Strategics First, Then Tactics

Chaitanya Jyothi Museum Opening, 2000

In nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti.  Amen.



USA General and Flag Officers engage in dereliction of duty, again.

They treat strategic problems as tactical problems in order to avoid responsibility commensurate with their rank and mission.

Avoiding responsibility for strategic counsel they take as a career enhancer or at least guardian, a preventative defense of personal advancement.  This is not why American Citizens, through their representatives, have commissioned them.

The mission of General and Flag Officers is to provide civilian officials in their chain of command with sound strategic appreciation and advice to maintain the nation’s sovereign freedom..

Saying or thinking that decisions regarding strategy, especially grand strategy, are civilian responsibility, not military, is dereliction of duty for General and Flag Officers.

The US Navy is not Chinese Globalism’s first-order problem.  Chinese Globalism’s first-order problem (strategics) is the supply system that floats The US Navy (tactics).

The US Army and The US Air Force are not Moslem Globalism’s first-order problem.  Moslem Globalism’s first-order problem (strategics) is the supply system that fields and flies The US Army and The US Air Force (tactics).

Chinese hypersonic projectiles are not The USA’s first-order problem.  The USA’s first-order problem (strategics) is the supply system that fields Chinese hypersonic projectiles (tactics).

Tactics are a small window on battle space, relatively easy to define and master.  Strategics are a large window on battle space, relatively difficult to define and master.

So when one pursues tactics first and foremost, one is tossed to and fro by an enemy’s nimbleness.  One’s expenditures are in vain and unceasing.  None but the most stupid enemy is going to put key assets inside a tactical window mastered by their enemy.  Instead, they will populate that window with diversions to entice an enemy’s expending strength away from their supply lines, the heart of their operations.

The USA and other sovereign nations are under attack, hot and subversive, from three directions, three vectors of hegemonic intent: Moslem Globalism, Chinese Globalism, Leftist Globalism.

US General and Flag Officers are not advising the strategic opportunities for driving any of these attacks to the surrender table.  Moreover, and par excellence, nor are they advising identity and stewardship of USA grand strategic objective per se.

Talk is of US national security.  General and Flag Officers of all people should know (1) there is no national security, (2) there is national opportunity, and (3) there is national sovereign freedom only if one is prescient, judicious, and skillful enough to maintain it by force of arms or convincing proof thereof.

Moslem Globalism is supplied by mullahs and Koranic scholars.  Chinese Globalism is supplied by drug and commodity traffickers, to include slavers.  Leftist Globalism is supplied by European titled families and their sycophants in The New World.

In this connection, it is noteworthy that following World War I, defeated titled families, including so-called royalty, turned not to republican concepts to advance their interests but to socialist ones.  After supporting both Nazis and Communists, they ended up founding the EU, which is the Holy Roman Empire with inheritable, unaccountable titles but without fancy uniforms and vulgar displays of wealth at balls.  Essentially, they shopped what they considered the political system best suited to keeping their privileges and settled, reasonably enough, on Socialism, which loves titled elites.  This includes the so-called royal family of Great Britain, each of whose modern representatives is Leftist.  Princess Diana, by contrast, was of a titled family — also Winston Churchill’s — that was not committed Leftist.

So US General and Flag Officers should be advising civilian officers in their chain of command on (1) the identity of the three clear and present dangers to USA sovereign freedom and (2) the strategic concepts that, executed, destroy the lines of supply, the communications, of those dangers, rendering them willing to approach for use the table set for them to sign documents of unconditional surrender.

IMO, most in need the world over of signing such documents are the legacy so-called titled families of Europe now calling themselves the EU.  These stiff-necked Globalists — and their American sycophants — more disrupt human rest and destroy human happiness than even Moslem and Chinese Globalists.  Not for nothing was Henry made to stand for three days barefoot in the snow at Canossa.

At Al Asad Airbase in Iraq this Christmas, POTUS Trump publicly chastised generals, as he put it, for not accomplishing even tactical objectives they told him they could and would accomplish in Syria.  As observed above, they could not accomplish them because they had in mind, and had offered POTUS Trump, no strategic objective (the supply lines of Moslem Globalism), no rational purpose harnessing their tactical skills, which are immense but amount to bootless chasing a laser dot, so to speak, when unguided by rational national strategy.

When will we have General and Flag Officers who take their commissions seriously, who, by the seriousness of their rank, execute strategic responsibility for their country’s sovereign freedom and so advise civilian officials in their chain of command?  Sooner than later, one prays, Almighty God!

Βασιλεία του Θεού
Kingdom of God

Update 1: Pat Buchanan: How the War Party Lost the Middle East

Update 2: Don Surber: Trump’s Syria Move In 3-D

Update 3: G. Murphy Donovan: Pulling The Plug

Update 4: 10 maps that explain Russia’s strategy

Update 5: 5 maps that explain China’s strategy

Update 6: GEN (RET) B. B. Bell: Military Generals And Globalism – And Response

Update 7: America’s Monopoly Crisis Hits the Military

Update 8: Contemplating Positions On Chinese Flanks

Update 9: Steve Leonard: You Really Think I’m Irrelevant?  LOL.  A Letter To Clausewitz Haters From Beyond The Grave

Wiki: Mongol military tactics and organization


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