Scrimmage For War, By Bill McWilliams

The One Is Indivisible
The Truth Is The Whole

Anna and Bill in The Valley of the Eagles, out of Haines, AK, July 2018
Anna and Bill in The Valley of the Eagles, out of Haines, AK, July 2018

Scrimmage For War is the most recent adventure in history — offered for Americans’ and others’ improving enjoyment — by my friend Bill McWilliams (see also here and here).  I am commending Bill’s book to the attention of my fellow Americans and others.  The work is available in several formats.

The following distributors offer Scrimmage For War:

National Book Network
Barnes & Noble
Vital Source

Bill is a Militärhistoriker, Military Historian, with a gift for attention to details and cognition of complex, large-area operations.

COL Bill McWilliams, Last Flight Before Retiring, 20 January 1983, Flying An F-15C.

Warmest Thanks to Michael Quine/Las Vegas Review-Journal for this video!

Do not worry that the New Year implies dangerous prospects.  No danger will befall this world.  With sacred feelings and divine thoughts, cultivate the spirit of love within.  Learn today to fill your hearts with selfless love and adorn your hands with the ornament of sacrifice.  Sacrifice is the jewel for your hands.  Truth is the beautiful chain you should wear.  Develop the habit of adorning these jewels every day in the New Year.  Truth is God.  Love is God.  Righteousness (Dharma) is God.  When you worship God practicing these principles everyday, He will manifest Himself.  Do not doubt this!  Be prepared to face challenges with love and broadmindedness.  Befriend God, you are bound to be successful in all your endeavours!  Love God wholeheartedly.  You will lead a blissful and peaceful life full of enthusiasm.  Pray with a broad feeling: Samastha Loka sukhino bhavantu (May the whole world be happy)!  Cultivate selfless love and foster peace across all nations!

Sathya Sai BabaDivine Discourse, March 18, 1999 /  Daily Email, Sai Inspires: Subscription

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