Concepts Are Consequential

The One Is Indivisible
The Truth Is The Whole

The Great Manu

Concepts are consequential.
Wars are won in the minds
Of the commanders.
Not in the bodies
Of their troops.

Moreover, and ultimately,
The commander whose cause is just
Has the cleanest heart, therefore the
Clearest mind, for conceiving victory
In battle.

Love itself is the operation
Surest to triumph in war.

Who really was
Victor at Appomattox?

Simply because a devotee appears like the Lord (sarupya-mukti), we cannot assume that the devotee has the powers of creation, preservation and destruction that the Lord has.  Only when all traces of differences disappear and unity is attained, the highest stage is reached.  This is called union (sayujya).  This comes only by divine grace.  The devotee aspires for this mergence (aikya).  One wishes to serve the Lord as one pleases and to experience the joy of the form that one has attributed to the Lord.  But the Lord, out of His grace, gives the devotee not only existence with the Lord, witnessing always the glory of the Lord, and being suffused with God-consciousness but also union (sayujya)!  The path of devotion (bhakti marga) results also in attainment of knowledge of Brahman (Brahma-jnana).  Even if the devotee does not crave it, the Lord Himself vouchsafes it to the devotee.  Union-with-God liberation (sayujya-mukti) is also referred to as absolute liberation (ekanta-mukti).

Sathya Sai BabaPrema Vahini, Chapter 54  /  Daily Email, Sai Inspires: Subscription

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