Why We Fight

The One Is Indivisible
The Truth Is The Whole

The Sacred Fire

We examined facets of this subject two years ago:

USA Grand National Strategic Objective — Take Three

Wealth, Sovereignty, And Strategic Concern

The excision of Qasem Soleimani occasions further examination of this subject, noting now its deep history and implications thereof.

Asharite Islam is the background of Salafi Islam or what Americans’ soi-disant leader worthies (EU-US Foreign Policy Establishment), trying not to reference Islam for fear of literally losing their heads, call Terrorism of Islamic Extremism.  Asharite Islam and its almost extinct predecessor, Mutazilite Islam, are examined in these posts from previous years:

The Theological Component In Announcing Strategic War To Annihilate The Salafi Jihad

They Enjoy It

Middle Eastern religions tend to assign religious authority along family lines, much like royal families everywhere do.  Hebraism, Islam, Baha’i, and Christianity propagated religious authority dynastically, although Christianity broke free of that tradition — at the instance of St. Paul, a Jew, a descendent of Hebraism — just as Americans, centuries later, broke free of secular authority propagated dynastically by European so-called royal and noble families.

Shiite Islam, an Arabic heresy of Islam, is rooted in internecine bickering among members of Mohammed’s family over dynastic authority to propagate and adjudicate Islam .  Sunni Arab families exiled Shiite Arab families to Persia, where the exiles soon overwhelmed Persian Zoroastrians.  Today’s Iranian Shiites are of Arab, not Persian, descent.

Thus today, some Arab Salafis and all Iranian Shiites ally in Jihad, at least for convenience, not only because they share the goal of world-hegemonic sadism but also because they share an ethnicity: Arab.  Arab Salafis with whom Iranian Shiites ally, which is most of them, are connected to the Moslem Brotherhood directly or by descent.  Arab Salafis with whom Iranian Shiites do not ally, such as ISIS, are those who are honest about their intentions for sole world-hegemonic sadism and thus find unnecessary an alliance of convenience with Shiites, not even temporarily.

(This explains why Obama minions chased around ISIS minions, killing some here and there, half-heartedly, and with no grand strategic purpose or thinking through potential consequences attending their febrile enthusiasms: Obama minions were and are Iran partisans so they supported and support Shiite Jihadis but not the wrong Salafi Jihads: e.g., ISIS.  Obama minions used US Armed Forces as Iranian proxies against those wrong Salafi Jihadis: ISIS.  Obama minions did and do support — via CIA operators (off record, in the black, of course) — the right Salafi Jihadis: Moslem Brotherhood-related Jihadis, who are in [temporary] alliance of convenience with Shiite Jihadis.

Of course, many CIA-trained Moslem Brotherhood-related Salafis faded into ISIS formations fighting Shiite Jihadis (Iranian Quds and Hizbollah) with the goal of dispossing the Assad family — Iranian Shiites’ ally — taking with them their CIA-supplied weaponry and support equipment.

So they made a perfect cock-up, these Obama minions, showing that they were and are an exceedingly confused and incompetent lot.)

Asharite Islam and its iteration as Salafism are inherently violent because they are inherently ideological, meaning in traditional theological terms, idolatrous.  Ditto Shiism.  Their idolatry is of a man, Mohammed, and a book, the Koran.

Idolatry is taking as ultimate that which is not ultimate.  Any creature or artifact of a creature’s activity can be taken idolatrously.  Idolatry, or what is the same thing, ideology, is always violent because only violence can maintain the intellectual and social viability of an idolatry/ideology.

Ideology has no self-generating source, no essentiality of force.  It has to be made, fashioned from what is self-generating force.  Idolatry is an epiphenomenon, dependent, not independent reality.  Idolatry thus lives under unceasing threat of being unmade.  One sees this phenomenon clearly in the rise and demise of tyrannical political systems as well as in less note-worthy but not uncommon observables.

The ideology of Asharite/Salafi/Shiite Islam is hegemonic sadism, blood lust.  They say it is Islam, but that is a lie in the same way that a tyrant’s saying he or she fights for solidarity and community is a lie.  The truth is that, as tyrants, Asharite/Salafi/Shiite Moslems want to loot their neighbors, right down to their socks.  They enjoy it.

Hegemonic looting describes Salafi and Shiite Jihadis intentions, but hegemonic sadism is closer to the actuality of their existence and its driving ideology.    They enjoy that even more.

Drug, rare commodity, and human (slavery/ransom) trafficking — i.e., generalized piracy, looting — are Salafi-Shiite Jihadis’ self-support necessities because their ideology precludes their living as normal people in normal communications in normal villages, towns, cities, and nations.

The effective counter to Salafi-Shiite ideology is the American ideal — grounding in Christian Theology — namely, personal and national sovereign freedom.

When Americans go into war, it is to preserve, protect, support, and defend their personal and national sovereign freedoms as guaranteed by The Constitution of The United States of America.  We go to war and train for war for no other reason.  This is stated variously but clearly and unambiguously in the several Oaths of Office and Enlistment sworn by Americans volunteering or drafted to act on behalf of the interests of Americans living inside the structure of reality delineated by The Constitution of The United States of America.

Americans’ reason for going to war — to maintain against all odds their personal and national sovereign freedom — directly and unavoidably set them against the Salafi-Shiite Jihad, which aims explicitly to extinguish Americans’ personal and national sovereign freedom.

This state of affairs has faced Americans right from their beginnings as a free and sovereign nation state comprising free and sovereign — though voluntarily self-limiting in some particulars — states and individuals.  The recrudescence by Wahhab of Islamic Puritanism (Asharite Islam) coincided with the epiphany by Washington of American Freedom.  The clash of Freedom and Puritanism — of which Americans have their own baleful edition, sourced from the banks of the Charles River — is old hat to Americans.

POTUS Jefferson, no friend of personal freedom, felt compelled to launch the first American counter attack against Salafi Islam, aka Asharite Islam, or, Moslem Puritanism.  The reason is instructive.

Americans are a nation of artisans and traders.  Arabs and other Moslems are gifted at trade but not manufacture, at least, not of the innovative kind at large scale.  After Wahhab’s resurgent Puritanism bit into the Levant and Middle East — and that was almost immediately — what manufacture Arabs and other Moslems enjoyed was discouraged along with habits of living which enabled the same.

Puritanism always and everywhere demands return to the imagined primitive, The Noble Savage, and in this case, to conditions attending 7th Century Arabs as those were conceived by an Arab living a millennium plus after the fact.  The epistemological howlers alone in that exercise are worthy of remonstrance.

This is why we say Salafi-Shiite Jihad is an ideology: it is fact-free and fancy-full.  This also means it is a push-over, though not without cost.

Enter The United States Armed Forces and The United States Army specifically.  All branches of US Armed Forces support the US Army mission.  Army is the base of military operations per se.  The reason is simple: all operations of statecraft — diplomacy, finance, war-fighting — are geography-based.  So, any war-fighting occurs under the strategic and tactical requirements of the ground-based war-fighting element, the Army mission, which is to extirpate (pull out and throw to oblivion) an aggressor’s will to aggress.

For our purposes, this means the mission of The US Army, and its supporting full-spectrum US Armed Force, is to extirpate (pull out and throw to oblivion) the intention, the will, of any one, state or non-state — and there are no non-state actors — to obstruct or obliterate Americans’ exercise of personal and national sovereign freedom as delineated by The Constitution of The United States of America.

The fair flow of American commerce is the trip-wire for arousal of Americans’ resolve to take care of themselves — to preserve, protect, support, and defend their personal and sovereign freedom — by deploying their three assets of statecraft: diplomacy, finance, war-fighting.  Thwart our commercial activity, which means our families’ welfare, and we will disabuse you of that desire, to our satisfaction, or we will straight up kill you.  Take your choice.

That is how Americans think and what they do.  Be fair with us and you will be happy along with us.  Abuse us and you pay far more than the price we are willing to pay to maintain our families’ livelihoods.  We are Americans.  This is how we think and how we act.

Do not think our leader worthies, our representatives, always speak for us.  They do not, always.  Sometimes they do.  When they do not, we will find a way to install ones who do.  In any case, think like us and watch how we act over time, even through copious provocations, even despite foolishness among our representatives, and you will not run afoul of us Americans.

That is why we fight.

Not inconsequential that discussion/awareness is unfolding to the effect that Democrats/Media Adjuncts are traitors/domestic terrorists straight up in the plainly legal sense.  PDJT gets them to self-expose, but they have been there working their treasonable/terrorist wiles for decades.  This puts RINOs and JINOs between the proverbial rock and a hard place.

A time may come when you become tired and weak, then pray thus: “Lord, things have gone beyond my capacity.  I feel further effort is too great a strain.  Give me strength, O Lord!”  Initially, God stands at a distance, watching one’s effort, like the teacher who stands apart when students answer an exam.  Then, when one sheds attachment to sensual pleasures (bhoga) and takes to good deeds and selfless service, God comes nearer.  Like Sun God (Surya-narayana), He waits outside the closed door.  Like the servant doesn’t announce his presence or bang on the door but simply waits, knowing his employer’s preferences, God too waits!  When the master opens the door just a little, the sun rushes in and promptly drives darkness out from within.  Similarly, when God’s help is requested, He immediately presents Himself with extended hands to help.  So what you need is only the discrimination (viveka) to pray and the spiritual wisdom (jnana) to remember Him.

Sathya Sai BabaPrema Vahini, Chapter 11  / Daily Email, Sai Inspires: Subscription

Βασιλεία του Θεού

Update 1: Richard Fernandez: Soleimani was the man, the Islamic Republic was the regime that no one was supposed to anger lest they turn their baleful glare on us instead of passing by to kill someone else

Update 2: Lee Smith: Iran and America Are Suddenly Both Naked

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