Three Things We Enjoy Doing

Chaitanya Jyothi Museum Opening, 2000

In nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti.  Amen.



Normal men and women enjoy doing three things.  They are:

1- Making Love

2- Making War

3- Making pleasing sights and sounds

All forms of human endeavor are executions or sublimations of these natural activities.

Love Making

Normal men and women experience and pursue love in four ways:

1- Love for an inferior (libido)

2- Love for an equal (philios)

3- Love for a superior (eros)

4- Love without objective (agape)

War Making

Normal men and women make war for two reasons:

1- To acquire land, wealth, or women

2- To hold land, wealth, or women

Beauty Making

Normal men and women make pleasing sights and sounds for three reasons:

1- Homemaking

2- Income production

3- Inner necessity

History is an uniquely human phenomenon.  Its active ingredients are power and meaning, which is to say, spirit, the dimension of life men and women, alone among creatures, occupy.

History is man’s struggle to keep warm (find energy) and independent (find freedom) and man’s drive, teleologically, towards aseity in those regards.

Thus, reliable energy and freedom are the goal normal men and normal women pursue in executing and sublimating the three things they enjoy doing: making love, making war, and making pleasing sights and sounds.

Abnormal men and women — denote them, rather, as males and females — have sex, stir up chaos, and self-mutilate.

Βασιλεία του Θεού
Kingdom of God

Update 1: A Smith writes:

Here in the Chicago suburbs, go-along get-along moderate Republican Peter Roskam did the same thing: distanced himself from Trump, and got clobbered by a newcomer progressive crony capitalist named Sean Casten.

I replied:

Yes, and this inclines me to posit regarding the suburban women voted out Republicans meme that it was women and other voters who wanted to vote out RINOs.  Best I can see, Republicans who lost across the country were RINOs, at least most of them.

The opposing armies are forming for battle and weeding out vacillators.  Democratic voters are excising their patriots and Republican voters are excising their RINOs.

In this developing, Cons and Neo-Cons cannot forward a non-risible guidon.



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