Closing In

Chaitanya Jyothi Museum Opening, 2000

In nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti.  Amen.



Thomas Lifson: Joe di Genova explains where the Russia Hoax is headed

Sundance: President Trump: “It is now just a question of time before the truth comes out, and when it does, it will be a beauty!”

Sundance: The Obama Use of FISA-702 as a Domestic Political Surveillance Program

Sundance: President Obama’s 2016 Political Surveillance Coverup Had Two Parallel Tracks

Everything after March 9th, 2016, through today – is covering for everything that happened before March 9th when contractors were allowed by the FBI and DOJ to have weaponized access to the NSA database for political surveillance and spy operations.

Conrad Black: The Democrats Get a Taste of Their Own Medicine

Glenn Reynolds: March 6, 2017: Hypothesis: The spying-on-Trump thing is worse than we even imagine, and once it was clear Hillary had lost and it would inevitably come out, the Trump/Russia collusion talking point was created as a distraction.  Now it’s being rowed back because the talk of transcripts supports the spying-on-Trump storyline.

Will we ever know?  Maybe, if there’s a proper investigation into Obama Administration political spying.

Meanwhile, the rumors being floated about Trump are being retracted, and once everyone from Comey to Clapper has denied that he was ever under investigation, future leaks will come pre-discredited.

[Glenn hypothesized inaccurately the commence date of The spying-on-Trump thing.  It was at least from when PJT announced to stand for POTUS in 2015, and likely from before that.  The collusion and then obstruction motifs, and the document manufacture — described today by Sundance — meant to support those motifs, were the insurance policy against PJT’s winning the election or conducting a presidency.  The production start-date for those motifs and their supporting documents was NLT March 9, 2016.  The producers were: Blumenthal, Rice, Brennan, Clapper, Comey, and their minions.

I find absence of scrutiny of Sid Vicious Blumenthal’s mind and hands in this scandal remarkable.  It is his kind of town.

Hypothesis: If stewards of the nation’s welfare are so convinced of their superiority as to self-justify manufacturing against a presidential candidate this manner and amount of narrative and supporting documents, all of fictional provenance, the manner and amount of inculpatory evidence they would feel no restraint manufacturing against common citizens must be incalculable.  Dirty operators and cops indeed.

Some of their targets might prefer suicide by the notorious double tap behind the ear.  It is said prisoners preferred to be executed by Fascists than by Communists because the first were mercifully quick about it while the second wanted to get inside their minds and make them suffer for as long as possible.  By this standard we know that our soi-disant betters are not Fascists.

All of this makes D.C. and its spawn around the states appear more as an Augean Stables than a very deep and fetid swamp.

[So] let judgment run down as waters, and righteousness as a mighty stream.  Amos 5: 24.

Lord, help us!

Perhaps there is this consolation and battle opportunity: that spying generally is a sign of lack of self-confidence, a weakness.  And perverting national assets into national disgrace is really a pervert’s notion.]

Βασιλεία του Θεού
Kingdom of God

Update 1: I hate your laws, your legal system and decorum, your so-called learning, your pretense of sanctimony and principles. Your burnt offerings to these not-God gods — vicious prosecutions, lives deliberately ruined, families intentionally routed, children rammed through with falsehoods, economies gleefully ravaged, cultures earnestly raped, and you cluck-clucking, feeling quite-safe on far side-lines, un-mucked, as your estimable jurists, academics, and clergy chew — foul my nostrils.  Hypocrites!  Your schools, sanctuaries, and courts do violence in saying smooth things.  Your principles are the spawn of Gehenna and yet you preen yourselves as worthies of the first water.

DO justice, do not talk about it.  DO IT.  Prosecute the miserable miscreants.  Investigated enough they have been.  Everyone knows who they are and how they wrongly have acted, and without contrition.  Protect the actual downtrodden among you using your professional assets — putting your self and family to the test . . . and not for scammers — in your case the middle class, absent whose sacred lives you sententious skimmers could not presume, much less afford, the privilege you esteem for players at your orbit.

Update 2: For a boorish, crude, unbalanced, indecorous — not to mention unprincipled and degenerate — slob from Queens, he issues a lot of correct comments.

When the men were going to stone the woman caught in adultery, Jesus wrote in the sands the specific sins each of those men had committed which were known only to each of those men . . . they thought.  At this, each faded away wordless.  And the woman was spared.

Update 3: Are The Ayatollahs About To Repeat Lenin’s Historic Blunder?

[Clichéd rhetorical question, a propagandist’s hooking headline.  They already are doing.  But the point about the lethality of being driven by ideology rather than facts is well taken and justly elaborated.]

Update 4: Paul Sperry: Justice Dept. Watchdog Has Evidence Comey Probed Trump, on the Sly


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