Rome Did Not Fall, She Molted

Chaitanya Jyothi Museum Opening, 2000

In nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti.  Amen.



It is generally accepted, I think, that Rome fell because she became internally weak so that outsiders could overwhelm her.  I’ve never been satisfied with that construction.  It lacks sympathy for facts and motivations.  I think a more woke appreciation of events than described now as a fall is that Romans, Milanese, Soissons-ians, Hanovarians, Londoners, Alexandrians, Carthaginians, Barcelonians, and the rest resolved to abandon their imperial institutions of self-defense because those were hag-ridden by degenerates.

They went to creating successor institutions.  They molted, in a manner of speaking.  Learning they put into monasteries, to include the learning of military arts and sciences.  Education and arts they put into families and craft guilds.  Government they put into localized feudal and urban systems and then regionalized super-feudal structures, one in particular dating from 800 AD.  Religion they put into a parallel feudal system which eventually (at Canossa), but not with perpetual efficacy, claimed to embody and so to represent the entire secular-spiritual (scientific-religious) unity the world is.

Rome did not fall.  Romans were forced by the degeneracy of their own leadership to build fresh systems for their own self-protection.  Rome did not expired.  Quite the opposite.  She molted.  Romans decentralized, and that worked for quite a while.  They could protect themselves.  Then their descendants had to decentralize again, and for the same reason: degenerate leadership made self-protection impossible.  Their construction that time was the nation state, the self-protection structure beyond feudal systems.

Now we’re sort of half-in/half-out of the nation state as an effective self-protection system.  Mostly out, I’d say, but not entirely.  And again for the same reason: degenerate leadership making self-protection by ourselves through our own institutions impossible.  So we descendants of Rome — say better, The Latin Church — return to historical pattern to pursue our fundamental motivation, self-protection: we decentralize, yet again.  We reject the globalist/totalist/borderless vision — aka fratricide — preached by our own degenerate leadership and exert to reassert our national sovereignties as natural structures for self-protection.  A national border is a decentralizing mechanism against totalism, a self-protection device just as, at an earlier time, a feudal city was a self-protection device against marauders and a nation state was a self-protection device against feudal / titled aristocrats / oligarchs: princes and bishops.

Today, I think, we are adding an additional decentralizing self-protection structure to guard the sovereign nation state against totalism — i.e., Socialism-Globalism-Jihad — and that is the fair trade and mutual protection alliance between nation states — indivisible security, multivariance — any who wish to make and join their own.  But three in particular are senior exemplars of the form: India, USA, Russia.  We are molting, of necessity, again, for an effective self-protection construction.

Βασιλεία του Θεού
Kingdom of God

Update 1: Egyptian Islamists Fight Back on Screen

Update 2: The longer this goes, the more solid becomes my assessment that top IC professionals are intellectual nincompoops as well as moral dissolutes. Now it no longer surprises me that 9/11 got through to happen, that IC justified Iraq invasion by Saddam’s WMD rather than by the more pungent fact that he, although not the only one, was behind 90’s and 01’s attack on WTC and also 01’s Anthrax distro, which was the 2 of the WTC/Anthrax textbook mil operation 1-2 punch.

Since POTUS Reagan, and even during POTUS Reagan, USG has attracted a huge and increasing number of credentialed low life, in character and impulses effectively trailer trash.

Time to pull way back in both domestic and overseas involvements and regroup on lines of defense and commo we can actually maintain rather than extruding lines of defense and commo which get whacked because there are not enough normal — intelligent, moral — countrymen available to operate them.

With an indescribably stupid yet bumptious — say rather, dis-eased — credentialed cadre impatiently waiting to sweep away remnants of sanity from the ranks of the national stewardship, shortening front — as mil doctrine would put it — is not only desirable but mandatory.


Sophia Loren And Stephen Boyd, Fall Of The Roman Empire
Sophia Loren And Stephen Boyd, Fall Of The Roman Empire

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