Take Care Of Your People And Your People Will Take Care Of You

Chaitanya Jyothi Museum Opening, 2000

In nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti.  Amen.



The crisis of the times is the desperation to find something which persists through space and time, something fixed and immutable and therefore reliable, a place or thing or person or idea or something on which to hang the hat, so to speak, with full confidence that it will be there, in good shape, when returned to.

Classically, that something is called truth, or in formal discussion, The Truth.  Whether it is the anatomy of goats or the spectral character of galaxies, the essential nature of truth is that it persists through space and time.  Details, such as between goats and galaxies, differ and change, but goat-ness and galaxy-ness — and most importantly ness-ness — do not differ or change.  A thing’s essence has aseity, and aseity is one.

A medical doctor of my acquaintance recently attacked me verbally and emotionally.  I felt mugged and physically harmed.  I still do.  The doctor even used obscene language.  I have been a patient for this doctor for some 16 years.  The doctor used to care about me.  The doctor’s attitude changed gradually starting in 2009.  Sometime after that date the doctor expressed to me distaste for practicing medicine in circumstances The Fraud Obama’s minions foisted upon medical doctors generally.   I sympathized while noting that the doctor did not put it down to un-American ideological agendas nursed by The Fraud and his minions.

What happened was simple.  The Fraud’s minions, in order to enjoy being strong on the faceless multitude and overrule USA citizen and national sovereignty, mandated work loads on medical doctors which virtually eliminated the time they could take to explain to patients what was going on with their diagnoses and treatments.  Do what you are told and shut up, patients have come to be told by doctors who have to get on to their next patient and mountains of paper work just to avoid working sixteen hour days plus pay their malpractice insurance, pay their large office staff, and get some R&R.  Under that stress, this doctor of mine exploded at me for asking about my condition and treatment.

The doctor no longer wants to take care of me as a person.  I no longer feel safe in that doctor’s presence.

I realized today that Americans in general today are in a parallel experience with respect to much of their political and corporate leader cadre.  Socialists at first and now Socialists joined with Jihadis seek to be strong on Americans and America for the sheer fun of it, a delicious delight in making others unhappy, and to overrule USA citizen and national sovereignty.  Those personalities promise the moon the way Mephistopheles promises longevity, wealth, youth, whatever: accept the offer up front and pay the price later . . . unspoken: a price you cannot afford to pay, and so, in consequence, you will be forced to endure perpetual debtors prison.

Mephistopheles: You can have free lunch, at least awhile, but then you pay for it to your eternal sorrow.  And if you think you are clever enough to welsh on the bargain, think again, chump.

This doctor of mine, in effect, went over from being a doctor to being a mugger.  Much of Americans’ leader cadre has gone over from caring for Americans and America to abusing them.

In this context I commented today on a post by Glenn Reynolds at Instapundit.  Glenn wrote:

FROM A FRIEND ON FACEBOOK: My biggest takeaway from the candidates in the Dem debates is there doesn’t seem to be any joy in any of them.  They all seem to live in a perpetual state of anger, resentment and envy that absolutely poisons their lives.  Those aren’t attractive qualities in political candidates.  Say what you want about Trump but he rarely looks like he’s not having a good time.  Optimism can be both attractive and contagious.

My comment:

Oh yes!  Moreover and also, a candidate who viscerally and freely wants to take care of Americans and America is both attractive and contagious to Americans.  An adage of leadership: take care of your people and your people will take care of you; do not take care of your people and your people will not take care of you.

How did The Fraud Obama go from being comfortable to being super-rich in the space of a few years?  By taking care of people who could/would pay him to do that and did.

But Donald Trump was already super-rich and lived in lovely surroundings all over the world, places he himself together with teams of talented people who wanted to work with him built.  When such a man offers to take care of them free of charge, and demonstrably means it — and most persons, if only subconsciously, can tell who means what they say and who does not — Americans say, Sure, thank you, and freely accept the offer freely proffered.

The unprecedented, implacable violence — mental, emotional, rhetorical, even physical — of some against Donald Trump and his voters measures how much and how far those some were and remain laboring against the interests of Americans and America.

Not for many years, if ever again, will Americans assume a candidate, especially a candidate for national office, means what they say or tells them everything they need to know.  In fact, Americans now, with sorrow but in necessity, assume a candidate does not care for their interests or the interests of their countrymen or country unless the candidate proves that they do by exposing to thorough scrutiny the frankness and fullness of their thoughts, words, and deeds.

Βασιλεία του Θεού
Kingdom of God

Update 1: Sundance: Trilats and Bilats at G20 Osaka June 2019, video and transcripts

Update 2: Glenn ReynoldsOne used to hear the harshest racial rhetoric from society’s bottom rungs.  Now one hears it from academic and political elites.

I commented:

This has not changed.  The bottom rungs got degrees and were accorded jobs, but their impulses never changed, just their access to megaphones.  The harshest rhetoric still emits from society’s bottom rungs: academic and political elites (soi-disant).


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