Bottoms Up Onatop

Chaitanya Jyothi Museum Opening, 2000

In nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti.  Amen.



Concerning the latest show of force, again in Portland, OR, by what I call the Democratic-Republican UniParty (and here), John Hinderaker made this compendious post at Power Line.

Regarding who these persons are, this comment string occurred:

David R. Graham
Given it is Portland, the attacked are fortunate MDs and Nurses treated them.

The Antifa crowd are Whole Foods customers, upscale elites by common measures.  By common measures, they are not Italian Fascist or German Nazi correlates: Nibelungen, Rednecks.  They are in fact, however, the bottom, Nibelungen, accorded status as the top.

This is a new phenomenon in western civ: bottom rung given top rung by top rung and proceeds as bottom rung always does but now with diplomas and tech day jobs (lots of money).  The lots of dope bit is the same, however.

In America today, low, brutal personalities have money, position, credibility, and prestige.  Communists and Fascists never were able to pull off that inversion.  They always were known as what they were, low rung, crude.

Now low rung are assessed as top rung.  Sodomites, murderers, drug addicts, liars, cheats, thieves, etc. are beseeched as wise authorities.  Now, who could have allowed that to happen?

Fists of Harmony to David R. Graham
Well they put 25 stitches into a 150-stitch head injury. Is that fortunate?

David R. Graham to Fists of Harmony
I take your point.  It is fortunate for him that the man was treated at all given the location.

Bruce Berris to David R. Graham
You can read comments on other sites like this:
Antifa only attacks fascists.

Mob rule is here and very popular.

John Shepherd to David R. Graham
The Nazis were not the working classes either.  They came from the middle and upper classes.  The working class were social Democrats and Communists at least before 1933.

DreadPirateBruce to John Shepherd
And lots of Nazis were teachers and professors.

David R. Graham to John Shepherd
Original Nazis were criminal class and heavily homosexual.  They beat their way into power, cowed middle and upper classes (lots but not all), then self-slaughtered their most obvious psycho/butcher element.

German industrialists were an exception to otherwise anti-Nazi top rung Germans.  Nazis made industrialists rich making war machine, gave them something to do, reasons for conducting creative R&D, they loved the Nazis even though ordinarily they would not have invited them to Sunday dinner.

Top rung Germans — many, far from all — opposed Nazis, knew who they were, got out, and/or tried various methods of defeating them.  Strongest internal opposition to the Nazis came from the German military, the old warrior families, with von in their names.

After WW2, and gradually, traditional top leaders in Europe/America learned from Germany’s experience to fear their lower rung populations as potential Nazis.  Wrong lesson to learn.  They decided to fearfully appease the lower rung-ers rather than courageously and self-confidently refine them.  Standards ever lowered, awards ever more plentiful, money thrown around ever more irrationally, homes thrown open, clothing and manners ever more common, debased, and ever more worthless certifications of learning conferred on ever more impudent zeros deemed students.

Now so-called top rung comprises, along with a few educated (refined) persons, a mass of impudent zeros deemed officials whose impulses, not only unrefined but encouraged, are those of original Nazis: low-brow, crude, cruel.  This was my point.  This post by Hinderaker should be evidence sufficient regarding it.  Envy and fear nursed by leader cadres cause this patent chaos.  The way through it and into light?  Trust in God, renounce negative impulses, and, with local law enforcement jurisdictions, form civil defense battalions.

On the same theme, bottoms up onatop, Glenn Reynolds wroteOne used to hear the harshest racial rhetoric from society’s bottom rungs.  Now one hears it from academic and political elites.

I commented:

This has not changed.  The bottom rungs got degrees and were accorded jobs, but their impulses never changed, just their access to megaphones.  The harshest rhetoric still emits from society’s bottom rungs: academic and political elites (soi-disant).

Βασιλεία του Θεού
Kingdom of God

Update 1: Antifa Shatters Mirror In Attempt To Punch Nazi


Rama, Sita, Lakshmana and Bharatha
Rama, Sita, Lakshmana and Bharatha

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