Stay Close To The Farmers

The One Is Indivisible
The Truth Is The Whole

The Great Manu

The town where I live — by the Grace of God, my wife, and our offspring — is blessedly rural but communicating with logistical trains bearing foods, medical care, and skilled craftsmen.

All my life, my favorite sight has been a field growing food for creatures.  Is this not Mother Nature’s mother nature?  When I could road-trip, I chose the venerable US Highway System for its connecting farm-lands, farm-towns, and water-ways with almost universally well-kept and lightly-used road-beds.  I stopped often by fields to walk beside the crops, sample their fragrances, observe their conditions.  The sight of timothy, rye, or alfalfa on the bloom always thrills me.  So does the sight and sounds of rivers and streams, bearing living for countless creatures.

How does a creature consume timothy, for example, and find strength from it to carry a man in a desperate race to cover a distance?  I could not do that.  A fish could not.  It is a miracle.

The fundament of agri-culture has never left my mind.  I watch eagerly as corn and ground-level crops go in and raise up in alluvial fields nearby.  Trips to our valley’s food market, on a state highway, pass through a huge former farm, very near our teepee, kept by some agency permanently in rye and other grasses for the elk herd who live there and roam the valley, perhaps a hundred head of them, unfenced and free to loiter.

A curriculum resource for homeschoolers, initiated by our elder son in 1994, maintained by me, and named Sri Sathya Sai Baba Rishikul devotes a section to Agri-culture, to include Api-culture and Arbori-culture.  That section of the RishiKul belongs to a total, multi-dimension re-acquisition of inquiry as a learning framework called Quintivium: The Integration of Inquiry (and here).

The following posts here at Theological Geography examine the supreme importance of top soil.

Love Is The Only Authority

Fracking Is Evil, Eliminate … You Name It

A Thanksgiving Homily

Strategic Considerations – II

The Foundations Of Civilization And Nationhood

Three Depositions On Theological Education

On Population And Dharma

To maintain sanity in a world besotted with insanity, stay close to the farmers, at least mindfully, and give thanks for our country’s top soil, upon six inches of which, combined with farmers’ assiduous and intelligent cultivation of the same, superb natural aquatic comms, and early and courageous investment in rail comms, our existence depends.  Also, give thanks for and bless the memory of Norman Ernest Borlaug (and here).

Those agitated by doubts about what to accept and reject, those blinded by illusion, unable to distinguish between darkness and light, death and immortality, should approach great saints to understand the eternal truth – the self-illumined basis of all creation.  Then, both this world and heaven will be merged in the same effulgence!  To attain this realisation, one should have deep yearning and hard, disciplined practice.  This human birth is the consequence of countless good deeds, and it should not be cast aside; the chance must be fully exploited!  For all those who are really animals in human form, slaves of pride and animal traits, this awareness in time is most important.  Therefore, the discriminating individual will endeavour by all means at their disposal to understand the underlying principles, to master the teachings of the great people who practised the spiritual path, and to bring all this, as much as possible, into the ken of their own experience.

Sathya Sai BabaPrema Vahini, Chapter 57  /  Daily Email, Sai Inspires: Subscription

Βασιλεία του Θεού

Update 1: Matthew Gault: Farmers Are Buying 40-Year-Old Tractors Because They’re Actually Repairable

Related: Adam Belz: For tech-weary Midwest farmers, 40-year-old tractors now a hot commodity

Update 2: VDH: The Virus is Not Invincible, But It’s Exposing Who’s Irreplaceable

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