had so impressed foolish American journalists who once marveled at Beijing’s ability to enact by fiat liberal pet projects such as high-speed rail and solar industries — were China’s worst enemies, ensuring that the virus would spread and that China’s international reputation would be ruined.

Update 2: Perhaps in this context it bears remembrance that The Bible refers more or less constantly to the nations (plural) and those identifiable as a mix of family, territory, and transcendent authority, aka law.

Globalist assertion that the world is merely markets containing consumers is extra-Biblical.

Italy and Iran are terminus and transshipment points of very ancient West-East comms.  Columbus sought westward passage to China, to avoid frozen northern passage, lengthy, sickly southern passage, and hyper-hostile eastern passage.  Essentially, he found it, did he but know it.  To us Americans, China is west, not east, and China is a trading nation, like any other, not a cynosure.

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