Atheist Clergy

Chaitanya Jyothi Museum Opening, 2000

In nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti.  Amen.



A writer named Joe Schaeffer contributes as National Correspondent at Liberty Nation.  Matters religious often catch his eye and command his fingers, as in Progressive Christianity Embraces Atheist Minister.

He writes:

What Vosper calls for here is reaping the good fruits that so long came with authentic Christian belief but minus the hard work that comes with practicing that annoying authentic Christian belief.

I commented:

I appreciate what you are trying to say here but it’s not quite what is happening.  Belief is a result, not a cause, of faith, and faith is a result of grace, which is met in direct experience … or not … and usually as a surprise, a paradox.

One of the responses of faith to grace is education, which is immersing in and soaking up the richness, the grandeur of the experience of the faithful through millennia of practice.  This is work and even hard work, but its arbiter finds it joyful work that feels, therefore, easy, not hard.

This Vosper person, and thousands of clergy and millions of teachers like her, aspire to attention, to be known, revered, celebrated for something remarkable.  In other words, they have ambition, a lethal urging.  A quick way to indulge ambition in current conditions is to subvert or contemn a known rationality with a counter-intuitive.  Commonly today, as in this instance, this is done by replacing fact (theology, empiricism) with vision (ideology, the plan).  Politicians, judges, clergy, teachers, and other commodity marketers — supported as they are with manipulation strategies developed by psychologists and political scientists — have taught that behavior, colloquially known as grandstanding or showboating, to several generations, who are stripped thus of resources for avoiding enslavement, which is the actual goal of ideologues, of the ambitious.

This Vosper business and others like it have nothing to do with Christianity or the Church.  It is showboating socialists dangling lures before victims.  Christianity and the Church are fine, and they are easy work, as promised.  Fun, too.

Βασιλεία του Θεού
Kingdom of God

Update 1: Tim Brown: The Treason Trials Begin When You Say They Do, Mr President


USS Connecticut 03-13-2018
USS Connecticut 03-13-2018

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