Let Not A Traitor Live!

Chaitanya Jyothi Museum Opening, 2000

In nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti.  Amen.



Meanwhile, the miscreants go unexamined, uncharged, unrepentant, unaccountable, unassailable, and still on the attack.  And taxpayers pay the bills (to lawyers/politicians/staffers, professors/experts/clergy, and bureaucrats).  This is the practice of law, true, conservative principles, spiritual maturity, and learned wisdom.

It begs, rather, the voice and utterance of the tongue of the Great Prophets:

I hate your laws, your legal system and decorum, your so-called learning, your pretense of sanctimony and principles. Your burnt offerings to these not-God gods — vicious prosecutions, lives deliberately ruined, families intentionally routed, children rammed through with falsehoods, economies gleefully ravaged, cultures earnestly raped, and you cluck-clucking, feeling quite-safe on far side-lines, un-mucked, as your estimable jurists, academics, and clergy chew — foul my nostrils.  Hypocrites!  Your schools, sanctuaries, and courts do violence in saying smooth things.  Your principles are the spawn of Gehenna and yet you preen yourselves as worthies of the first water.

DO justice, do not talk about it.  DO IT.  Prosecute the miserable miscreants.  Investigated enough they have been.  Everyone knows who they are and how they wrongly have acted, and without contrition.  Protect the actual downtrodden among you using your professional assets — putting your self and family to the test . . . and not for scammers — in your case the middle class, absent whose sacred lives you sententious skimmers could not presume, much less afford, the privilege you esteem for players at your orbit.

A most intriguing comment stream followed:

blackdog to David R. Graham

Where that came from I do not know.  That it is topical, I do know.

lydia to blackdog

It’s a continuous theme in scripture but most people miss it because they were taught to read scripture through a determinist lens.

blackdog to lydia

I am going to review.  This is in my wheelhouse.

Dragonfly to blackdog

It’s been topical ever since Adam bit into the wrong fruit.  LOL[.]  Or at least since Nimrod.  It sounds like something that would come from one of the Founding Fathers though.  Thomas Payne maybe?  Or one of history’s great theologians.

blackdog to Dragonfly

It reads like revelations to start.

David R. Graham to blackdog

Shakespeare, Julius Caesar, Act 3, Scene 1 and Scene 2, Isaiah 30:10, Jeremiah 6:20, Micah 6:8, Matthew 23.

blackdog to David R. Graham


Βασιλεία του Θεού
Kingdom of God

Update 1: I’m A Senior Trump Official, And I Hope A Long Shutdown Smokes Out The Resistance

Update 2: Pastor Loses Job For Posting This Sign About Homosexuality

Update 3: The longer this goes, the more solid becomes my assessment that top IC professionals are intellectual nincompoops as well as moral dissolutes. Now it no longer surprises me that 9/11 got through to happen, that IC justified Iraq invasion by Saddam’s WMD rather than by the more pungent fact that he, although not the only one, was behind 90’s and 01’s attack on WTC and also 01’s Anthrax distro, which was the 2 of the WTC/Anthrax textbook mil operation 1-2 punch.

Since POTUS Reagan, and even during POTUS Reagan, USG has attracted a huge and increasing number of credentialed low life, in character and impulses effectively trailer trash.

Time to pull way back in both domestic and overseas involvements and regroup on lines of defense and commo we can actually maintain rather than extruding lines of defense and commo which get whacked because there are not enough normal — intelligent, moral — countrymen available to operate them.

With an indescribably stupid yet bumptious — say rather, dis-eased — credentialed cadre impatiently waiting to sweep away remnants of sanity from the ranks of the national stewardship, shortening front — as mil doctrine would put it — is not only desirable but mandatory.


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