On The Line Of Fire

Chaitanya Jyothi Museum Opening, 2000

In nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti.  Amen.



Some direct hits:

David Blackmon: BOOM! The White House Strikes Back. – (PDF)

Michael Anton: Tucker’s Right – (PDF)

Michael Van Der Galien: Bannon: ‘Monday Was the Most Important Day of Trump’s Presidency’

Outcome: Sundance: NO DEAL – China Departs Early as Negotiations End – President Trump Fulfills Campaign Promise and here

Sharyl Attkisson: Apologies to President Trump

Jeff Carlson: Spygate: The Inside Story Behind the Alleged Plot to Take Down Trump

Steve Adelmann: Review: Fairchild Republic A-10 Thunderbolt II

Jamie: Death by PowerPoint: the slide that killed seven people

Michael Anton: The Trump Doctrine

Sharyl Attkisson: William Barr Has Suddenly Become Chatty—and He’s Provided Quite an Information Dump

Sundance: The Obama Use of FISA-702 as a Domestic Political Surveillance Program

Peter Heck: Civilized Man Will Soon Revile Abortion as it Does Slavery

Sebastian Gorja: ObamaGate: No Misdemeanors, Only High Crimes

Sharyl Attkisson: How Media Narratives Became More Important Than Facts

The Rev. David R. Graham: Imperial?  Dictator?  Lawless?

Βασιλεία του Θεού
Kingdom of God

Update 1:

1- Continetti IS the liberal/neocon foreign policy establishment (aka globalist, fear-mongering swindlers) wanting to appease Iran and reinstall D-R UniParty’s sell-out of US sovereignty.  Married to a chief swindler’s daughter, or was not too long ago.  Family matters, pace Maggie T.

2- This analysis excludes two actors: Israel and the gulf state monarchies.

3- POTUS Trump knows the force levels needed for direct battle with Iran.  The technical term is: overwhelming.

4- Russia is reported to have told Iran that they are on their own in a shootout with USA.  This move, whether it happened or not, is completely rational and predictable relative to Russia’s strategic conditions and needs.

5- Were I to guess at realities behind the fog of war puffing forth from USA, Iran, and the other two actors mentioned here by me, it would be that Iran plans to continue attacking gulf state monarchy energy assets (she must restrict supply by others) and USA-Coalition and gulf state monarchies are preparing to open a gap in the Iranian line (Soleimani) for Israeli assets to breeze through to cross the goal line of ayatollah annihilation, overwhelming.

Update 2: Marcia Christoff-Kurapovna: Nationalism As Authentic Multiculturalism


Templar Seal
Templar Seal

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