Thanksgiving: Res Ipsa Loquitur

Chaitanya Jyothi Museum Opening, 2000

In nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti.  Amen.



Is truth self-sustaining or not?  Milton thought so, Augustine thought so, Heriot doubts that it is and wishes it were.

Kesler, what does he think?

I think the question is at the center of affairs today, world-wide: is truth self-sustaining or not?  A second question follows close astern: does truth protect those who protect truth?

How many Power Line and Instapundit writers and commenters are certain that truth is self-sustaining and protects those who protect it?  How many conservative blog owners and commenters?  How many attorneys?  How many clergy?  Merchants and industrialists?  Scientists?  Engineers?  Medical Doctors?  Mothers and fathers?  Children?

If you are not certain that truth is self-sustaining and protects those who protect it, you do not accept yourself, or your spouse, or your children, or your profession or career, or your neighbor, or your country.  No?  And if you do accept all those, are you not also certain or at least existentially committed to the premise that truth is self-sustaining and protects those who protect it?

Βασιλεία του Θεού
Kingdom of God

Update 1: Layers upon layers of non-integrated thought vectors.  And keying off a lying yellow sheet yet again, yet.

Underneath is this truth: limited war is perpetual war.  That wisdom has proceeding logic.

You want to fight without getting your hair mussed, reliably repair to your happy hearth and home each night for a sound sleep.

Update 2: Tim Brown: The Treason Trials Begin When You Say They Do, Mr President

Update 3: Babylon Bee: Nation’s Progressives Give Thanks That They Have So Much To Be Angry About This Year


Rita Hayworth
Rita Hayworth

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