Hie Thee To A Nunnery

Chaitanya Jyothi Museum Opening, 2000

In nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti.  Amen.



It’s like we are governed by Bolsheviks
bent on destroying everything decent
in order to wield their control
over what’s left.


[Democrats] are a gigantic hate group, in other words,
and are far larger than the militant KKK the
party once embraced and supported.


Why?  From where did this come?  To where is it going?

Monied people and ambitious people — not always the same — have means, motive, and opportunity to whip up everyone else against their — everyone else’s — best interest.

Monied people tend to envy max-monied people and fear being obstructed by less-monied people.  Monied people nursing these negative qualities of envy and fear set forth, in consequence, propaganda to impel less-monied people to demand money from max-monied people and leave them, monied people, alone.

To such as these, whatever money they have is insufficient, and so, they are ever envious and ever fearful, and so, ever plotting to subvert the max-monied and opiate the less-monied.

The bottom line for such people as these is envy and fear.  Those negative qualities drive their thinking, speaking, and acting.

Let fly by what they say or do and attend rather to whether they exhibit envy and/or fear.  If you perceive that they do, you know that what they say and do is propaganda — to your detriment — not the truth.

This is sort of an age-old phenomenon that gets cloaked, via propaganda, in mannerisms of the day but remains of the same essentially insidious character inside no matter the verbal and institutional clothing crafted as its outside.

In our day, envious, fearful monied people deploy propaganda to clothe this age-old phenomenon as the population-food-climate crisis.  They whip up less-monied people to believe that they will starve, suffocate, and burn unless they — the less-monied — (1) force max-monied people to forfeit their money for the common good, and (2) beg envious, fearful monied people to (a) steward that forfeited money on their — the less-monied’s — behalf and (b) rule their — the less-monied’s — affairs from a position of immunity from recall or remonstrance.

This is a difficult sell in any day, yet its appeal to both sellers and buyers appears to be guaranteed in perpetuity.  Essential vice existential reality, and all.  There is always a place in the affairs of man for Mephistopheles.

O, what a noble mind is here o’erthrown!
The courtier’s, soldier’s, scholar’s, eye, tongue, sword;
The expectancy and rose of the fair state,
The glass of fashion and the mould of form,
The observed of all observers, quite, quite down!
And I, of ladies most deject and wretched,
That suck’d the honey of his music vows,
Now see that noble and most sovereign reason,
Like sweet bells jangled, out of tune and harsh;
That unmatch’d form and feature of blown youth
Blasted with ecstasy: O, woe is me,
To have seen what I have seen, see what I see!

The Immortal Bard: Hamlet, Act 3, Scene 1

But what is really, inwardly wanted by envious, fearful monied people who generate propaganda to enable this phenomenon against their human brothers and sisters?  One would think they are at least fairly confident that the possibility of their personal starvation, suffocation, or burn up is remote.  Why make the effort to bamboozle their bothers and sisters into acting against their own best interests, into renouncing their personal and even national freedom and sovereignty?

I think the answer is this: envious, fearful monied people generate propaganda to bamboozle their human brothers and sisters because they want those brothers and sisters dead so they cannot consume what they — envious, fearful monied people — covet for themselves.  If Jane Doe and Joe Doe and their children Martha, John, Victor, Hedy, and Frank are eating, breathing, learning, struggling, and more-or-less enjoying being alive, envious, fearful monied people see wastage of what could and should be theirs.  That is how they see it.

So the real, inward desire of envious, fearful monied people is mass murder of those stealing what belongs to them, to envious, fearful monied people.  This is the root cause of Socialism (Communism and Fascism) and of Salafi-Shiite Jihad.  Those are in-tandem propaganda movements mounted and energized by envious, fearful monied people, not by common, ordinary, working men and women.  Those propaganda movements benefit envious, fearful monied people and not anyone else.  The inner urge of those propaganda movements and their generators is mass murder.  About that, at least, Salafi-Shiite Jihadis are honest.

How does an ordinary person, not infected with envy and fear, view population increase?  As opportunities to build.

Think: more hands are more assets to enliven and beautify living.

To forestall famine, institute rational agricultural practices and plant breeding and efficient, scaled-up farm-to-table communications.

To preserve and produce learning, build monasteries (and here).

To foster learning and skills, reintegrate the phenomenology of inquiry itself by reacquiring the archetypal Indo-European structure of five-ness through a study of phenomena, both empirical and immediate.

To reduce population increase and foster actual human necessities (spiritual), hie [get] thee to a nunnery.

Βασιλεία του Θεού
Kingdom of God

Update 1: Glenn, you did not and do not understand sodomites.  You know the Bible on this.  But you want not to believe its truthfulness on this as on so many other matters.  OK, your choice.  But no sympathy for feeling soured.  Sodomy is eliminationism.  Libertarianism obstructs recognition of that fact and, therefore, contributes to attenuated personality.

Update 2: Greg Holt: The Final Nail in the Democrats’ Coffin: ‘Rejoicing in the queerness of God’

Update 3: Stacy McCain: Godless Commies!

I commented:

… as the Soviet regime engaged in grossly false propaganda to defend its power and conceal its bloody crimes.

In other words, wanting to conceal their bloody crimes demonstrates that they knew they were crimes.  In other words, the universal moral base line runs everywhere all the time without interruption.

That fact, which is what is meant by the existence of God, a phrase which in formal theology is silly and irrational, is what Socialists (Communists and Fascists) and Jihadis are desperate to obscure even knowing they cannot.  (Years ago in this august company I argued that the phrase God exists is formal nonsense no theologian has ever asserted. I will not labor/hector the point now.)

Update 4: Dave Huber: Cornell summer seminar asks: Should we still use concepts like ‘rationality’ and ‘reason’?

Update 5: New Age is Esalen/Maslow Socialism packaged as religion.  Its ancient name is Pelagianism, which Augustine and eventually church council condemned as heresy.  Its more recent name is Humanism (Erasmus/Abelard/Voltaire/Rousseau), which Luther and eventually multiple church councils condemned.  Its purpose is extirpation of Christians and Christianity.  Ho hum.

cedarbend to David R. Graham
I go further…I think it’s demonic, no matter how sweet and peaceful it sounds.

David R. Graham to cedarbend
It certainly is.  The demonic is that which claims ultimacy in spite of the fact that it is not ultimate.  It gets very ugly very quickly and stinky, too.  Literally.  The divine is relaxed, smooth, beautiful, sweet, at ease, and fragrant.  Also rich even when in habiliments of poverty.

Update 6: Glenn ReynoldsOne used to hear the harshest racial rhetoric from society’s bottom rungs.  Now one hears it from academic and political elites.

I commented:

This has not changed.  The bottom rungs got degrees and were accorded jobs, but their impulses never changed, just their access to megaphones.  The harshest rhetoric still emits from society’s bottom rungs: academic and political elites (soi-disant).

Update 7: Whatever happened to Villanova basketball star Shelly Pennefather?  ‘So I made this deal with God.’



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