It Is Cold Outside The Constitution

Chaitanya Jyothi Museum Opening, 2000

In nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti.  Amen.



The Constitution of The United States of America is the supreme law inside the borders of The United States of America.  Anyone inside those borders operating outside particulars of that Constitution is a felon.  That includes now millions of people and hundreds of thousands of employees working inside local, state, and federal government organizations.  It includes two entire federal establishments and everyone inside them: The US Federal Reserve Bank and The US Central Intelligence Agency.

The spiritual bane of the day is misogyny, mostly conducted by females.  But the moral, social, and political bane of the day is legal hubris, conducted by males and females, wherein a personality claims for themselves and/or some organization justification or merely immunity for extra-Constitutional conduct.

We can operate outside even the supreme law of the land because shut up.  Translation: we can do what we want and you have no recourse if that affects you and even if it does not.

Let me observe that this attitude towards the affairs of man, not to mention the affairs of nations, is not self-sustaining.  In fact, it is self-immolating.  That fact, however, does not discourage its practitioners nor arrest their progress until, usually, well after it has amassed for them a fortune in destruction and corresponding liability in this world and the next.

A nation comprises three elements, which may be observed as three sheafs or persona of the vector of its puissance.  These are Land, Families, and Constitution.

The most powerful persona of a nation’s puissance is the land herself.  The land herself is a power of being, in fact many powers of being struggling amongst themselves, and the land’s being-ness, her is-ness gives the land herself characteristics which conduce to one kind of spiritual, intellectual, moral, social, and political forms and functions and not to others.  E pluribus unum.

For example, scarcity of agricultural soil, unhandy distribution of navigable waters, and brutal winters shape Russian character and politics as much as the opposite of all three of those conditions shapes American character and politics.

The second most powerful persona of a nation’s puissance are families living on her land.  Shaped by the land, families also shape the land while they shape themselves and devise structures of attitude, habit, custom, and law to regulate their interactions.

For example again, what Russian families must cope with from the character of their land — adjusting as they go in small steps their geography and neighboring families to needs and wishes — shape uniquenesses of Russian character as much as do responses of American families to the exigencies and vagaries of their geography and neighbors.

The least powerful persona of a nation’s puissance is her constitution, the supreme law of her land.  Institution, state, and national constitutions — with the national constitution standing supreme over all internal ones — is the defining expression of self-preservation and self-realization by a land and families living on her.

For example, a national constitution emerges, optimally, from wide and deep consideration of necessities brought together by personalities representing large areas of geography and large numbers of families living on them.  The ultimate necessity is to announce a nation’s independence, her territorial self-possession, her resolve not only to defend but par excellence to secure her borders.  The pen-ultimate necessity is to secure the demos from its own demagogues . . . in other words, to obviate and preclude democratic polity, which is mob rule (demos kratia).

The first necessity is accomplished by structuring government to self-correct towards obedience to the nation’s constitution.  The second necessity is accomplished by enumerating inherent freedoms of persons and families government may not infringe, which is to say, by setting boundaries delimiting authorities of government personnel and government per se.

It can be seen that with respect to both necessities a constitution can be subjected to calumny and subversion while having to endure inconstant aid to its self-defense.  Thus I say that a nation’s constitution is the least powerful actor or persona of a nation’s puissance.  An absolute necessity it is, yet it stands most precariously against the whim of the ungodly, the demos, who, of course, have no mercy.

Comes thus Sharyl Attkisson with this:

Taken together in context, the evidence points to two important findings.  First, U.S. government insiders, colluding with numerous foreign citizens and governments, conspired to interfere in the 2016 election.  Second, after the election, these figures conspired to undermine, oust, and perhaps even frame Trump and some of his associates.

And Sarah Hoyt with this:

Part of the tension right now is that we’re flying by instruments and the instruments are broken.

Kurt Schlichter with this:

My new book Militant Normals: How Regular Americans Are Rebelling Against the Elite to Reclaim Our Democracy talks about a lot of annoying things the elite does, and changing the rules and applying them differently to different people are two of the most annoying.  Somewhere along the way, it looks like the elite changed the consensus on us without bothering to ask.  We all agreed that you don’t prejudge others based on sex or race or religion and suddenly it seems the elite up and decided that now that’s cool.  Sometimes.


If we had a real media and not the world’s most pompous Democrat transcription service, the CIA’s blown Chinese spy ring disaster would be front page news but hey, Omarosa!  In any case, the only consulting anyone should do with the members of this class of unmitigated failures whose incompetence brought us 9/11, Iraq, Libya, ISIS, and a future where we would all be wise to learn Mandarin, is to ask their opinion and then do the opposite – Costanza style.  Let’s look at our elite’s track record of success.  Don’t worry – it won’t take long.

For American patriots, the weakest point of their defensive perimeter is The Constitution of The United States of America.  However, that weak point can and is being reinforced.

And in any case, two interior lines in defense of USA sovereign national independence stand behind The Constitution.  They are American families — a multi-racial, multi-ethnic, multi-religious unity — and USA sovereign territory herself.

Constitution   Families   Land
(in rising order of puissance)

BLM Stood Off By Bundys And Friends, 2014
BLM Stood Off By Bundys And Friends, 2014

Classical theology notes that a healthy personality is filled with equal parts of mysterium fascinosum and mysterium tremendum.  God, the unexpected, the transcendent, is both fascinating and terrifying, attractive and repulsive.  An unhealthy personality is filled with one or the other, fascination or terror, not both.  The Devil, the desired, the immanent, is only fascinating and attractive or terrifying and repulsive, never both.

An easy way to assess a personality as healthy or unhealthy, therefore, is to observe whether they fear God, are terrified of being found wanting by God (although not by men), and have acquaintance with penitence.  If none of the above, the personality is unhealthy and, in effect, a devotee of the devil, of gaudy costumes such as become drag queens, of lust for evil to include control of population(s), which is to say ugliness.

It used to be asked of candidates for office, to assess their fitness for the role, whether they are a God-fearing man or woman, not whether they belong to this faith or that.  There is a huge difference between going to [church, etc.] and fearing God.  The first is easy.  Any jackass can go to [church, etc.] and toot about it.  No man or woman can fake having the fear of God inside them.  And no one who does have it would consider trying to fake having it not.

There is much to be recalled from classical theology.  Much forgotten treasure.

POTUS Trump, Houston Texas, October 2018:

We know that faith and family, not government and bureaucracy, are the true center of American life.

And above all else, we know this: in America, we don’t worship government, we worship God.

H. J. Mackinder in The Geographical Pivot of History makes the point that when a people are attacked they rally together for self-defense and become in this way a nation.

Michael Ledeen, I think it was, pointed out a couple of years ago that nationalism is an European phenomenon based on unity of race and to some extent religion whereas patriotism is an American phenomenon based on unity from diversity of Land, Families, and Constitution . . . multi-racial, multi-ethnic, and multi-religious . . .  but uni-cultural.

I was not pleased POTUS used the word nationalism.  I know what he meant: that we are sovereign Americans, not stupid Socialists.  But better, IMO, would have been to use the word patriot: respect for the Pater Familias, the Spirit of this Power of Being, which in this grand case is the whole self-contending nation as His Bride and our Mother (Land, Families, Constitution).  What is done is done.

David Gelernter: The Real Reason They Hate Trump

The dirty, felonious business in Washington D.C. and elsewhere inside The USA merely indicates a system operating past its pull-date.  The system is worn out, spent.  New, fresh one indicated.  One way and another, the IC and foreign policy establishment are at the start of undergoing, ineluctably, fundamental transformations towards enhancing The USA’s sovereign national independence and USA citizens’ inalienable freedoms.  Correlating with that is a reshuffle of inter-nation alliances towards the Three Brothers as senior authorities for secure freedom of movement in global communications.

The vehicle for these accomplishments will be The USA COCOMs, and not as executive agencies only but also — per original intent for the former State, War, and Navy Departments — as engines powering grand strategic conceptual and planning origination.

The Constitution of The United States of America is the supreme law of the nation, the Land, Families and Constitution named The United States of America, and for everything and everyone on her, under her.  All her children.  Who belonging to said nation would operate outside the particulars of her Constitution is a felon.  It is cold out there.

Meanwhile, if you want to help, become a warrior in the United States Army.  You will learn things and be proud of yourself.

Βασιλεία του Θεού
Kingdom of God

Update 1: Any sanctuarysafe space — is a preferred target because the attacker has the all-important element of surprise.  Occupants of the sanctuary feel they are safe inside.  Thus, they are not.

On the other hand, larger picture, this means I think that schools/churches/synagogues/temples are past their pull-dates as useful cultural forms and fresh structures based on fresh consensuses are indicated.

Social Justice has produced social chaos.  It was crypto-Communism all along.

Jesus’ disciples carried military-grade weapons of the day.  Jesus and His disciples attracted military devotees, Roman (oppressor) ones, and neither He nor His disciples condemned weapons, military personnel, nor military arts.  In fact, they used military arts as metaphors for the spiritual life, as have numerous Saints and Sages — of all religions, in fact — following in their footprints.  St. Matthew assigns the recognition by Gentiles of Jesus as the Christ of History to Roman Soldiers!  Priests and scholars suborned the murder of Jesus the Christ, but Soldiers, who had to obey orders, recognized Him through the very horror they executed.

The Second Amendment to The Constitution of the United States of America could not enjoy more biblical authority than it already does because it enjoys all of it, without caveat or diminution.

Additionally, no Saint, Sage, or Father of the Church has argued, ever, for disarmament of anyone.  It is not done.

And reason is appalled and repelled by such an argument.

Only Socialists — Communists and Fascists — argue for disarmament of persons and nations.  And they do not include themselves in either class.

Update 2: Sharyl Attkisson: CIA secretly intercepted Congressional communications about whistleblowers

Update 3: Sharyl Attkisson: The CIA Surveillance State Is Operating Against Us All

Update 4: Sharyl Attkisson: A Citizen Suing the Department of Justice Needs More than Just a Winning Legal Argument

Update 5: Sundance: President Trump Meets With U.S-China Trade Negotiation Teams in Oval Office…



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