They Enjoy It

Chaitanya Jyothi Museum Opening, 2000

In nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti.  Amen.



Something in Islam, such as half at least of its sacred scripture and all of its Asharite exegetical tradition, begets blood lust.  The Sheiks and Koran Scholars say violence is a tool for proselytizing, a method of convincing converts, and in any case is commanded by God.  But I do not believe that exegesis or that they believe it.

Blood lust, in those who have it, is an end in itself.  These Moslem guys enjoy perpetrating violence, seeing blood flow and suffering abound.  That is their only reason for doing it.  Any other reason would quickly run them into the epistemological absurdity of their enjoyment.  They cause suffering for the thrill of causing suffering.  They enjoy it.  That is all there is to it.

They enjoy it.  And their religion and academic/ecclesial leaders provide them cover and an excuse: do this to proclaim the Glory of God . . . and to obey His commands.  Violence is Islamic piety, at least for Asharites and Shiites.

Laws, trials, prosecutions, standards of etiquette . . . no such thing has even the slightest effect on these blood-thirsty ones.

Persons convert to Islam and go Salafist or Shiia not to obey God or even to save their own hide from the knives, bombs, guns, and lawfare of Islam’s blood-thirsty proselytizers.  They do it to gain theatre, protected fields of operation, for their own blood lust.  They relish the prospect of sanctioned and unrestrained violence committed against others.  They want the satisfaction of having their personal blood lust cleared for action.

That is the attraction of Islam, at least Asharite and Shiite.  Islam attracts the violence-prone.  So mullahs recruit in prisons, which used to be penitentiaries but are become warehouses for the brutal.  And these phenomena Progressives/Humanists do not see and cannot grasp because they, too, harbor a yearning to set their own blood lust at liberty.

Moslems and Progressives are angry at God.  They know God approves not their impulse to do violence and shuts down the like in His own time.  The burden of such an existence these frustrated ones carry!

Βασιλεία του Θεού
Kingdom of God


Sophia Loren
Sophia Loren

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